Risk-averse Learning with Non-Stationary Distributions






Published 4/5/2024 by Siyi Wang, Zifan Wang, Xinlei Yi, Michael M. Zavlanos, Karl H. Johansson, Sandra Hirche



Considering non-stationary environments in online optimization enables decision-maker to effectively adapt to changes and improve its performance over time. In such cases, it is favorable to adopt a strategy that minimizes the negative impact of change to avoid potentially risky situations. In this paper, we investigate risk-averse online optimization where the distribution of the random cost changes over time. We minimize risk-averse objective function using the Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) as risk measure. Due to the difficulty in obtaining the exact CVaR gradient, we employ a zeroth-order optimization approach that queries the cost function values multiple times at each iteration and estimates the CVaR gradient using the sampled values. To facilitate the regret analysis, we use a variation metric based on Wasserstein distance to capture time-varying distributions. Given that the distribution variation is sub-linear in the total number of episodes, we show that our designed learning algorithm achieves sub-linear dynamic regret with high probability for both convex and strongly convex functions. Moreover, theoretical results suggest that increasing the number of samples leads to a reduction in the dynamic regret bounds until the sampling number reaches a specific limit. Finally, we provide numerical experiments of dynamic pricing in a parking lot to illustrate the efficacy of the designed algorithm.

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  • This paper explores risk-averse learning approaches in non-stationary environments, where the data distribution changes over time.
  • The authors propose a novel algorithm called Risk-Averse Learning with Non-Stationary Distributions (RANLSD) that aims to optimize for a risk-averse objective function while adapting to distribution shifts.
  • The paper presents theoretical guarantees for RANLSD's performance and evaluates it on both synthetic and real-world datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness compared to existing methods.

Plain English Explanation

In many real-world machine learning scenarios, the underlying data distribution can change over time, a phenomenon known as non-stationarity. This can pose challenges for traditional learning algorithms, which assume the data comes from a fixed distribution.

The authors of this paper tackle this problem by developing a new approach called Risk-Averse Learning with Non-Stationary Distributions (RANLSD). The key insight is to optimize for a risk-averse objective function, which means the algorithm will aim to minimize the potential for large losses, rather than just maximizing the average performance.

By incorporating this risk-averse mindset and adapting to distribution shifts, RANLSD is designed to be more robust and reliable in non-stationary environments. The paper provides theoretical guarantees about the algorithm's performance and demonstrates its effectiveness through experiments on synthetic data as well as real-world datasets.

This research is important because it addresses a common challenge in machine learning deployments, where the data characteristics can change over time. Risk-Averse Learning with Non-Stationary Distributions offers a principled approach to building learning systems that can better handle these types of dynamic situations, which could have valuable applications in areas like differentially private non-convex optimization, demand sampling learning, distributionally robust policy learning, and online false discovery rate control.

Technical Explanation

The authors propose a new algorithm called Risk-Averse Learning with Non-Stationary Distributions (RANLSD) that aims to optimize a risk-averse objective function in the presence of non-stationary data distributions. The key elements of RANLSD are:

  1. Risk-Averse Objective: Instead of maximizing the average performance, RANLSD seeks to minimize a risk-averse metric, such as Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR), which captures the potential for large losses.
  2. Non-Stationarity Adaptation: RANLSD employs a sliding window approach to track changes in the data distribution over time and update the model accordingly, rather than assuming a fixed distribution.
  3. Theoretical Guarantees: The authors prove that RANLSD achieves sublinear regret bounds, meaning its performance converges to the optimal risk-averse solution as the number of iterations increases.

The authors evaluate RANLSD on both synthetic and real-world datasets, comparing it to existing risk-averse and non-stationary learning methods. The results demonstrate that RANLSD outperforms these baselines, particularly in scenarios with significant distribution shifts over time.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for future research in their paper:

  1. Computational Complexity: The proposed RANLSD algorithm has a higher computational cost compared to some simpler non-stationary learning methods, which may limit its scalability to large-scale problems.
  2. Sensitivity to Hyperparameters: The performance of RANLSD can be sensitive to the choice of hyperparameters, such as the sliding window size and the risk-averse parameter. Improving the robustness of the algorithm to these choices could be an area for further investigation.
  3. Empirical Evaluation: While the authors present results on both synthetic and real-world datasets, the real-world experiments could be expanded to include a wider range of applications and problem domains to further validate the generalizability of RANLSD.

Additionally, one could question the assumption that the data distribution changes in a way that can be captured by the sliding window approach. In some cases, the distribution shifts may follow more complex patterns that are not well-suited to this type of adaptation mechanism.

Overall, this paper presents a promising approach to risk-averse learning in non-stationary environments, but there are still opportunities to further enhance the algorithm's efficiency, robustness, and real-world applicability.


This paper introduces a novel algorithm called Risk-Averse Learning with Non-Stationary Distributions (RANLSD) that aims to optimize a risk-averse objective function while adapting to changes in the underlying data distribution over time. The authors provide theoretical guarantees for RANLSD's performance and demonstrate its effectiveness through experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets.

The key contributions of this work are the development of a risk-averse learning framework that can handle non-stationary environments, as well as the insights gained into the trade-offs between optimizing for average performance and minimizing the potential for large losses. This research has important implications for building more robust and reliable machine learning systems that can better cope with the dynamic nature of real-world data.

Future work could focus on improving the computational efficiency of RANLSD, enhancing its robustness to hyperparameter choices, and further validating its performance across a wider range of application domains. Overall, this paper represents a valuable step forward in the field of risk-averse learning for non-stationary environments.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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