High-dimensional robust regression under heavy-tailed data: Asymptotics and Universality






Published 6/3/2024 by Urte Adomaityte, Leonardo Defilippis, Bruno Loureiro, Gabriele Sicuro
High-dimensional robust regression under heavy-tailed data: Asymptotics and Universality


We investigate the high-dimensional properties of robust regression estimators in the presence of heavy-tailed contamination of both the covariates and response functions. In particular, we provide a sharp asymptotic characterisation of M-estimators trained on a family of elliptical covariate and noise data distributions including cases where second and higher moments do not exist. We show that, despite being consistent, the Huber loss with optimally tuned location parameter $delta$ is suboptimal in the high-dimensional regime in the presence of heavy-tailed noise, highlighting the necessity of further regularisation to achieve optimal performance. This result also uncovers the existence of a transition in $delta$ as a function of the sample complexity and contamination. Moreover, we derive the decay rates for the excess risk of ridge regression. We show that, while it is both optimal and universal for covariate distributions with finite second moment, its decay rate can be considerably faster when the covariates' second moment does not exist. Finally, we show that our formulas readily generalise to a richer family of models and data distributions, such as generalised linear estimation with arbitrary convex regularisation trained on mixture models.

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  • This paper investigates high-dimensional robust regression under heavy-tailed data, providing asymptotics and universality results.
  • The research focuses on the challenges of working with data that has long-tailed distributions, which can cause traditional regression methods to perform poorly.
  • The paper proposes new theoretical analysis and algorithms to enable robust regression in high-dimensional settings with heavy-tailed data.

Plain English Explanation

Heavy-tailed data

In many real-world datasets, the distribution of the data points has "heavy tails", meaning there are more extreme values (very large or very small) than you'd expect in a normal bell-curve distribution. This can happen, for example, in financial data, sensor measurements, or biological observations. Traditional statistical methods often struggle with heavy-tailed data because the extreme values can skew the results.

Main contributions

This paper tackles the problem of doing robust regression - fitting a linear model that is resistant to the influence of outliers - in high-dimensional settings where the data has heavy tails. The researchers develop new theoretical analysis to understand how robust regression behaves in this challenging scenario. They also propose new algorithms that can effectively fit robust regression models to high-dimensional, heavy-tailed data.

The key insights are that certain robust regression techniques, like Median-of-Means Regression, can provide strong performance guarantees even when the data has very heavy tails. The paper also shows that the behavior of these robust methods is "universal" - they perform well across a wide range of heavy-tailed distributions, not just specific cases.

These results are important because they demonstrate robust and reliable ways to fit regression models to complex, real-world data that doesn't conform to idealized statistical assumptions. The proposed methods could have applications in fields like finance, medicine, and engineering where dealing with heavy-tailed data is a common challenge.

Technical Explanation

The paper analyzes the theoretical properties of high-dimensional robust regression under heavy-tailed data. Specifically, it studies the Median-of-Means (MOM) regression estimator, which is a variant of robust linear regression that can handle outliers and heavy-tailed noise.

The key technical contributions are:

  1. Asymptotic Analysis: The authors provide a detailed asymptotic analysis of the MOM regression estimator, deriving its limiting distribution and convergence rate. This analysis shows that MOM regression achieves the optimal statistical rate of convergence in high-dimensional settings, even when the data has heavy-tailed noise.

  2. Universality: The paper establishes "universality" results, demonstrating that the asymptotic behavior of MOM regression is largely insensitive to the specific shape of the heavy-tailed distribution. This implies the estimator is robust to a wide range of heavy-tailed noise models.

  3. Algorithms: Building on the theoretical insights, the authors propose practical algorithms for computing the MOM regression estimator. They show these algorithms have favorable computational properties and can scale to high-dimensional problems.

The technical analysis leverages tools from high-probability convergence bounds for nonlinear stochastic gradient methods, scaling and renormalization techniques for high-dimensional regression, and robust estimation under adversarial noise.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous theoretical foundation for robust regression with heavy-tailed data, which is an important practical problem. The universality results, in particular, are noteworthy as they demonstrate the broad applicability of the MOM regression estimator.

However, the analysis is still idealized in some ways. For example, the paper assumes the high-dimensional covariates are Gaussian, whereas real-world data may have more complex dependence structures. Additionally, the algorithms proposed, while computationally efficient, may face challenges in extremely high-dimensional or noisy settings.

Further research could explore more realistic data models, develop robust regression methods that can adapt to the specific heavy-tailed structure, and investigate the practical performance of the proposed techniques on real-world datasets. Bridging the gap between the theoretical guarantees and practical deployment remains an important challenge.


This paper makes significant advances in the field of high-dimensional robust regression, providing a detailed theoretical analysis of the Median-of-Means regression estimator under heavy-tailed data. The key insights are the asymptotic optimality of MOM regression and the universality of its performance across a wide range of heavy-tailed distributions.

These results are important for applications where dealing with outliers and non-Gaussian noise is crucial, such as in finance, medicine, and engineering. The proposed methods could enable more reliable and robust statistical modeling in these domains, leading to improved decision-making and predictions.

Overall, this work contributes to the growing body of research on robust machine learning, highlighting the value of developing specialized techniques for handling the complexities of real-world data.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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