Quantum Speedups in Regret Analysis of Infinite Horizon Average-Reward Markov Decision Processes






Published 4/30/2024 by Bhargav Ganguly, Yang Xu, Vaneet Aggarwal



This paper investigates the potential of quantum acceleration in addressing infinite horizon Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) to enhance average reward outcomes. We introduce an innovative quantum framework for the agent's engagement with an unknown MDP, extending the conventional interaction paradigm. Our approach involves the design of an optimism-driven tabular Reinforcement Learning algorithm that harnesses quantum signals acquired by the agent through efficient quantum mean estimation techniques. Through thorough theoretical analysis, we demonstrate that the quantum advantage in mean estimation leads to exponential advancements in regret guarantees for infinite horizon Reinforcement Learning. Specifically, the proposed Quantum algorithm achieves a regret bound of $tilde{mathcal{O}}(1)$, a significant improvement over the $tilde{mathcal{O}}(sqrt{T})$ bound exhibited by classical counterparts.

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  • This paper investigates using quantum computing to improve reinforcement learning (RL) for Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) with infinite horizons.
  • The authors propose a new quantum-based RL framework that leverages quantum mean estimation techniques to achieve exponential improvements in regret bounds compared to classical RL methods.
  • The key idea is to have the RL agent interact with the unknown MDP in a novel way using quantum signals, which enables more efficient learning.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at using quantum computing to enhance reinforcement learning (RL) for a type of problem called Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) with infinite time horizons. In these problems, an agent needs to make a sequence of decisions to maximize its long-term reward, but the full details of the environment are unknown.

The researchers introduce a new quantum-based approach to RL for these infinite-horizon MDPs. The core insight is that by having the RL agent interact with the environment in a special quantum way, it can gather information more efficiently. This allows the agent to learn an optimal policy [link: https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/variance-reduced-policy-gradient-approaches-infinite-horizon] faster than classical RL methods [link: https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/sample-efficient-learning-infinite-horizon-average-reward].

Specifically, the quantum framework enables the agent to estimate key statistical properties of the MDP, like average rewards, more accurately. This "quantum advantage" in estimation then translates to exponential improvements in the regret - the difference between the agent's cumulative reward and the optimal reward [link: https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/convergence-to-nash-equilibrium-no-regret-guarantee].

The end result is that the proposed quantum RL algorithm can achieve a regret bound that is constant over time, in contrast to the square root of time scaling seen in classical RL [link: https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/effective-horizon-explains-deep-rl-performance-stochastic] [link: https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/settling-constant-regrets-linear-markov-decision-processes]. This is a significant theoretical improvement that could lead to more sample-efficient and reliable RL systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel quantum framework for reinforcement learning in infinite-horizon Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). The key innovation is the design of a tabular RL algorithm that leverages quantum signals acquired by the agent to enable more efficient learning.

Specifically, the algorithm harnesses quantum mean estimation techniques to acquire accurate estimates of crucial MDP parameters like average rewards. This "quantum advantage" in estimation then translates to exponential improvements in the regret bounds achieved by the RL agent.

The theoretical analysis shows that the proposed quantum RL algorithm can attain a regret bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(1)$, which is a significant improvement over the $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ regret bounds of classical RL methods. This constant regret scaling means the agent's cumulative reward converges to the optimal value at an exponential rate as the interaction time $T$ increases.

The key technical contributions include:

  • Designing a novel quantum interaction framework that extends the traditional RL paradigm
  • Developing an optimism-driven tabular RL algorithm that leverages quantum mean estimation
  • Providing a thorough theoretical analysis to establish the exponential regret improvements

Overall, the paper demonstrates the potential of quantum computing to accelerate reinforcement learning for infinite-horizon MDPs, paving the way for more sample-efficient and reliable RL systems.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling theoretical framework for using quantum computing to enhance reinforcement learning in infinite-horizon Markov Decision Processes. The key strength is the rigorous mathematical analysis that establishes exponential improvements in regret bounds compared to classical RL methods.

However, the authors acknowledge that the proposed quantum RL algorithm relies on several strong assumptions, such as the availability of an efficient quantum mean estimation oracle. Realizing this quantum advantage in practice will likely require significant advances in quantum hardware and software, which remain significant practical challenges.

Additionally, the paper focuses solely on the tabular setting, where the state and action spaces are finite. Extending the quantum RL framework to large-scale, continuous state-action spaces typical of modern RL applications is an important open problem that is not addressed.

Another potential limitation is the lack of empirical validation. While the theoretical results are promising, demonstrating the practical benefits of quantum RL on real-world problems would strengthen the impact of this work.

Overall, this paper makes an important theoretical contribution by showcasing the potential of quantum computing to accelerate reinforcement learning. However, substantial further research is needed to translate these insights into practical quantum RL systems that can be deployed in real-world settings.


This paper proposes an innovative quantum framework for reinforcement learning in infinite-horizon Markov Decision Processes. By having the RL agent interact with the environment in a novel quantum way, the authors demonstrate that it is possible to achieve exponential improvements in regret bounds compared to classical RL methods.

The key innovation is the use of quantum mean estimation techniques to obtain more accurate estimates of crucial MDP parameters, which then translates to faster learning and convergence to optimal policies. This theoretical result highlights the potential of quantum computing to enhance the sample efficiency and reliability of reinforcement learning systems.

While significant practical challenges remain in realizing this quantum advantage, this work represents an important step forward in exploring the intersection of quantum computing and reinforcement learning. As the field of quantum technologies continues to advance, the insights from this paper may pave the way for a new generation of more effective and capable RL agents.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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