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A Review of Multi-Modal Large Language and Vision Models






Published 4/3/2024 by Kilian Carolan, Laura Fennelly, Alan F. Smeaton
A Review of Multi-Modal Large Language and Vision Models


Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently emerged as a focal point of research and application, driven by their unprecedented ability to understand and generate text with human-like quality. Even more recently, LLMs have been extended into multi-modal large language models (MM-LLMs) which extends their capabilities to deal with image, video and audio information, in addition to text. This opens up applications like text-to-video generation, image captioning, text-to-speech, and more and is achieved either by retro-fitting an LLM with multi-modal capabilities, or building a MM-LLM from scratch. This paper provides an extensive review of the current state of those LLMs with multi-modal capabilities as well as the very recent MM-LLMs. It covers the historical development of LLMs especially the advances enabled by transformer-based architectures like OpenAI's GPT series and Google's BERT, as well as the role of attention mechanisms in enhancing model performance. The paper includes coverage of the major and most important of the LLMs and MM-LLMs and also covers the techniques of model tuning, including fine-tuning and prompt engineering, which tailor pre-trained models to specific tasks or domains. Ethical considerations and challenges, such as data bias and model misuse, are also analysed to underscore the importance of responsible AI development and deployment. Finally, we discuss the implications of open-source versus proprietary models in AI research. Through this review, we provide insights into the transformative potential of MM-LLMs in various applications.

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  • Language models are artificial intelligence systems that can generate human-like text by learning patterns from large datasets
  • This paper provides an overview of the history and evolution of language models, from early statistical models to the powerful neural networks used today
  • It explores the concept of "attention," a key mechanism that has enabled language models to become more sophisticated and effective
  • The paper also discusses some of the potential benefits and challenges of language models, such as their ability to generate convincing text but also the risk of misuse

Plain English Explanation

Language models are AI systems that have been trained on massive amounts of text data, allowing them to generate human-like sentences, paragraphs, and even longer pieces of writing. These models work by identifying patterns in the text, learning the relationships between words, and using that knowledge to produce new text that sounds natural and coherent.

The history of language models dates back to early statistical models that focused on predicting the next word in a sequence based on the previous words. Over time, these models have become more advanced, incorporating neural networks and other techniques that enable them to capture more complex linguistic structures and generate more sophisticated text.

A key innovation in modern language models is the concept of "attention." Attention allows the model to focus on the most relevant parts of the input text when generating new output, rather than treating all parts of the input equally. This makes the model more contextually aware and better able to understand and generate text that is coherent and relevant to the task at hand.

While language models have shown impressive capabilities, they also come with some potential challenges and risks. For example, they could be used to generate misleading or even harmful content, or they may perpetuate biases present in the data they were trained on. Ongoing research is exploring ways to mitigate these risks and ensure that language models are developed and used responsibly.

Technical Explanation

The paper provides a comprehensive overview of the history and evolution of language models, from early statistical approaches to the more recent advancements in neural network-based models.

It traces the progression from n-gram models, which predict the next word based on the previous n-1 words, to more sophisticated models that incorporate neural networks and can capture more complex linguistic structures. The paper highlights the significance of the attention mechanism, which allows language models to focus on the most relevant parts of the input when generating new text.

The attention mechanism is a key innovation that has enabled language models to become more contextually aware and generate more coherent and relevant output. By selectively focusing on the most important parts of the input, the model can better understand the meaning and structure of the text, and use that knowledge to produce more natural-sounding and informative output.

The paper also discusses some of the potential benefits and challenges of language models, such as their ability to generate convincing text, but also the risk of misuse and the need to ensure that they are developed and used responsibly.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and well-researched overview of the history and evolution of language models, highlighting the key innovations and advancements that have enabled these systems to become increasingly sophisticated and powerful.

One area that the paper could have explored in more depth is the potential limitations and challenges of language models. While it touches on the risk of misuse and the need for responsible development, there may be other caveats or potential issues that could be further discussed, such as the potential for language models to perpetuate biases or to generate text that is factually incorrect or misleading.

Additionally, the paper could have delved deeper into the technical details of the attention mechanism and how it works, as this is a crucial component of modern language models. A more in-depth explanation of the underlying principles and algorithms could help readers gain a better understanding of the technical foundations of these systems.

Overall, the paper provides a solid foundation for understanding the history and current state of language models, and serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the field. However, further exploration of the potential challenges and limitations of these systems, as well as a more detailed technical explanation, could enhance the paper's depth and usefulness.


This paper offers a comprehensive overview of the history and evolution of language models, from early statistical approaches to the more recent advancements in neural network-based models. The paper highlights the significance of the attention mechanism, which has enabled language models to become more contextually aware and generate more coherent and relevant output.

While language models have demonstrated impressive capabilities, the paper also discusses the potential challenges and risks associated with these systems, such as the risk of misuse and the need to ensure responsible development. As language models continue to evolve and become more powerful, ongoing research will be crucial in addressing these challenges and ensuring that these technologies are used in a way that benefits society.

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