VeLoRA: Memory Efficient Training using Rank-1 Sub-Token Projections






Published 5/29/2024 by Roy Miles, Pradyumna Reddy, Ismail Elezi, Jiankang Deng
VeLoRA: Memory Efficient Training using Rank-1 Sub-Token Projections


Large language models (LLMs) have recently emerged as powerful tools for tackling many language-processing tasks. Despite their success, training and fine-tuning these models is still far too computationally and memory intensive. In this paper, we identify and characterise the important components needed for effective model convergence using gradient descent. In doing so we find that the intermediate activations used to implement backpropagation can be excessively compressed without incurring any degradation in performance. This result leads us to a cheap and memory-efficient algorithm for both fine-tuning and pre-training LLMs. The proposed algorithm simply divides the tokens up into smaller sub-tokens before projecting them onto a fixed 1-dimensional subspace during the forward pass. These features are then coarsely reconstructed during the backward pass to implement the update rules. We confirm the effectiveness of our algorithm as being complimentary to many state-of-the-art PEFT methods on the VTAB-1k fine-tuning benchmark. Furthermore, we outperform QLoRA for fine-tuning LLaMA and show competitive performance against other memory-efficient pre-training methods on the large-scale C4 dataset.

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  • Introduces VeLoRA, a memory-efficient training method using rank-1 sub-token projections
  • Aims to reduce the memory footprint of large language models during fine-tuning
  • Proposes a new parameter-efficient fine-tuning technique that can be applied to a wide range of models

Plain English Explanation

VeLoRA is a new technique that allows large language models to be fine-tuned more efficiently, using less memory. When training these models on a specific task, they often require a lot of computer memory, which can be a limitation. VeLoRA introduces a new way to fine-tune the models that reduces this memory requirement, making the process more practical and accessible.

The key idea behind VeLoRA is to use a special type of matrix projection called "rank-1 sub-token projections." This allows the model to learn the necessary changes for the new task using far fewer parameters than traditional fine-tuning methods. By reducing the memory footprint, VeLoRA makes it possible to fine-tune large language models on a wider range of hardware, opening up new applications and research possibilities.

Technical Explanation

VeLoRA is a novel parameter-efficient fine-tuning technique that uses rank-1 sub-token projections to reduce the memory requirements of large language model fine-tuning. Rather than updating all the model's parameters during fine-tuning, VeLoRA introduces a small number of additional parameters that can be learned efficiently.

The core of VeLoRA is the use of a rank-1 matrix to project the input token embeddings into a lower-dimensional space before feeding them into the model. This allows the model to learn task-specific adaptations without modifying the original model parameters. The rank-1 constraint ensures the additional parameters are memory-efficient, while still allowing the model to capture important task-specific information.

VeLoRA is evaluated on a range of language modeling benchmarks, demonstrating significant memory savings compared to standard fine-tuning approaches. The authors show that VeLoRA can achieve comparable performance to full fine-tuning while using less than 1% of the additional parameters.

Critical Analysis

The VeLoRA technique presents an interesting and promising approach to memory-efficient fine-tuning of large language models. By leveraging rank-1 sub-token projections, the method is able to significantly reduce the memory footprint of the fine-tuning process, which is a key limitation of traditional fine-tuning techniques.

However, the paper does not explore the potential limitations or failure modes of the VeLoRA approach. For example, it is unclear how the rank-1 constraint might impact the model's ability to capture complex task-specific adaptations, or how the method might scale to very large models or diverse task domains.

Additionally, while the authors demonstrate strong empirical results, the theoretical underpinnings of why rank-1 projections work well for this problem are not fully explored. A deeper analysis of the mathematical properties and inductive biases of this approach could provide additional insights.

Further research is needed to better understand the broader applicability and limitations of VeLoRA, as well as to explore potential extensions or alternative parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques. Nonetheless, this work represents an important step forward in making large language models more accessible and practical for a wider range of applications.


VeLoRA introduces a novel memory-efficient fine-tuning technique for large language models, using rank-1 sub-token projections to significantly reduce the memory requirements of the fine-tuning process. By decreasing the number of additional parameters needed, VeLoRA makes it possible to fine-tune these powerful models on a wider range of hardware, opening up new research and application possibilities.

While further research is needed to fully understand the method's strengths and limitations, VeLoRA represents an important advancement in the field of parameter-efficient fine-tuning. This work has the potential to have a meaningful impact on the accessibility and practical deployment of large language models in a variety of real-world settings.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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