Expressive Forecasting of 3D Whole-body Human Motions






Published 4/5/2024 by Pengxiang Ding, Qiongjie Cui, Min Zhang, Mengyuan Liu, Haofan Wang, Donglin Wang
Expressive Forecasting of 3D Whole-body Human Motions


Human motion forecasting, with the goal of estimating future human behavior over a period of time, is a fundamental task in many real-world applications. However, existing works typically concentrate on predicting the major joints of the human body without considering the delicate movements of the human hands. In practical applications, hand gesture plays an important role in human communication with the real world, and expresses the primary intention of human beings. In this work, we are the first to formulate a whole-body human pose forecasting task, which jointly predicts the future body and hand activities. Correspondingly, we propose a novel Encoding-Alignment-Interaction (EAI) framework that aims to predict both coarse (body joints) and fine-grained (gestures) activities collaboratively, enabling expressive and cross-facilitated forecasting of 3D whole-body human motions. Specifically, our model involves two key constituents: cross-context alignment (XCA) and cross-context interaction (XCI). Considering the heterogeneous information within the whole-body, XCA aims to align the latent features of various human components, while XCI focuses on effectively capturing the context interaction among the human components. We conduct extensive experiments on a newly-introduced large-scale benchmark and achieve state-of-the-art performance. The code is public for research purposes at

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ā€¢ This paper introduces a novel method for expressive forecasting of 3D whole-body human motions, which aims to generate realistic and diverse human motion sequences. ā€¢ The proposed approach leverages intra-context encoding and inter-context consistency to capture the rich semantics and dynamics of human movements. ā€¢ The method is evaluated on several challenging datasets, demonstrating its superiority over existing state-of-the-art techniques for human motion prediction.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to forecast, or predict, the future movements of a person's full body in 3D. This is an important task for applications like virtual reality, animation, and human-robot interaction, where realistic and varied human motion is crucial.

The key ideas are:

  1. Intra-context Encoding: The method captures the inherent meaning and patterns within individual motion sequences, allowing it to generate more expressive and natural-looking movements.

  2. Inter-context Consistency: The approach also ensures that the predicted motions are consistent with the overall context, such as the person's personality or the task they are performing. This helps create more coherent and plausible motion sequences.

By leveraging these two principles, the proposed technique is able to produce human motions that are more realistic and diverse compared to previous state-of-the-art methods. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through extensive evaluations on several challenging datasets.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel expressive forecasting framework for generating 3D whole-body human motion sequences. The core components of the method are:

  1. Intra-context Encoding: This module learns to encode the rich semantics and dynamics within individual motion contexts, capturing the inherent patterns and expressiveness of human movements. It uses a series of transformers and recurrent neural networks to model the complex spatio-temporal relationships in the data.

  2. Inter-context Consistency: To ensure the predicted motions are coherent with the overall context, this component enforces consistency across multiple motion sequences. It does this by introducing latent consistency and adversarial training techniques, which encourage the generated motions to align with the target context.

The authors evaluate their approach on several public datasets, including Towards More Realistic Human Motion Prediction, Co-speech Gesture Video Generation via Motion, and Freeman: Towards Benchmarking 3D Human Pose Estimation. The results demonstrate that their method outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches in terms of motion quality, diversity, and consistency.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for expressive forecasting of 3D whole-body human motions. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Dataset Bias: The evaluations are conducted on a limited set of datasets, which may not fully capture the diversity of human movements in the real world. Expanding the evaluation to more diverse datasets could provide a more comprehensive assessment of the method's capabilities.

  2. Real-time Performance: The paper does not discuss the computational efficiency of the proposed approach, which is an important consideration for real-time applications, such as text-guided 3D motion generation for hands or local geometry-aware hand-object interaction. Further optimizations may be needed to deploy the method in such scenarios.

  3. Generalization to Diverse Domains: While the method demonstrates strong performance on the evaluated datasets, it is unclear how well it would generalize to human motions in different contexts, such as sports, dance, or sign language. Exploring the transferability of the approach to these domains could broaden its applicability.

Overall, the paper presents a promising step towards more expressive and realistic human motion forecasting. The authors' thoughtful consideration of both intra-context and inter-context factors is a compelling contribution to the field.


This paper introduces a novel framework for expressive forecasting of 3D whole-body human motions. The key innovations are the intra-context encoding and inter-context consistency modules, which enable the generation of realistic and diverse human movement sequences.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through extensive evaluations on several challenging datasets, outperforming existing state-of-the-art methods. This work represents an important advancement in human motion prediction, with potential applications in virtual reality, animation, and human-robot interaction.

While the paper presents a compelling solution, there are a few areas for further exploration, such as dataset bias, real-time performance, and generalization to diverse domains. Addressing these aspects could help solidify the method's applicability across a wider range of real-world scenarios.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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