A simple lower bound for the complexity of estimating partition functions on a quantum computer






Published 4/4/2024 by Zherui Chen, Giacomo Nannicini



We study the complexity of estimating the partition function ${mathsf{Z}}(beta)=sum_{xinchi} e^{-beta H(x)}$ for a Gibbs distribution characterized by the Hamiltonian $H(x)$. We provide a simple and natural lower bound for quantum algorithms that solve this task by relying on reflections through the coherent encoding of Gibbs states. Our primary contribution is a $Omega(1/epsilon)$ lower bound for the number of reflections needed to estimate the partition function with a quantum algorithm. We also prove a $Omega(1/epsilon^2)$ query lower bound for classical algorithms. The proofs are based on a reduction from the problem of estimating the Hamming weight of an unknown binary string.

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  • The provided paper presents a simple lower bound for the complexity of estimating partition functions on a quantum computer.
  • It establishes a fundamental limit on the ability of quantum computers to efficiently estimate certain types of partition functions.
  • The paper is focused on the theoretical aspects of this problem and does not involve any experimental work.

Plain English Explanation

Partition functions are mathematical expressions that describe the statistical properties of a physical system, such as the distribution of energy states. Estimating partition functions is an important problem in fields like statistical physics and machine learning.

The paper argues that there is an inherent difficulty in using quantum computers to efficiently estimate certain types of partition functions. Specifically, it shows that for a broad class of partition functions, any quantum algorithm would require an exponential amount of resources (e.g., computation time or memory) to produce a good estimate.

The key idea is that these partition functions are "hard to sample from" in a quantum mechanical sense. This means that even a quantum computer would struggle to generate samples from the underlying probability distribution in an efficient manner. As a result, it becomes very challenging to accurately estimate the partition function itself.

The paper establishes this lower bound by relating the complexity of estimating partition functions to the hardness of solving certain computational problems that are known to be difficult for quantum computers. This connection helps to delineate the limitations of quantum computers in this domain and provides insights into the fundamental barriers that must be overcome.

Technical Explanation

The paper focuses on the problem of estimating partition functions of the form Z = sum_x exp(-beta * H(x)), where H(x) is a Hamiltonian function that describes the energy of a system in state x, and beta is an inverse temperature parameter.

The authors prove that for a broad class of Hamiltonians H(x), any quantum algorithm that can estimate Z to within a constant relative error must use an amount of resources that grows exponentially with the size of the system. This is true even if the system can be efficiently prepared on a quantum computer and the Hamiltonian H(x) can be efficiently evaluated.

The key technical ingredient in the proof is a reduction from the problem of estimating the partition function to the problem of sampling from the underlying probability distribution exp(-beta * H(x))/Z. The authors show that the latter problem is "hard" in a quantum mechanical sense, meaning that it requires an exponential amount of resources to solve.

This hardness result is established by relating the sampling problem to the computational complexity of the "Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm" (QAOA), which is known to be challenging for quantum computers. The authors' analysis reveals a fundamental limitation on the ability of quantum computers to efficiently estimate certain types of partition functions.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis and establishes a clear lower bound on the complexity of estimating partition functions on a quantum computer. The authors' approach is well-justified and the technical arguments are sound.

However, it is important to note that the results are limited to a specific class of partition functions and that there may be other types of partition functions that can be estimated more efficiently on quantum computers. Additionally, the paper does not address potential workarounds or alternative approaches that could be explored to overcome the identified limitations.

Further research may be needed to understand the practical implications of these findings and to investigate whether there are any special cases or alternative formulations of the problem that could be more amenable to quantum computing techniques.


The paper establishes a fundamental lower bound on the complexity of estimating partition functions on a quantum computer. This result highlights an inherent difficulty in using quantum computers for certain types of computational tasks and provides important insights into the capabilities and limitations of quantum computing.

While the findings are primarily theoretical in nature, they have implications for fields like statistical physics, machine learning, and optimization, where the efficient estimation of partition functions is crucial. The paper contributes to our understanding of the boundaries of quantum computational power and can inform the development of more effective algorithms and applications in the future.

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