On Dynamic Programming Decompositions of Static Risk Measures in Markov Decision Processes






Published 4/24/2024 by Jia Lin Hau, Erick Delage, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, Marek Petrik



Optimizing static risk-averse objectives in Markov decision processes is difficult because they do not admit standard dynamic programming equations common in Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms. Dynamic programming decompositions that augment the state space with discrete risk levels have recently gained popularity in the RL community. Prior work has shown that these decompositions are optimal when the risk level is discretized sufficiently. However, we show that these popular decompositions for Conditional-Value-at-Risk (CVaR) and Entropic-Value-at-Risk (EVaR) are inherently suboptimal regardless of the discretization level. In particular, we show that a saddle point property assumed to hold in prior literature may be violated. However, a decomposition does hold for Value-at-Risk and our proof demonstrates how this risk measure differs from CVaR and EVaR. Our findings are significant because risk-averse algorithms are used in high-stake environments, making their correctness much more critical.

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  • Optimizing risk-averse objectives in Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) is challenging as they don't fit standard dynamic programming equations used in Reinforcement Learning (RL)
  • Prior work proposed augmenting the state space with discrete risk levels, but this was shown to be optimal only with sufficient discretization
  • This paper shows that popular decompositions for Conditional-Value-at-Risk (CVaR) and Entropic-Value-at-Risk (EVaR) are inherently suboptimal, even with high discretization
  • The paper proves a saddle point property assumed in prior work may be violated, but a decomposition does hold for Value-at-Risk (VaR)
  • These findings are significant as risk-averse RL algorithms are used in high-stakes environments where correctness is critical

Plain English Explanation

Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms are used to help agents (like AI systems) make decisions in dynamic environments. When the outcomes of these decisions can have high stakes or serious consequences, it's important for the RL algorithms to be "risk-averse" - meaning they try to avoid high-risk choices, even if those choices could potentially lead to very good outcomes.

However, optimizing for these risk-averse objectives is difficult because they don't fit well with the standard mathematical tools (like dynamic programming) that RL algorithms typically use. Prior research tried to solve this by expanding the RL agent's "state space" to include information about the level of risk. This allowed the agent to reason about risk as part of its decision-making.

This new paper shows that while this approach can work in theory if the risk levels are broken down into enough discrete steps, in practice the popular methods for Conditional-Value-at-Risk (CVaR) and Entropic-Value-at-Risk (EVaR) are inherently flawed. The paper demonstrates that a key mathematical property assumed to hold in prior work may actually be violated.

In contrast, the paper shows that a different risk measure called Value-at-Risk (VaR) does have a valid decomposition that allows RL algorithms to handle it properly. This is an important distinction, because CVaR and EVaR are more commonly used in high-stakes RL applications like autonomous driving or medical decision-making. If the algorithms built using these risk measures have hidden flaws, it could lead to serious real-world problems.

The main takeaway is that while risk-averse RL is crucial for sensitive applications, the current mathematical frameworks have some limitations that need to be better understood. This paper helps shed light on those issues and points the way toward more robust and reliable risk-aware RL algorithms in the future.

Technical Explanation

The core challenge addressed in this paper is that standard Reinforcement Learning algorithms based on dynamic programming struggle to optimize for risk-averse objectives in Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). Prior work has proposed augmenting the state space with discrete risk levels to enable RL algorithms to reason about risk, but this was only shown to be optimal with sufficient discretization.

This paper demonstrates that the popular decompositions for two common risk measures, Conditional-Value-at-Risk (CVaR) and Entropic-Value-at-Risk (EVaR), are inherently suboptimal even with high discretization. Specifically, the authors show that a key saddle point property assumed to hold in prior literature may in fact be violated.

In contrast, the paper proves that a valid decomposition does exist for another risk measure, Value-at-Risk (VaR). This suggests a fundamental difference in the structure of these risk measures and how they can be incorporated into RL algorithms.

The significance of these findings is that risk-averse RL algorithms are increasingly being deployed in high-stakes domains like autonomous driving and medical decision-making. If the underlying mathematical foundations of these algorithms contain hidden flaws, it could lead to serious real-world consequences. This paper sheds light on these important limitations and points the way toward developing more robust and reliable risk-aware RL approaches.

Critical Analysis

The authors of this paper make a compelling case that the popular decomposition methods for CVaR and EVaR in risk-averse RL are inherently flawed, even with fine-grained discretization of the risk levels. This is an important contribution, as these risk measures are widely used in high-stakes RL applications.

That said, the paper does not provide extensive empirical validation of the theoretical results. While the analytical proofs are rigorous, it would be helpful to see some simulated or real-world experiments demonstrating the practical implications of these findings. This could help quantify the magnitude of the suboptimality introduced by the flawed decompositions, and better illustrate the benefits of the VaR-based approach.

Additionally, the paper focuses solely on the issues with CVaR and EVaR, without proposing a comprehensive alternative framework. While the VaR decomposition is a step in the right direction, more research is needed to develop a complete risk-averse RL paradigm that can effectively handle a broader range of risk measures and real-world constraints.

Future work could also explore whether the identified limitations of CVaR and EVaR decompositions can be addressed through alternative formulations or solution techniques. Analyzing and Overcoming Local Optima in Complex Multi-Objective Spaces may provide useful insights in this regard.

Overall, this paper makes an important theoretical contribution by exposing critical flaws in popular risk-averse RL approaches. However, continued research is needed to translate these insights into practical, robust, and widely-applicable risk-aware RL algorithms.


This paper uncovers a significant limitation in the way popular risk measures like Conditional-Value-at-Risk (CVaR) and Entropic-Value-at-Risk (EVaR) have been incorporated into Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms. The authors demonstrate that the standard decomposition methods for these risk measures are inherently suboptimal, even with fine-grained discretization of the risk levels.

In contrast, the paper shows that a valid decomposition does exist for the Value-at-Risk (VaR) measure, suggesting a fundamental difference in the mathematical structure of these risk metrics and how they can be effectively integrated into RL.

These findings are crucial because risk-averse RL algorithms are increasingly being deployed in high-stakes domains like autonomous driving and medical decision-making. If the underlying mathematical foundations of these algorithms contain hidden flaws, it could lead to serious real-world consequences. This paper helps shed light on these limitations and points the way toward developing more robust and reliable risk-aware RL approaches in the future.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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