On the Sample Efficiency of Abstractions and Potential-Based Reward Shaping in Reinforcement Learning






Published 4/12/2024 by Giuseppe Canonaco, Leo Ardon, Alberto Pozanco, Daniel Borrajo



The use of Potential Based Reward Shaping (PBRS) has shown great promise in the ongoing research effort to tackle sample inefficiency in Reinforcement Learning (RL). However, the choice of the potential function is critical for this technique to be effective. Additionally, RL techniques are usually constrained to use a finite horizon for computational limitations. This introduces a bias when using PBRS, thus adding an additional layer of complexity. In this paper, we leverage abstractions to automatically produce a good potential function. We analyse the bias induced by finite horizons in the context of PBRS producing novel insights. Finally, to asses sample efficiency and performance impact, we evaluate our approach on four environments including a goal-oriented navigation task and three Arcade Learning Environments (ALE) games demonstrating that we can reach the same level of performance as CNN-based solutions with a simple fully-connected network.

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  • Reinforcement Learning (RL) can suffer from sample inefficiency, where the agent requires a large number of training samples to learn effectively.
  • Potential Based Reward Shaping (PBRS) is a technique that can help address this issue, but the choice of the potential function is critical for its effectiveness.
  • RL methods are often constrained to a finite horizon due to computational limitations, which can introduce bias when using PBRS.
  • This paper proposes leveraging abstractions to automatically produce a good potential function and analyzes the bias introduced by finite horizons in the context of PBRS.
  • The approach is evaluated on four environments, including a goal-oriented navigation task and three Arcade Learning Environment (ALE) games, demonstrating performance comparable to CNN-based solutions with a simple fully-connected network.

Plain English Explanation

Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a powerful technique for training artificial agents to perform tasks, but it can often be slow and inefficient, requiring the agent to try many different actions before it learns an effective strategy. Potential Based Reward Shaping (PBRS) is a method that can help address this problem by providing the agent with additional information to guide its learning process.

The key to PBRS is the potential function, which is a mathematical expression that encodes information about the task the agent is trying to learn. However, choosing the right potential function can be tricky, and if it's not done well, it can actually make the agent's learning less efficient.

Another challenge in RL is that the agents are often constrained to a finite time horizon, meaning they can only consider a certain number of future steps when making decisions. This can introduce biases that can further complicate the use of PBRS.

This paper proposes a way to automatically generate a good potential function by using abstractions, which are high-level representations of the task that capture the key elements without getting bogged down in the details. The researchers also analyze how the finite time horizon affects the use of PBRS, providing insights that can help overcome this challenge.

The researchers evaluate their approach on a variety of tasks, including a goal-oriented navigation problem and several classic video game environments. They show that their method can achieve performance comparable to more complex, CNN-based solutions using a simple, fully-connected neural network. This suggests that their approach to PBRS and time horizon handling can be an effective way to make RL more sample-efficient and practical.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel approach to leveraging Potential Based Reward Shaping (PBRS) to address the sample inefficiency of Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents. The key contributions are:

  1. Automated Potential Function Generation: The researchers develop a method to automatically produce a good potential function by leveraging abstractions of the task. This addresses the critical challenge of choosing an effective potential function for PBRS.

  2. Finite Horizon Bias Analysis: The paper provides a detailed analysis of the bias introduced when using PBRS in the context of RL techniques that are constrained to a finite horizon due to computational limitations. This yields novel insights into overcoming this challenge.

  3. Empirical Evaluation: The proposed approach is evaluated on four environments, including a goal-oriented navigation task and three Arcade Learning Environment (ALE) games. The results demonstrate that the method can achieve performance comparable to more complex, CNN-based solutions using a simple, fully-connected neural network.

The researchers first introduce the concept of PBRS and explain how it can be leveraged to improve sample efficiency in RL. They then describe their approach to automatically generating a potential function by using abstractions of the task, which capture the high-level structure without getting bogged down in low-level details.

Next, the paper delves into the analysis of the bias introduced by finite horizons when using PBRS. The researchers provide a detailed mathematical treatment of this issue and offer insights into how to mitigate the negative effects.

To assess the practical impact of their contributions, the researchers evaluate their approach on four diverse environments. This includes a goal-oriented navigation task, as well as three games from the Arcade Learning Environment (ALE). The results demonstrate that their method can match the performance of more complex, CNN-based solutions using a simple, fully-connected neural network, highlighting the potential for significant improvements in sample efficiency.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to leveraging Potential Based Reward Shaping (PBRS) to address the sample inefficiency of Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents. The key strength of the work is the researchers' ability to tackle two important challenges in a principled manner:

  1. Automated Potential Function Generation: The ability to automatically generate an effective potential function is a significant contribution, as the choice of the potential function is critical for the success of PBRS. By leveraging abstractions, the researchers provide a systematic way to produce a good potential function, avoiding the need for manual tuning.

  2. Finite Horizon Bias Analysis: The detailed analysis of the bias introduced by finite horizons when using PBRS is a novel contribution that provides valuable insights. This is an important consideration, as RL techniques are often constrained to finite horizons due to computational limitations.

However, the paper does not address the potential scalability issues of the proposed approach. As the complexity of the task increases, the process of generating and optimizing the potential function may become more computationally demanding. Additionally, the paper does not explore the robustness of the method to variations in the task or environment, which would be important for real-world applications.

Furthermore, the paper focuses on relatively simple environments, such as the goal-oriented navigation task and ALE games. While these are valuable benchmarks, it would be informative to see how the method performs on more complex, real-world tasks that require richer sensory inputs and more sophisticated decision-making.

Overall, the paper makes valuable contributions to the field of Reinforcement Learning by proposing a principled approach to leveraging PBRS and addressing the bias introduced by finite horizons. However, further research is needed to address the scalability and robustness of the method, as well as its applicability to more complex, real-world problems.


This paper presents a novel approach to leveraging Potential Based Reward Shaping (PBRS) to improve the sample efficiency of Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents. The key innovations include an automated method for generating effective potential functions and a detailed analysis of the bias introduced by the finite horizons commonly used in RL due to computational constraints.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through experiments on four diverse environments, including a goal-oriented navigation task and three Arcade Learning Environment (ALE) games. The results show that their method can achieve performance comparable to more complex, CNN-based solutions using a simple, fully-connected neural network, suggesting significant potential for improving sample efficiency in RL.

While the paper makes valuable contributions to the field, further research is needed to address the scalability and robustness of the approach, as well as its applicability to more complex, real-world problems. Nevertheless, this work represents an important step forward in the ongoing effort to make RL more practical and effective for a wide range of applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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