Sample Amplification: Increasing Dataset Size even when Learning is Impossible

Read original: arXiv:1904.12053 - Published 8/27/2024 by Brian Axelrod, Shivam Garg, Vatsal Sharan, Gregory Valiant
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  • The paper explores the extent to which a given dataset drawn from an unknown distribution can be "amplified" to produce a larger set of samples that appear to come from the same distribution.
  • The authors formalize this as an "(n, m) amplification procedure" that takes n independent draws from an unknown distribution D and outputs m > n "samples" that are indistinguishable from m independent draws from D.
  • The paper considers two fundamental settings: discrete distributions supported on ≤ k elements, and d-dimensional Gaussians with unknown mean and fixed covariance.

Plain English Explanation

In many situations, we may only have access to a small dataset drawn from an unknown distribution. The key question explored in this paper is: can we take this limited dataset and "amplify" it to produce a larger set of samples that appear to come from the same underlying distribution?

The researchers formalize this as an "amplification procedure" - an algorithm that takes n samples from an unknown distribution D, and outputs m > n new "samples" that are statistically indistinguishable from m independent draws from D.

The paper focuses on two important settings:

  1. Discrete distributions: Where the unknown distribution D is supported on ≤ k elements. The researchers show that with just √k samples, you can output n+1 samples that are statistically very close to n+1 independent draws from D. This is striking, since you'd normally need Θ(k) samples to learn D well.

  2. Gaussian distributions: Where D is a d-dimensional Gaussian with unknown mean and fixed covariance. Here too, the researchers demonstrate an amplification procedure that can generate n+Θ(n/√d) samples that are hard to distinguish from independent Gaussian draws, even though learning the full Gaussian requires Θ(d) samples.

These results suggest that in many cases, we may be able to "get more out of" a limited dataset than one might expect - a potentially valuable capability in data-scarce settings.

Technical Explanation

The core idea of the paper is to formalize the notion of an "(n, m) amplification procedure" - an algorithm that takes n independent draws from an unknown distribution D, and outputs a set of m > n "samples" that are indistinguishable from m independent draws from D.

Formally, an amplification procedure is considered "valid" if no algorithm can distinguish the m samples it outputs from m i.i.d. draws from D, with probability greater than 2/3.

The paper focuses on two key settings:

  1. Discrete distributions: Here, the unknown distribution D is supported on ≤ k elements. The researchers show that an (n, n+Θ(n/√k)) amplifier exists - meaning that with just √k samples from D, you can output n+1 samples that are statistically very close to n+1 independent draws. This is significant, since learning D to small total variation distance normally requires Θ(k) samples.

  2. Gaussian distributions: Here, D is a d-dimensional Gaussian with unknown mean and fixed covariance. The researchers demonstrate an (n, n+Θ(n/√d)) amplifier - you can generate n+Θ(n/√d) samples that are hard to distinguish from independent Gaussian draws, even though learning the full Gaussian requires Θ(d) samples.

Importantly, the researchers show that these amplification results are tight up to constant factors in both the discrete and Gaussian settings.

Critical Analysis

The key insight of this work is that in many cases, we may be able to "get more out of" a limited dataset than one might expect - a valuable capability in data-scarce settings. The researchers provide a rigorous theoretical framework for understanding this amplification phenomenon.

That said, there are some important caveats and limitations to consider:

  • The amplification procedures assume access to i.i.d. samples from the unknown distribution D. In practice, datasets may exhibit more complex statistical dependencies.
  • While the paper provides tight results for the specific discrete and Gaussian settings studied, the general amplification question remains open for other distribution families.
  • The practical feasibility and efficiency of implementing these amplification procedures is not addressed - an important consideration for real-world applications.

Additionally, one could question whether the goal of indistinguishable samples is the right target - there may be cases where slightly biased but more diverse synthetic samples could be more valuable than statistically perfect ones.

Overall, this work opens up intriguing new directions for research on getting the most out of limited data, but further investigation is needed to fully understand the implications and practical applicability of these techniques.


This paper presents a novel theoretical framework for understanding the extent to which a limited dataset can be "amplified" to produce a larger set of samples that appear to come from the same underlying distribution.

The key results demonstrate the existence of tight amplification procedures for discrete and Gaussian distributions, showing that in many cases, we can generate substantially more samples than the size of the original dataset, while preserving statistical indistinguishability.

These findings suggest exciting possibilities for data-scarce settings, where techniques like this could help maximize the value extracted from limited data. However, practical implementation, robustness to real-world data complexities, and alternative notions of sample quality remain important areas for future research.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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