Robust estimation with Lasso when outputs are adversarially contaminated






Published 5/27/2024 by Takeyuki Sasai, Hironori Fujisawa



We consider robust estimation when outputs are adversarially contaminated. Nguyen and Tran (2012) proposed an extended Lasso for robust parameter estimation and then they showed the convergence rate of the estimation error. Recently, Dalalyan and Thompson (2019) gave some useful inequalities and then they showed a faster convergence rate than Nguyen and Tran (2012). They focused on the fact that the minimization problem of the extended Lasso can become that of the penalized Huber loss function with $L_1$ penalty. The distinguishing point is that the Huber loss function includes an extra tuning parameter, which is different from the conventional method. We give the proof, which is different from Dalalyan and Thompson (2019) and then we give the same convergence rate as Dalalyan and Thompson (2019). The significance of our proof is to use some specific properties of the Huber function. Such techniques have not been used in the past proofs.

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  • The paper explores robust estimation techniques when outputs are adversarially contaminated.
  • It focuses on an extended Lasso method proposed by Nguyen and Tran (2012) for robust parameter estimation, and a faster convergence rate shown by Dalalyan and Thompson (2019).
  • The key difference is that the Dalalyan and Thompson approach uses the penalized Huber loss function with an extra tuning parameter, unlike the conventional method.
  • The authors provide a proof that uses specific properties of the Huber function, which they claim has not been used in past proofs.

Plain English Explanation

In this research, the authors look at ways to make statistical estimation more reliable when the data has been intentionally corrupted or contaminated. They focus on a technique called the "extended Lasso" that was proposed earlier by other researchers.

The extended Lasso is a way to estimate model parameters even when the output data has been adversarially manipulated. More recently, a different group of researchers showed that the extended Lasso problem can be reframed as minimizing a "Huber loss" function with an extra tuning parameter. This new formulation led to a faster rate of convergence for the estimation error.

The authors of the current paper provide a new proof for this faster convergence rate. Their proof relies on some specific mathematical properties of the Huber function that haven't been used in previous analyses. The significance of this new proof is that it offers an alternative way to understand the improved performance of the Huber loss-based approach compared to the original extended Lasso.

Technical Explanation

The paper builds on prior work by Nguyen and Tran (2012) and Dalalyan and Thompson (2019), who proposed and analyzed an extended Lasso estimator for robust parameter estimation in the presence of adversarial contamination.

Dalalyan and Thompson showed that the minimization problem of the extended Lasso can be recast as a penalized Huber loss function with an additional tuning parameter. This new formulation allowed them to prove a faster convergence rate for the estimation error compared to the original analysis by Nguyen and Tran.

The authors of the current paper provide an alternative proof for the same convergence rate as Dalalyan and Thompson. Their proof specifically leverages certain properties of the Huber loss function that were not utilized in the previous analyses. The authors claim this novel proof technique has not been used before in this context.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a technical contribution by offering a new proof approach for the convergence analysis of the extended Lasso estimator under adversarial contamination. However, the paper does not explore the practical implications or limitations of this result.

For example, the authors do not discuss how the choice of the additional Huber tuning parameter might affect the estimator's performance in real-world scenarios. Nor do they compare the extended Lasso approach to other robust estimation methods, such as those based on Bayesian nonparametrics or system identification.

Additionally, the paper does not provide any empirical validation of the theoretical results, which would help readers assess the practical relevance and potential impact of this work. Incorporating such real-world considerations and experimental evaluations could strengthen the overall contribution of the research.


This paper presents a new proof technique for analyzing the convergence rate of an extended Lasso estimator for robust parameter estimation in the presence of adversarial contamination. The key innovation is the use of specific properties of the Huber loss function, which allows the authors to derive the same fast convergence rate as previously shown by other researchers.

While the technical contribution is noteworthy, the paper lacks a more comprehensive discussion of the practical implications and limitations of the result. Incorporating empirical validation and comparisons to other robust estimation methods could further enhance the impact and utility of this research for the broader machine learning and statistical modeling community.

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