Removal and Selection: Improving RGB-Infrared Object Detection via Coarse-to-Fine Fusion






Published 5/8/2024 by Tianyi Zhao, Maoxun Yuan, Feng Jiang, Nan Wang, Xingxing Wei
Removal and Selection: Improving RGB-Infrared Object Detection via Coarse-to-Fine Fusion


Object detection in visible (RGB) and infrared (IR) images has been widely applied in recent years. Leveraging the complementary characteristics of RGB and IR images, the object detector provides reliable and robust object localization from day to night. Most existing fusion strategies directly input RGB and IR images into deep neural networks, leading to inferior detection performance. However, the RGB and IR features have modality-specific noise, these strategies will exacerbate the fused features along with the propagation. Inspired by the mechanism of the human brain processing multimodal information, in this paper, we introduce a new coarse-to-fine perspective to purify and fuse two modality features. Specifically, following this perspective, we design a Redundant Spectrum Removal module to coarsely remove interfering information within each modality and a Dynamic Feature Selection module to finely select the desired features for feature fusion. To verify the effectiveness of the coarse-to-fine fusion strategy, we construct a new object detector called the Removal and Selection Detector (RSDet). Extensive experiments on three RGB-IR object detection datasets verify the superior performance of our method.

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  • The paper presents a new method for improving RGB-infrared object detection using a coarse-to-fine fusion approach.
  • The proposed method aims to effectively leverage both RGB and infrared data to enhance object detection performance.
  • The authors introduce a novel Removal and Selection (RS) module that selectively fuses features from the two modalities at different scales.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new technique for improving object detection in images that combine regular color (RGB) information with infrared data. Object detection is the process of identifying and locating objects of interest within an image. By combining RGB and infrared data, the researchers hope to create a more robust and accurate object detection system.

The key innovation in this work is the Removal and Selection (RS) module, which selectively fuses features from the two data sources at different scales. This allows the system to focus on the most relevant information from each modality, rather than simply combining everything.

The coarse-to-fine fusion approach used in this method means that the fusion happens at multiple levels of detail, from the broad, high-level features down to the more granular, low-level details. This helps the system better understand the overall context and relationships between objects in the image.

Overall, the goal of this research is to improve the performance of RGB-infrared object detection by smartly combining the complementary information provided by the two data sources. This could have applications in areas like low-light object detection or other scenarios where both color and thermal data are available.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a new Removal and Selection (RS) module to effectively fuse RGB and infrared features for improved object detection. The RS module selectively combines features from the two modalities at different scales, allowing the system to focus on the most relevant information.

The approach uses a coarse-to-fine fusion strategy, where feature fusion happens at multiple levels of the detection network. This helps the system better understand the overall context and relationships between objects in the image.

The authors evaluate their method on several RGB-infrared object detection benchmarks and show significant improvements over previous state-of-the-art techniques. They also conduct ablation studies to analyze the contributions of the different components of their proposed approach.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thoroughly evaluated method for improving RGB-infrared object detection. The Removal and Selection module appears to be a novel and effective way to selectively combine features from the two modalities.

One potential limitation is that the method relies on having access to both RGB and infrared data, which may not always be available in real-world scenarios. The authors mention this and suggest exploring implicit multi-spectral fusion as a future direction to address this.

Additionally, while the paper demonstrates strong performance on existing benchmarks, it would be valuable to see the method evaluated in more diverse and challenging real-world settings to assess its robustness and practical applicability.


This paper introduces a novel Removal and Selection module that enables effective fusion of RGB and infrared features for improved object detection. The coarse-to-fine fusion approach and selective combination of modalities lead to significant performance gains over prior work.

The proposed method has the potential to enhance object detection in a variety of applications, particularly those involving low-light or thermal imaging. Future research could explore ways to make the approach more widely applicable, such as through the use of implicit multi-spectral fusion techniques.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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