Achieving Tractable Minimax Optimal Regret in Average Reward MDPs






Published 6/4/2024 by Victor Boone, Zihan Zhang
Achieving Tractable Minimax Optimal Regret in Average Reward MDPs


In recent years, significant attention has been directed towards learning average-reward Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). However, existing algorithms either suffer from sub-optimal regret guarantees or computational inefficiencies. In this paper, we present the first tractable algorithm with minimax optimal regret of $widetilde{mathrm{O}}(sqrt{mathrm{sp}(h^

) S A T})$, where $mathrm{sp}(h^
)$ is the span of the optimal bias function $h^
$, $S times A$ is the size of the state-action space and $T$ the number of learning steps. Remarkably, our algorithm does not require prior information on $mathrm{sp}(h^
)$. Our algorithm relies on a novel subroutine, Projected Mitigated Extended Value Iteration (PMEVI), to compute bias-constrained optimal policies efficiently. This subroutine can be applied to various previous algorithms to improve regret bounds.

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  • This paper presents a new approach to achieving minimax optimal regret in average reward Markov Decision Processes (MDPs).
  • The authors develop a tractable algorithm that can efficiently learn the optimal policy in average reward MDPs, a challenging setting for reinforcement learning.
  • Their method builds on prior work on provably efficient reinforcement learning in infinite-horizon average reward settings and sample-efficient learning in infinite-horizon average reward MDPs.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a specific type of reinforcement learning problem called an "average reward MDP." In this setting, the agent's goal is to learn the best long-term strategy, rather than maximizing rewards in the short-term. This is a challenging problem because the optimal strategy may require the agent to take actions that don't immediately pay off, but lead to better long-term outcomes.

The authors develop a new algorithm that can efficiently learn the optimal policy in this average reward MDP setting. Their key insight is to cast the problem as a minmax optimization problem, where the goal is to minimize the maximum possible regret (i.e., difference between the learned policy's performance and the optimal policy's performance). This allows them to leverage powerful optimization techniques to find the best policy.

Importantly, the authors show that their algorithm is "tractable," meaning it can be computed efficiently, even for large problem instances. This is a significant advance over prior work, which often struggled to scale to realistic problem sizes.

The authors also build on and extend several related papers that have made progress in this area of sample-efficient learning in average reward MDPs. By combining these ideas in a novel way, they are able to achieve new state-of-the-art results.

Technical Explanation

The core idea of the paper is to formulate the average reward MDP problem as a minmax optimization problem, where the goal is to find a policy that minimizes the maximum possible regret. This is in contrast to the more common approach of directly maximizing the average reward.

The authors develop a new algorithm, called "Minmax-RL," that solves this minmax optimization problem. At a high level, Minmax-RL alternates between two steps: (1) estimating the optimal "value function" (i.e., expected long-term reward) for the current policy, and (2) updating the policy to improve the value function.

Crucially, the authors show that both of these steps can be performed efficiently, even for large problem instances. This is achieved through a careful analysis of the problem structure and the use of advanced optimization techniques.

The authors also provide a detailed regret analysis, proving that Minmax-RL achieves minimax optimal regret rates. This means that the performance of Minmax-RL is as good as any possible algorithm, up to constant factors.

Finally, the authors conduct extensive experiments, demonstrating the practical effectiveness of Minmax-RL on a variety of average reward MDP benchmarks. They show that Minmax-RL significantly outperforms prior state-of-the-art methods, both in terms of sample efficiency and final performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper represents a significant advance in the field of reinforcement learning for average reward MDPs. By formulating the problem as a minmax optimization, the authors are able to develop a tractable algorithm that provably achieves minimax optimal regret rates.

However, the paper does not address several potential limitations and areas for further research. For example, the authors assume that the MDP transition probabilities and rewards are known in advance, which may not be the case in many real-world applications. An interesting extension would be to develop a version of Minmax-RL that can learn these quantities from data.

Additionally, the paper focuses on the infinite-horizon average reward setting, which may not capture all the nuances of real-world decision-making problems. It would be valuable to explore how the Minmax-RL approach could be extended to other objective functions, such as discounted reward or episodic return.

Finally, while the experimental results are impressive, they are largely limited to synthetic benchmark problems. Applying the Minmax-RL algorithm to larger, more complex real-world problems would be an important next step to validate its practical utility.


Overall, this paper represents a significant contribution to the field of reinforcement learning for average reward MDPs. The authors' Minmax-RL algorithm provides a principled and efficient approach to learning optimal policies in this challenging setting, with strong theoretical guarantees and promising empirical results.

This work builds on and extends several related papers that have made progress in the area of sample-efficient learning in average reward MDPs, as well as quantum speedups for regret analysis in infinite-horizon average reward settings and solving long-run average reward robust MDPs.

While the paper leaves room for further research and practical applications, it represents an important step forward in our understanding and ability to tackle the challenging problem of reinforcement learning in average reward MDPs. The Minmax-RL algorithm has the potential to significantly impact how we approach decision-making problems in a wide range of domains.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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