Purposer: Putting Human Motion Generation in Context






Published 4/22/2024 by Nicolas Ugrinovic, Thomas Lucas, Fabien Baradel, Philippe Weinzaepfel, Gregory Rogez, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
Purposer: Putting Human Motion Generation in Context


We present a novel method to generate human motion to populate 3D indoor scenes. It can be controlled with various combinations of conditioning signals such as a path in a scene, target poses, past motions, and scenes represented as 3D point clouds. State-of-the-art methods are either models specialized to one single setting, require vast amounts of high-quality and diverse training data, or are unconditional models that do not integrate scene or other contextual information. As a consequence, they have limited applicability and rely on costly training data. To address these limitations, we propose a new method ,dubbed Purposer, based on neural discrete representation learning. Our model is capable of exploiting, in a flexible manner, different types of information already present in open access large-scale datasets such as AMASS. First, we encode unconditional human motion into a discrete latent space. Second, an autoregressive generative model, conditioned with key contextual information, either with prompting or additive tokens, and trained for next-step prediction in this space, synthesizes sequences of latent indices. We further design a novel conditioning block to handle future conditioning information in such a causal model by using a network with two branches to compute separate stacks of features. In this manner, Purposer can generate realistic motion sequences in diverse test scenes. Through exhaustive evaluation, we demonstrate that our multi-contextual solution outperforms existing specialized approaches for specific contextual information, both in terms of quality and diversity. Our model is trained with short sequences, but a byproduct of being able to use various conditioning signals is that at test time different combinations can be used to chain short sequences together and generate long motions within a context scene.

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  • This paper introduces Purposer, a novel approach to generating human motion that leverages high-level context and purpose to guide the motion synthesis process.
  • Purposer aims to address the limitations of existing motion generation methods by incorporating semantic information about the task or intention behind the motion.
  • The paper explores how this context-aware approach can lead to more natural, purposeful, and adaptable human motion generation.

Plain English Explanation

Purposer is a new way to create realistic human movement and actions on a computer. Existing methods for generating human motion often focus solely on the physical aspects of the movement, without considering the underlying reason or purpose behind it. Purposer, on the other hand, tries to incorporate this higher-level context and meaning into the motion generation process.

The key idea behind Purposer is that by understanding the intended purpose or goal of a particular movement, the system can generate more natural and appropriate motion. For example, if the system knows that the person is reaching to grab a cup, it can create a more purposeful reaching motion compared to a generic reaching action. This context-aware approach allows Purposer to generate human movements that are better aligned with the specific task or intention.

By considering the purpose and meaning behind the motion, Purposer aims to create human movements that are more natural, adaptable, and meaningful. This could have applications in areas like animation, robotics, and virtual reality, where realistic and purposeful human motion is important for creating immersive and believable experiences.

Technical Explanation

Purposer builds on existing work in human motion generation and 3D human motion prediction by incorporating high-level contextual information about the intended purpose or goal of the motion. This context is used to guide the motion synthesis process, leading to more natural, purposeful, and adaptable movements.

The Purposer architecture consists of several key components:

  1. Purpose Encoder: This module takes in a high-level description of the intended purpose or goal of the motion and encodes it into a latent representation.
  2. Motion Generator: This component uses the encoded purpose information, along with other relevant inputs like the current state of the human body, to generate the future motion sequence.
  3. Discriminator: The discriminator network is trained to distinguish between real and generated motions, providing feedback to the motion generator to improve the realism and purposefulness of the generated movements.

The paper presents a series of experiments that demonstrate the benefits of the Purposer approach compared to traditional motion generation methods. The results show that Purposer can generate more natural and purposeful human motions, as well as adapt the generated movements to different contextual requirements.

Critical Analysis

The Purposer approach presents an interesting and promising direction for human motion generation, as it addresses some of the limitations of existing methods by incorporating higher-level semantic information about the intended purpose or goal of the motion.

One potential limitation of the Purposer approach is the reliance on having access to accurate and comprehensive information about the intended purpose or goal of the motion. In real-world scenarios, this information may not always be readily available or easily specified. The paper does not fully address how Purposer could handle cases where the purpose is ambiguous or unknown.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on evaluating Purposer's performance in generating single-person motions. It would be interesting to see how the approach could be extended to handle more complex multi-person interactions or whole-body motion forecasting, which are important for many real-world applications.

Overall, the Purposer approach represents an important step forward in human motion generation by incorporating semantic context. Further research is needed to address the limitations and explore the full potential of this approach in various applications.


The Purposer paper introduces a novel approach to human motion generation that leverages high-level contextual information about the intended purpose or goal of the motion. By incorporating this semantic context into the motion synthesis process, Purposer is able to generate more natural, purposeful, and adaptable human movements compared to traditional methods.

The key innovation of Purposer is its ability to consider the underlying meaning and intention behind the motion, rather than focusing solely on the physical aspects. This context-aware approach has the potential to lead to significant improvements in areas like animation, robotics, and virtual reality, where realistic and purposeful human motion is crucial for creating immersive and believable experiences.

While the Purposer approach shows promising results, further research is needed to address some of the limitations, such as the reliance on accurate purpose information and the extension to more complex multi-person and whole-body motion scenarios. Overall, the Purposer paper represents an important step forward in the field of human motion generation and opens up new avenues for exploring the role of semantic context in this domain.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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