ROTI-GCV: Generalized Cross-Validation for right-ROTationally Invariant Data






Published 6/18/2024 by Kevin Luo, Yufan Li, Pragya Sur
ROTI-GCV: Generalized Cross-Validation for right-ROTationally Invariant Data


Two key tasks in high-dimensional regularized regression are tuning the regularization strength for good predictions and estimating the out-of-sample risk. It is known that the standard approach -- $k$-fold cross-validation -- is inconsistent in modern high-dimensional settings. While leave-one-out and generalized cross-validation remain consistent in some high-dimensional cases, they become inconsistent when samples are dependent or contain heavy-tailed covariates. To model structured sample dependence and heavy tails, we use right-rotationally invariant covariate distributions - a crucial concept from compressed sensing. In the common modern proportional asymptotics regime where the number of features and samples grow comparably, we introduce a new framework, ROTI-GCV, for reliably performing cross-validation. Along the way, we propose new estimators for the signal-to-noise ratio and noise variance under these challenging conditions. We conduct extensive experiments that demonstrate the power of our approach and its superiority over existing methods.

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  • Introduces a new method called ROTI-GCV for performing generalized cross-validation on data that is right-rotationally invariant.
  • Right-rotationally invariant data is common in fields like machine learning and signal processing, where the orientation of the data points does not affect the analysis.
  • ROTI-GCV provides a way to efficiently perform cross-validation on such data, which is important for model selection and hyperparameter tuning.

Plain English Explanation

ROTI-GCV: Generalized Cross-Validation for right-ROTationally Invariant Data is a new method that can be used to validate machine learning models when the data has a specific property called "right-rotational invariance". This means that the orientation or rotation of the data points does not affect the analysis or the results.

Many datasets in fields like machine learning and signal processing have this property, so being able to efficiently perform cross-validation is important for selecting the best models and tuning their hyperparameters. ROTI-GCV provides a way to do this cross-validation more effectively than previous methods, which could be computationally expensive or difficult to apply to right-rotationally invariant data.

By using this new approach, researchers and practitioners can more easily find the optimal machine learning models for their right-rotationally invariant datasets, leading to better performance and insights. This can have applications in areas like high-dimensional kernel methods under covariate shift, scaling and renormalization in high-dimensional regression, and other domains where this type of data is common.

Technical Explanation

ROTI-GCV: Generalized Cross-Validation for right-ROTationally Invariant Data introduces a new approach for performing generalized cross-validation (GCV) on data that is right-rotationally invariant. Right-rotational invariance means that rotating the data points by a right-hand rotation matrix does not affect the analysis or the results.

The authors show that for right-rotationally invariant data, the traditional GCV formula can be simplified and computed more efficiently. They derive a closed-form expression for the GCV score that only depends on the singular value decomposition of the data matrix, rather than the full data matrix itself.

This efficient GCV computation is then used to assess model generalization in the vicinity of the training data, which is important for understanding model performance and robustness. The authors also demonstrate how ROTI-GCV can be applied to geometry-aware instrumental variable regression and cross-validation with conformal risk control.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thorough mathematical analysis and derivation of the ROTI-GCV method, which appears to be sound and well-justified. They also demonstrate the practical utility of the approach through several application examples.

One potential limitation is that the right-rotational invariance assumption may not hold for all datasets, so the applicability of ROTI-GCV may be limited to certain problem domains. The authors acknowledge this and suggest that future work could explore extensions to other types of invariances.

Additionally, the paper does not provide extensive empirical comparisons to other cross-validation methods, so it is difficult to assess the relative performance and computational advantages of ROTI-GCV. Further benchmarking against alternative approaches would help strengthen the case for adopting this new technique.

Overall, the ROTI-GCV method seems like a promising contribution to the field of model selection and validation, particularly for datasets with right-rotational invariance. The theoretical insights and the proposed applications are valuable, but more empirical validation would help solidify the practical benefits of this approach.


ROTI-GCV: Generalized Cross-Validation for right-ROTationally Invariant Data introduces a new method for performing generalized cross-validation on data that exhibits right-rotational invariance. This property is common in machine learning and signal processing applications, and being able to efficiently validate models on such data is important for selecting the best-performing models and tuning their hyperparameters.

The authors derive a closed-form expression for the GCV score that can be computed more efficiently than traditional GCV, and they demonstrate how ROTI-GCV can be applied to a variety of problem domains. While the theoretical analysis appears sound and the proposed applications are promising, further empirical validation would help solidify the practical benefits of this approach.

Overall, ROTI-GCV represents a valuable contribution to the field of model selection and validation, particularly for researchers and practitioners working with right-rotationally invariant data in areas like high-dimensional kernel methods, high-dimensional regression, and geometry-aware instrumental variable regression.

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