Scrolly2Reel: Retargeting Graphics for Social Media Using Narrative Beats






Published 6/21/2024 by Duy K. Nguyen, Jenny Ma, Pedro Alejandro Perez, Lydia B. Chilton
Scrolly2Reel: Retargeting Graphics for Social Media Using Narrative Beats


Content retargeting is crucial for social media creators. Once great content is created, it is important to reach as broad an audience as possible. This is particularly important in journalism where younger audiences are shifting away from print and towards short-video platforms. Many newspapers already create rich graphics for the web that they want to be able to reuse for social media. One example is scrollytelling sequences or scrollies -- immersive articles with graphics like animation, charts, and 3D visualizations that appear as a user scrolls. We present a system that helps transform scrollies into social media videos. By using the scriptwriting concept of narrative beats to extract fundamental storytelling units, we can create videos that are more aligned with narration, and allow for better pacing and stylistic changes. Narrative beats are thus an important primitive to retargeting content that matches the style of a new medium while maintaining the cohesiveness of the original content.

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ā€¢ This paper introduces a system called Scrolly2Reel that can transform news graphics into short-form video content for social media platforms like TikTok.

ā€¢ The key innovations are techniques to adjust the narrative pacing and beats of the content to better match the expectations and conventions of social media video formats.

ā€¢ The authors demonstrate how their approach can be used to repurpose and retarget existing news graphics content for more engaging social media experiences.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a system called Scrolly2Reel that can take news graphics, like the type you might see in a news article or on a website, and turn them into short video clips suitable for platforms like TikTok. The main challenge they wanted to address is that the pacing and structure of traditional news graphics don't always work well when viewed as a quick social media video.

So Scrolly2Reel uses some clever techniques to adjust the "narrative beats" and overall pacing of the content. This helps make the information more engaging and digestible in a short video format. The authors show how their system can take existing news graphics and repurpose them to work better on social media, without having to create brand new content from scratch.

This is an interesting approach because it allows news organizations and other content creators to extend the life and reach of their existing graphics by optimizing them for platforms like TikTok, where short-form video is very popular. It's a way to repurpose and retarget content to new formats and audiences, without having to start over.

Technical Explanation

The Scrolly2Reel system takes news graphics as input and applies several key techniques to transform them into short-form video content:

  1. Narrative Beat Alignment: The system analyzes the narrative structure of the news graphic and identifies key "beats" or moments that drive the story forward. It then adjusts the pacing and timing of these beats to better match the expected cadence of social media video formats.

  2. Pacing Adjustment: In addition to beat alignment, Scrolly2Reel also adjusts the overall pacing of the content, speeding up or slowing down different sections to create a more engaging, TikTok-friendly rhythm.

  3. GPT-Shortening: The system uses large language models like GPT to generate concise, punchy captions and text overlays that convey the key information in a more compact way suitable for short videos.

  4. Repurposing and Retargeting: By applying these techniques, Scrolly2Reel can take existing news graphics and repurpose them into short-form video content targeted specifically for social media platforms and audiences.

The authors evaluate their system through both quantitative and qualitative studies, demonstrating its ability to create engaging TikTok-style videos from traditional news graphics while preserving the core informational content.

Critical Analysis

The Scrolly2Reel system presents an interesting approach to repurposing news graphics for social media platforms, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  • The system relies heavily on the quality and accuracy of the underlying news graphics - if the original content is unclear or misleading, the short-form video may inherit those issues.

  • While the pacing and beat alignment techniques are novel, their effectiveness likely depends on a deep understanding of social media video conventions, which could vary across platforms and user demographics.

  • The use of large language models for text generation introduces potential risks around biases, factual accuracy, and coherence that would need to be carefully monitored.

Further research could explore ways to incorporate user feedback and engagement data to dynamically optimize the Scrolly2Reel content, as well as investigations into the long-term impact of this type of repurposed news content on social media platforms.


Overall, the Scrolly2Reel system represents a promising approach to bridging the gap between traditional news graphics and the short-form video formats preferred on social media. By applying techniques to adjust narrative pacing and structure, the system can breathe new life into existing news content and make it more engaging and accessible to younger, social media-savvy audiences. As news organizations and content creators continue to grapple with the challenges of reaching users on platforms like TikTok, tools like Scrolly2Reel may become increasingly valuable for repurposing and retargeting their valuable informational assets.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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