Robo-Instruct: Simulator-Augmented Instruction Alignment For Finetuning CodeLLMs






Published 5/31/2024 by Zichao Hu, Junyi Jessy Li, Arjun Guha, Joydeep Biswas
Robo-Instruct: Simulator-Augmented Instruction Alignment For Finetuning CodeLLMs


Large language models (LLMs) have shown great promise at generating robot programs from natural language given domain-specific robot application programming interfaces (APIs). However, the performance gap between proprietary LLMs and smaller open-weight LLMs remains wide. This raises a question: Can we fine-tune smaller open-weight LLMs for generating domain-specific robot programs to close the performance gap with proprietary LLMs? While Self-Instruct is a promising solution by generating a diverse set of training data, it cannot verify the correctness of these programs. In contrast, a robot simulator with a well-defined world can identify execution errors but limits the diversity of programs that it can verify. In this work, we introduce Robo-Instruct, which brings the best of both worlds -- it promotes the diversity of Self-Instruct while providing the correctness of simulator-based checking. Robo-Instruct introduces RoboSim to synthesize a consistent world state on the fly by inferring properties relevant to the program being checked, and simulating actions accordingly. Furthermore, the instructions and programs generated by Self-Instruct may be subtly inconsistent -- such as the program missing a step implied by the instruction. Robo-Instruct further addresses this with InstAlign, an instruction-program alignment procedure that revises the task instruction to reflect the actual results of the generated program. Given a few seed task descriptions and the robot APIs, Robo-Instruct is capable of generating a training dataset using only a small open-weight model. This dataset can then be used to fine-tune small open-weight language models, enabling them to match or even exceed the performance of several proprietary LLMs, such as GPT-3.5-Turbo and Gemini-Pro.

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  • This paper introduces "Robo-Instruct", a system that uses a simulator-based approach to align large language models (LLMs) with task-specific instructions for fine-tuning code-focused LLMs.
  • The key ideas are to generate synthetic instruction-following demonstrations using a simulator, and then use these demonstrations to fine-tune the LLM to better follow natural language instructions.
  • This approach aims to improve the performance of code-focused LLMs on tasks that require following complex, open-ended instructions.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers present a new technique called "Robo-Instruct" to help train large language models (LLMs) to better understand and follow natural language instructions, especially when it comes to coding and programming tasks.

The core idea is to use a simulator to generate synthetic demonstrations of following instructions. For example, the simulator could create examples of a virtual robot carrying out step-by-step instructions to complete a task. The researchers then use these simulated demonstrations to fine-tune the LLM, helping it learn how to interpret and execute open-ended instructions more effectively.

This is important because many real-world tasks that we want to use LLMs for, like coding or operating complex systems, require following detailed instructions in natural language. By fine-tuning the LLM on instruction-following examples from the simulator, the researchers hope to make the model better at understanding and carrying out these types of instructions.

The key benefit of this approach is that it allows the LLM to learn instruction-following skills in a safe, controlled simulation environment, before applying those skills to the real world. This could lead to more capable and reliable LLMs for a variety of applications that involve following complex instructions.

Technical Explanation

The Robo-Instruct system works by first generating synthetic instruction-following demonstrations using a simulator. This simulator can create examples of a virtual agent or "robot" carrying out step-by-step instructions to complete various tasks, like writing code or manipulating objects.

The researchers then use these simulated demonstrations to fine-tune a pre-trained code-focused LLM, like CodeLLM. The fine-tuning process aligns the LLM to better understand and execute the types of natural language instructions present in the synthetic demonstrations.

This approach builds on prior work in areas like learning reward models for robot skills, self-alignment of instructable reward models, and domain-specific fine-tuning of LLMs. The key innovation in Robo-Instruct is the use of a simulator to generate high-quality, task-specific instruction-following demonstrations that can then be used to fine-tune the LLM.

Through experiments, the researchers demonstrate that this simulator-augmented fine-tuning approach can significantly improve the performance of code-focused LLMs on tasks that require following complex, open-ended natural language instructions, compared to standard fine-tuning techniques.

Critical Analysis

The Robo-Instruct approach presents a promising direction for improving the instruction-following capabilities of LLMs, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Simulator Fidelity: The effectiveness of the approach relies on the simulator's ability to generate high-quality, realistic demonstrations of instruction-following. If the simulated examples do not accurately reflect real-world instruction-following behavior, the fine-tuning process may not transfer well to the actual task.

  2. Generalization: While the fine-tuned LLM may perform better on the specific types of instructions used in the simulator, it's unclear how well the model would generalize to novel, unseen instructions. Further research is needed to assess the model's ability to transfer its instruction-following skills to new domains.

  3. Safety and Robustness: When applying LLMs to safety-critical, real-world applications like robotics or critical infrastructure, it's important to ensure the models are safe, reliable, and robust to edge cases. The paper does not discuss potential safety and robustness considerations in depth.

  4. Scalability: Generating high-quality synthetic demonstrations for a wide range of tasks and instructions may be computationally expensive and time-consuming. Scalability could be a challenge, especially for organizations with limited resources.

Despite these potential limitations, the Robo-Instruct approach represents an important step towards developing more capable and trustworthy LLMs for applications that involve following complex, open-ended instructions. Further research in this direction could lead to significant advancements in the field of language-guided autonomy and human-AI collaboration.


The Robo-Instruct paper introduces a novel technique for fine-tuning code-focused LLMs to better understand and execute natural language instructions. By leveraging a simulator to generate synthetic instruction-following demonstrations, the researchers have developed a way to align LLMs with task-specific instruction-following skills in a controlled, safe environment.

This work has the potential to improve the performance of LLMs on a variety of real-world applications that require following complex, open-ended instructions, such as coding, robotics, and the operation of complex systems. While there are still some challenges to address, the Robo-Instruct approach represents an exciting step forward in the development of more capable and trustworthy language models for instruction-following tasks.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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