Robust prediction under missingness shifts






Published 6/26/2024 by Patrick Rockenschaub, Zhicong Xian, Alireza Zamanian, Marta Piperno, Octavia-Andreea Ciora, Elisabeth Pachl, Narges Ahmidi
Robust prediction under missingness shifts


Prediction becomes more challenging with missing covariates. What method is chosen to handle missingness can greatly affect how models perform. In many real-world problems, the best prediction performance is achieved by models that can leverage the informative nature of a value being missing. Yet, the reasons why a covariate goes missing can change once a model is deployed in practice. If such a missingness shift occurs, the conditional probability of a value being missing differs in the target data. Prediction performance in the source data may no longer be a good selection criterion, and approaches that do not rely on informative missingness may be preferable. However, we show that the Bayes predictor remains unchanged by ignorable shifts for which the probability of missingness only depends on observed data. Any consistent estimator of the Bayes predictor may therefore result in robust prediction under those conditions, although we show empirically that different methods appear robust to different types of shifts. If the missingness shift is non-ignorable, the Bayes predictor may change due to the shift. While neither approach recovers the Bayes predictor in this case, we found empirically that disregarding missingness was most beneficial when it was highly informative.

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  • This paper explores the challenge of making robust predictions when there are shifts in the underlying data distribution, particularly related to missing data.
  • The researchers propose a method to train predictive models that can maintain performance even when the patterns of missing data change between the training and testing data.
  • The paper builds on related work in areas like learning when concepts shift, invariant probabilistic prediction, and estimating model performance under covariate shift.

Plain English Explanation

Predictive models are often trained on historical data, but in the real world, the underlying patterns in the data can change over time. One common issue is that certain data points may be missing from the training data, but present in the test data, or vice versa. This can cause the model to perform poorly when deployed, as it was not trained to handle these "missingness shifts."

The researchers in this paper propose a new approach to train models that are more robust to changes in missingness patterns. The key idea is to explicitly model the process by which data can be missing, and then use this model to train the predictive model to be less sensitive to these shifts. This allows the model to maintain good performance even when the missingness patterns change between training and testing.

By making predictive models more resilient to real-world data changes, this work can help improve the reliability and robustness of AI systems deployed in high-stakes applications like healthcare or finance.

Technical Explanation

The paper formulates the problem of "robust prediction under missingness shifts" - the challenge of training models that can make accurate predictions even when the patterns of missing data change between the training and test distributions.

The researchers propose a two-stage approach to address this problem. First, they learn a model of the missingness process - how certain features become missing as a function of the observed data. They then use this missingness model to train the final predictive model, encouraging it to be less sensitive to changes in the missingness patterns.

Specifically, the method consists of:

  1. Learning a model of the missingness process using the training data.
  2. Augmenting the predictive model with the missingness model, and training the combined model end-to-end.
  3. At test time, using the learned missingness model to reason about and correct for the impact of missing data.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on both synthetic and real-world datasets, showing that it can significantly outperform standard techniques when there are shifts in missingness between training and test.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thoughtful and principled approach to the important problem of handling missingness shifts in predictive modeling. By explicitly modeling the missingness process, the method goes beyond simple imputation or ignoring missing data.

One limitation noted by the authors is that their approach relies on the missingness process being "not too complex" - if the true missingness mechanism is highly nonlinear or interactive, the proposed model may struggle to capture it accurately. Additionally, the paper only considers shifts in the missingness pattern, but not other types of distribution shift that may occur in practice.

Further research could explore ways to make the missingness modeling more flexible, or to jointly model other types of distribution shift beyond just missingness. It would also be valuable to test the approach on a wider range of real-world datasets and applications to fully understand its strengths and weaknesses.

Overall, this work represents an important step towards building more reliable and robust predictive algorithms that can maintain performance in the face of real-world data changes.


This paper introduces a new approach for training predictive models that are robust to shifts in the patterns of missing data between the training and test distributions. By explicitly modeling the missingness process and incorporating that into the training of the predictive model, the method can help maintain good performance even when the missingness changes.

The proposed technique builds on related work in areas like invariant probabilistic prediction and training conditional coverage bounds under covariate shift. By making predictive models more resilient to real-world data changes, this research can contribute to the development of more reliable and trustworthy AI systems for high-stakes applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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