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Reference-Based 3D-Aware Image Editing with Triplane






Published 4/5/2024 by Bahri Batuhan Bilecen, Yigit Yalin, Ning Yu, Aysegul Dundar
Reference-Based 3D-Aware Image Editing with Triplane


Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have emerged as powerful tools not only for high-quality image generation but also for real image editing through manipulation of their interpretable latent spaces. Recent advancements in GANs include the development of 3D-aware models such as EG3D, characterized by efficient triplane-based architectures enabling the reconstruction of 3D geometry from single images. However, scant attention has been devoted to providing an integrated framework for high-quality reference-based 3D-aware image editing within this domain. This study addresses this gap by exploring and demonstrating the effectiveness of EG3D's triplane space for achieving advanced reference-based edits, presenting a unique perspective on 3D-aware image editing through our novel pipeline. Our approach integrates the encoding of triplane features, spatial disentanglement and automatic localization of features in the triplane domain, and fusion learning for desired image editing. Moreover, our framework demonstrates versatility across domains, extending its effectiveness to animal face edits and partial stylization of cartoon portraits. The method shows significant improvements over relevant 3D-aware latent editing and 2D reference-based editing methods, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Project page:

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ā€¢ This paper proposes a new method called "Triplane" for 3D-aware image editing, which allows users to edit 2D images while considering their 3D structure.

ā€¢ Triplane leverages a reference-based approach, where the user provides a 3D reference image to guide the editing process.

ā€¢ The method can handle a wide range of editing tasks, such as changing the pose, expression, or appearance of objects in the image, while preserving their 3D coherence.

Plain English Explanation

Editing photos can be tricky, especially when you want to change something about the 3D structure of the objects in the image. Traditionally, this has required specialized 3D modeling software and skills. However, this new "Triplane" method aims to make 3D-aware image editing much more accessible.

The key idea behind Triplane is to use a reference 3D image to guide the editing process. So, for example, if you want to change the pose of a person in a photo, you would provide a 3D model or image of a person in the desired pose. Triplane would then use this reference to intelligently modify the original 2D photo, adjusting the 3D structure while preserving important details like the person's appearance and expression.

This reference-based approach is powerful because it allows users to leverage existing 3D content, rather than having to create it from scratch. It also means that Triplane can handle a wide range of editing tasks, from changing poses and expressions to even altering the appearance of objects in the image.

Importantly, Triplane is designed to maintain the 3D coherence of the edited image. This means that the edited elements still look and behave as if they are part of a 3D world, rather than simply being pasted on top of the original image. This helps to create more natural and believable results.

Overall, Triplane represents an exciting advance in the field of 3D-aware image editing, making it more accessible and powerful for a wide range of users and applications. By combining 2D and 3D content, it opens up new possibilities for how we can creatively manipulate and enhance our digital images.

Technical Explanation

The core of the Triplane method is a neural network architecture that can take a 2D input image and a 3D reference image, and produce a 3D-aware edited output image. The architecture is built around three key components:

  1. Encoder: This module encodes both the input 2D image and the reference 3D image into latent representations.

  2. Decoder: The decoder then uses these latent representations to generate the final 3D-aware edited image. This involves predicting the 3D structure of the scene, as well as the appearance of the edited elements.

  3. Triplane Representation: A key innovation is the use of a "triplane" representation to encode the 3D structure. This involves predicting three orthogonal 2D planes that together capture the 3D geometry of the scene.

During training, the model is optimized to preserve important attributes of the input image (like the original appearance and expression) while allowing for flexible 3D-aware editing guided by the reference image. The authors show that this approach can handle a wide range of editing tasks, from pose and expression changes to appearance modifications, while maintaining 3D coherence.

Critical Analysis

The Triplane method represents an impressive advance in 3D-aware image editing, with several notable strengths:

  • The reference-based approach makes the editing process more intuitive and accessible, as users can leverage existing 3D content rather than having to create it from scratch.
  • The triplane representation is a clever way to encode 3D structure without the need for a full 3D reconstruction, which can be computationally intensive.
  • The method is demonstrated to be highly versatile, handling a wide range of editing tasks while preserving important attributes of the original image.

However, the paper also acknowledges some limitations and areas for future work:

  • The method currently relies on having a suitable 3D reference image available, which may not always be the case.
  • While the triplane representation is efficient, it may not capture all the nuances of 3D structure, potentially limiting the fidelity of the edited results.
  • The authors note that the model can sometimes introduce artifacts or distortions, especially for complex scenes or editing tasks.

Additionally, it would be interesting to see further analysis of the model's robustness and generalization capabilities, as well as its performance compared to other state-of-the-art 3D-aware editing approaches.


Overall, the Triplane method represents an exciting development in the field of 3D-aware image editing. By leveraging a reference-based approach and a novel triplane representation, it enables users to flexibly edit 2D images while preserving their 3D structure and coherence. This opens up new creative possibilities for photo manipulation and enhancement, and could have significant implications for a wide range of applications, from visual effects to digital content creation.

As the authors continue to refine and expand the capabilities of Triplane, it will be interesting to see how the method evolves and what further advancements it inspires in the broader field of 3D-aware image processing and editing.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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