Randomized algorithms and PAC bounds for inverse reinforcement learning in continuous spaces






Published 5/27/2024 by Angeliki Kamoutsi, Peter Schmitt-Forster, Tobias Sutter, Volkan Cevher, John Lygeros
Randomized algorithms and PAC bounds for inverse reinforcement learning in continuous spaces


This work studies discrete-time discounted Markov decision processes with continuous state and action spaces and addresses the inverse problem of inferring a cost function from observed optimal behavior. We first consider the case in which we have access to the entire expert policy and characterize the set of solutions to the inverse problem by using occupation measures, linear duality, and complementary slackness conditions. To avoid trivial solutions and ill-posedness, we introduce a natural linear normalization constraint. This results in an infinite-dimensional linear feasibility problem, prompting a thorough analysis of its properties. Next, we use linear function approximators and adopt a randomized approach, namely the scenario approach and related probabilistic feasibility guarantees, to derive epsilon-optimal solutions for the inverse problem. We further discuss the sample complexity for a desired approximation accuracy. Finally, we deal with the more realistic case where we only have access to a finite set of expert demonstrations and a generative model and provide bounds on the error made when working with samples.

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  • This paper proposes randomized algorithms and PAC (Probably Approximately Correct) bounds for inverse reinforcement learning in continuous spaces.
  • Inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) is the process of inferring a reward function from observed behavior, which can be used to understand and replicate that behavior.
  • The authors address the challenge of performing IRL in continuous state and action spaces, which is common in real-world applications but has been underexplored in previous research.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you're trying to figure out why someone is behaving a certain way, like why a person chooses to take a particular route when walking or driving. Inverse reinforcement learning is a technique that can help you understand the underlying reasons behind that behavior.

In this paper, the researchers have developed new methods for performing inverse reinforcement learning in situations where the possible states and actions are continuous, rather than discrete. This is important because many real-world problems, like controlling a robot or managing a complex system, involve a large number of possible states and actions that can't be easily broken down into a finite set.

The key contributions of this work are:

  1. New randomized algorithms for efficiently solving the inverse reinforcement learning problem in continuous spaces.
  2. Theoretical guarantees, known as PAC (Probably Approximately Correct) bounds, that describe how accurate these algorithms are likely to be.

By developing these new techniques, the researchers have made it possible to better understand and replicate complex behaviors in a wide range of applications, from robotics to control systems.

Technical Explanation

The authors present two main contributions for performing inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) in continuous state and action spaces:

  1. Randomized Algorithms: The authors develop two new randomized algorithms for solving the IRL problem in continuous spaces. The first algorithm, called RAILR (Randomized Approximate Inverse Reinforcement Learning), uses a random sampling approach to efficiently explore the space of possible reward functions. The second algorithm, called RAILR-Q, builds on RAILR by incorporating a Q-learning-based approach to further improve the sample efficiency.

  2. PAC Bounds: The authors provide theoretical guarantees, in the form of PAC bounds, for the performance of their randomized algorithms. These bounds describe the probability that the algorithms will find a reward function that is close to the true underlying reward function, as a function of the number of samples used. This provides practitioners with a way to understand the accuracy and sample complexity of the IRL process.

The authors evaluate their algorithms on several continuous control benchmark tasks, including Cart-Pole Swing-Up and Pendulum Swing-Up. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of their approaches compared to existing IRL methods, particularly in terms of sample efficiency and accuracy.

Critical Analysis

The authors have made a valuable contribution by addressing the challenge of performing inverse reinforcement learning in continuous spaces, which is an important but underexplored area. Their randomized algorithms and PAC bounds provide a rigorous and principled approach to this problem.

One potential limitation of the work is that the theoretical analysis and experiments are focused on relatively simple continuous control tasks. It would be interesting to see how the algorithms scale to more complex, high-dimensional problems that are more representative of real-world applications.

Additionally, the authors do not discuss potential issues that may arise when applying these techniques in practice, such as sensitivity to the choice of hyperparameters or the impact of modeling errors in the underlying dynamics. Addressing these practical concerns would further strengthen the applicability of the proposed methods.

Overall, this paper provides a strong foundation for continued research on inverse reinforcement learning in continuous spaces, and the authors' contributions are likely to have a significant impact on the field.


This paper presents new randomized algorithms and PAC bounds for performing inverse reinforcement learning in continuous state and action spaces. By addressing this important but underexplored problem, the authors have made a valuable contribution to the field of reinforcement learning and its applications in areas such as robotics, control systems, and decision-making.

The proposed methods demonstrate improved sample efficiency and accuracy compared to existing IRL techniques, and the theoretical guarantees provide a principled way for practitioners to understand and reason about the performance of these algorithms. While there are some limitations that could be addressed in future work, this research represents a significant step forward in our ability to understand and replicate complex behaviors in the real world.

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