Quest: Query-centric Data Synthesis Approach for Long-context Scaling of Large Language Model






Published 6/21/2024 by Chaochen Gao, Xing Wu, Qi Fu, Songlin Hu



Large language models, initially pre-trained with a limited context length, can better handle longer texts by continuing training on a corpus with extended contexts. However, obtaining effective long-context data is challenging due to the scarcity and uneven distribution of long documents across different domains. To address this issue, we propose a Query-centric data synthesis method, abbreviated as Quest. Quest is an interpretable method based on the observation that documents retrieved by similar queries are relevant but low-redundant, thus well-suited for synthesizing long-context data. The method is also scalable and capable of constructing large amounts of long-context data. Using Quest, we synthesize a long-context dataset up to 128k context length, significantly outperforming other data synthesis methods on multiple long-context benchmark datasets. In addition, we further verify that the Quest method is predictable through scaling law experiments, making it a reliable solution for advancing long-context models.

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