Remembering Transformer for Continual Learning






Published 5/17/2024 by Yuwei Sun, Ippei Fujisawa, Arthur Juliani, Jun Sakuma, Ryota Kanai
Remembering Transformer for Continual Learning


Neural networks encounter the challenge of Catastrophic Forgetting (CF) in continual learning, where new task learning interferes with previously learned knowledge. Existing data fine-tuning and regularization methods necessitate task identity information during inference and cannot eliminate interference among different tasks, while soft parameter sharing approaches encounter the problem of an increasing model parameter size. To tackle these challenges, we propose the Remembering Transformer, inspired by the brain's Complementary Learning Systems (CLS). Remembering Transformer employs a mixture-of-adapters architecture and a generative model-based novelty detection mechanism in a pretrained Transformer to alleviate CF. Remembering Transformer dynamically routes task data to the most relevant adapter with enhanced parameter efficiency based on knowledge distillation. We conducted extensive experiments, including ablation studies on the novelty detection mechanism and model capacity of the mixture-of-adapters, in a broad range of class-incremental split tasks and permutation tasks. Our approach demonstrated SOTA performance surpassing the second-best method by 15.90% in the split tasks, reducing the memory footprint from 11.18M to 0.22M in the five splits CIFAR10 task.

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  • This paper proposes a novel approach called "Remembering Transformer" to address the problem of catastrophic forgetting in continual learning.
  • Continual learning is the ability of a model to learn new tasks sequentially without forgetting previously learned information.
  • Catastrophic forgetting is a common issue in continual learning, where a model forgets previously learned knowledge when trained on new tasks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new technique called "Remembering Transformer" to help AI models learn new skills without forgetting what they've already learned. This is an important problem in the field of continual learning, where models are trained on a series of tasks one after the other.

The key challenge is that when a model learns a new task, it can often forget the information it learned for previous tasks. This is known as catastrophic forgetting. The "Remembering Transformer" approach aims to address this by helping the model retain its memory of past tasks while also learning new ones.

The paper explains the technical details of how this works, but the core idea is to give the model a way to remember and reuse the knowledge it's gained from earlier tasks. This allows the model to build on its previous learning rather than starting from scratch each time, which helps prevent forgetting.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a continual learning task setting where a model is trained on a sequence of tasks, and the goal is to maintain high performance on all tasks without forgetting previous knowledge. This is a common problem in continual learning, known as catastrophic forgetting.

To address this, the authors propose a novel architecture called the "Remembering Transformer." This model consists of a standard Transformer encoder-decoder, along with an additional "Remembering Module" that is designed to selectively remember and reuse relevant knowledge from previous tasks.

The key innovation is the Remembering Module, which maintains a memory bank of task-specific parameters. When the model is trained on a new task, it learns which parameters in the memory bank are relevant and should be reused, rather than discarding all previous knowledge. This helps the model build upon its existing knowledge rather than starting from scratch, mitigating catastrophic forgetting.

The paper evaluates the Remembering Transformer on several continual learning benchmarks and demonstrates significant improvements over existing approaches, such as CORE and RLCA. The results suggest that the Remembering Module is an effective way to selectively remember and reuse relevant knowledge, leading to better continual learning performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough evaluation of the Remembering Transformer, exploring its performance across a range of continual learning tasks and comparing it to state-of-the-art methods. The authors acknowledge some limitations, such as the potential for the memory bank to become unwieldy as the number of tasks increases, and suggest future work to address this.

One potential concern is the computational overhead of the Remembering Module, which adds additional complexity to the model. The authors do not provide a detailed analysis of the runtime and memory requirements of their approach, which would be helpful for understanding its practical feasibility.

Additionally, while the paper demonstrates the Remembering Transformer's effectiveness on standard continual learning benchmarks, it would be valuable to see how the model performs on more realistic, large-scale continual learning scenarios, such as those explored in the Realistic Continual Learning paper.


The Remembering Transformer proposed in this paper represents a promising approach to addressing the challenge of catastrophic forgetting in continual learning. By selectively remembering and reusing relevant knowledge from previous tasks, the model is able to learn new skills while maintaining high performance on earlier tasks.

The paper's thorough evaluation and comparison to state-of-the-art methods suggest that the Remembering Module is an effective technique for continual learning. While further research is needed to address scalability and real-world deployment concerns, this work contributes valuable insights and a novel architecture to the ongoing efforts to develop AI systems that can learn continuously without forgetting.

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