Recasting Continual Learning as Sequence Modeling






Published 5/31/2024 by Soochan Lee, Jaehyeon Son, Gunhee Kim


In this work, we aim to establish a strong connection between two significant bodies of machine learning research: continual learning and sequence modeling. That is, we propose to formulate continual learning as a sequence modeling problem, allowing advanced sequence models to be utilized for continual learning. Under this formulation, the continual learning process becomes the forward pass of a sequence model. By adopting the meta-continual learning (MCL) framework, we can train the sequence model at the meta-level, on multiple continual learning episodes. As a specific example of our new formulation, we demonstrate the application of Transformers and their efficient variants as MCL methods. Our experiments on seven benchmarks, covering both classification and regression, show that sequence models can be an attractive solution for general MCL.

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  • This research aims to connect two important areas of machine learning: continual learning and sequence modeling.
  • The key idea is to formulate continual learning as a sequence modeling problem, which allows advanced sequence models like Transformers to be used for continual learning tasks.
  • The continual learning process is treated as the forward pass of a sequence model, which can then be trained at the meta-level on multiple continual learning episodes using the meta-continual learning (MCL) framework.
  • As an example, the paper demonstrates how Transformers and their efficient variants can be used as MCL methods.
  • Experiments on seven benchmarks covering classification and regression tasks show that sequence models can be an effective solution for general MCL.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers wanted to find a way to use powerful sequence models, like Transformers, to solve continual learning problems. Continual learning is the challenge of training an AI system to learn new tasks or information over time, without forgetting what it has learned before.

The key insight is that the continual learning process can be seen as a sequence of learning steps, just like the way a language model processes text. By framing continual learning as a sequence modeling problem, the researchers could apply advanced sequence models like Transformers to tackle continual learning tasks.

To train these sequence models for continual learning, the researchers used a technique called meta-continual learning (MCL). This allows the sequence model to be trained on multiple continual learning episodes, so it can learn how to learn new information over time without forgetting.

The researchers tested this approach on a variety of benchmark tasks, including both classification and regression problems. The results showed that sequence models, like efficient versions of Transformers, can be a powerful and effective solution for general continual learning problems.

Technical Explanation

The key contribution of this paper is to formulate the continual learning process as a sequence modeling problem. This allows the researchers to leverage advanced sequence models, such as Transformers, and their efficient variants, to tackle continual learning tasks.

In this formulation, the continual learning process is treated as the forward pass of a sequence model. By adopting the meta-continual learning (MCL) framework, the researchers can then train the sequence model at the meta-level, exposing it to multiple continual learning episodes during training.

The researchers demonstrate the application of Transformers and their efficient variants as MCL methods. They evaluate the performance of these sequence models on seven benchmarks, covering both classification and regression tasks. The results show that sequence models can be a promising and general-purpose solution for continual learning problems.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and compelling approach to continual learning by framing it as a sequence modeling problem. This allows the researchers to leverage the impressive capabilities of Transformers and other advanced sequence models, which have shown great success in areas like natural language processing.

However, the paper does not address some of the potential limitations of this approach. For example, it's unclear how well the sequence models would scale to very long or complex continual learning scenarios, where the "sequence" of tasks or information to be learned becomes increasingly long and difficult to manage.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the interpretability or explainability of the sequence models used for continual learning. As these systems become more complex, it may become important to understand how and why they make certain decisions, especially in critical real-world applications.

Further research could also explore the integration of this sequence modeling approach with other continual learning techniques, such as continual learning with pre-trained models or continual learning with large language models, to create even more powerful and versatile continual learning systems.


This paper presents a novel and promising approach to continual learning by framing it as a sequence modeling problem. By leveraging advanced sequence models like Transformers, the researchers demonstrate that sequence models can be an effective and general-purpose solution for a wide range of continual learning tasks.

The ability to apply powerful sequence models to continual learning opens up new avenues for research and development in this important area of machine learning. As the field of continual learning continues to evolve, this work can serve as a foundation for further advancements, potentially leading to more adaptable and resilient AI systems that can learn and grow over time.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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