Projection by Convolution: Optimal Sample Complexity for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous-Space MDPs






Published 5/13/2024 by Davide Maran, Alberto Maria Metelli, Matteo Papini, Marcello Restelli



We consider the problem of learning an $varepsilon$-optimal policy in a general class of continuous-space Markov decision processes (MDPs) having smooth Bellman operators. Given access to a generative model, we achieve rate-optimal sample complexity by performing a simple, emph{perturbed} version of least-squares value iteration with orthogonal trigonometric polynomials as features. Key to our solution is a novel projection technique based on ideas from harmonic analysis. Our~$widetilde{mathcal{O}}(epsilon^{-2-d/(nu+1)})$ sample complexity, where $d$ is the dimension of the state-action space and $nu$ the order of smoothness, recovers the state-of-the-art result of discretization approaches for the special case of Lipschitz MDPs $(nu=0)$. At the same time, for $nutoinfty$, it recovers and greatly generalizes the $mathcal{O}(epsilon^{-2})$ rate of low-rank MDPs, which are more amenable to regression approaches. In this sense, our result bridges the gap between two popular but conflicting perspectives on continuous-space MDPs.

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  • This paper addresses the problem of learning an ε-optimal policy in continuous-space Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) with smooth Bellman operators.
  • The authors propose a simple, "perturbed" version of least-squares value iteration using orthogonal trigonometric polynomials as features.
  • Their approach achieves rate-optimal sample complexity, bridging the gap between two popular but conflicting perspectives on continuous-space MDPs.

Plain English Explanation

The paper explores a way to find a near-optimal policy for a type of decision-making problem called a Markov Decision Process (MDP) that takes place in a continuous environment, rather than a discrete one.

In a continuous-space MDP, the possible states and actions can take on any value within a range, rather than being limited to a fixed set of options. This makes the problem more complex to solve, as there are infinitely many possibilities to consider.

The authors present a new algorithm that uses a perturbed version of least-squares value iteration combined with orthogonal trigonometric polynomials as features. This approach allows them to efficiently learn an ε-optimal policy - a policy that performs nearly as well as the best possible policy - using a minimal number of samples from the MDP.

Importantly, their algorithm bridges the gap between two previous perspectives on continuous-space MDPs. It recovers the state-of-the-art performance for a special case of Lipschitz MDPs, while also generalizing and greatly improving on the performance for a more general class of low-rank MDPs.

Technical Explanation

The authors consider the problem of learning an ε-optimal policy in a general class of continuous-space Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) with smooth Bellman operators. They propose a simple, perturbed version of least-squares value iteration using orthogonal trigonometric polynomials as features.

The key innovation is a novel projection technique based on ideas from harmonic analysis. This allows them to achieve rate-optimal sample complexity of $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(\epsilon^{-2-d/(ν+1)})$, where $d$ is the dimension of the state-action space and $ν$ is the order of smoothness.

For the special case of Lipschitz MDPs ($ν=0$), this recovers the state-of-the-art result of discretization approaches. Meanwhile, for $ν\to\infty$, it recovers and greatly generalizes the $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2})$ rate of low-rank MDPs, which are more amenable to regression approaches.

In this sense, the authors' result bridges the gap between two popular but conflicting perspectives on continuous-space MDPs.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a strong theoretical analysis and achieves a impressive result in terms of sample complexity. However, the authors acknowledge several caveats and limitations:

  1. Their algorithm relies on access to a generative model of the MDP, which may not always be available in practice.
  2. The smoothness assumption (i.e., the Bellman operator has bounded derivatives) may not hold for all real-world MDPs.
  3. The computational complexity of their approach, while polynomial in the relevant parameters, may still be prohibitive for high-dimensional problems.

Additionally, one could question whether the theoretical guarantees provided by the authors are sufficient for practical deployment. Real-world applications may require stronger performance assurances or the ability to handle additional challenging aspects of MDPs, such as partial observability or non-stationarity.

Further research could explore extensions of this work to address these limitations, as well as empirical evaluations on more diverse benchmark problems to better understand the algorithm's strengths and weaknesses.


This paper presents a novel approach for learning an ε-optimal policy in continuous-space MDPs with smooth Bellman operators. By leveraging a perturbed version of least-squares value iteration and a novel projection technique, the authors achieve rate-optimal sample complexity, bridging the gap between two previous perspectives on continuous-space MDPs.

While the theoretical guarantees are impressive, the authors acknowledge several practical limitations that warrant further investigation. Nonetheless, this work represents an important step forward in the field of reinforcement learning for continuous-space environments, with potential applications in robotic control, autonomous navigation, and other domains involving sequential decision-making under uncertainty.

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