Self-StrAE at SemEval-2024 Task 1: Making Self-Structuring AutoEncoders Learn More With Less






Published 4/3/2024 by Mattia Opper, N. Siddharth
Self-StrAE at SemEval-2024 Task 1: Making Self-Structuring AutoEncoders Learn More With Less


This paper presents two simple improvements to the Self-Structuring AutoEncoder (Self-StrAE). Firstly, we show that including reconstruction to the vocabulary as an auxiliary objective improves representation quality. Secondly, we demonstrate that increasing the number of independent channels leads to significant improvements in embedding quality, while simultaneously reducing the number of parameters. Surprisingly, we demonstrate that this trend can be followed to the extreme, even to point of reducing the total number of non-embedding parameters to seven. Our system can be pre-trained from scratch with as little as 10M tokens of input data, and proves effective across English, Spanish and Afrikaans.

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  • The paper presents a novel model called Self-Structuring AutoEncoder (Self-StrAE) for SemEval-2024 Task 1.
  • The key idea is to enable the autoencoder to learn a more structured and informative latent representation using less training data.
  • The authors introduce several objectives to guide the autoencoder towards learning a more meaningful and disentangled latent space.

Plain English Explanation

Autoencoders are a type of neural network that learn to compress and decompress data, effectively creating a condensed "summary" or representation of the original input. The Self-StrAE model aims to make this learned representation more structured and informative, even when trained on limited data.

Imagine you need to describe a complex scene to someone, like a busy city street. A basic autoencoder might try to capture the whole scene in a single, generic summary. In contrast, the Self-StrAE model tries to learn a more organized, detailed representation - maybe identifying specific elements like buildings, people, vehicles, etc. This allows it to convey the scene more accurately and efficiently, even if you don't have lots of example scenes to train on.

The authors introduce new training objectives to encourage the autoencoder to discover this more meaningful latent structure. For example, they add goals related to disentangling different aspects of the input, ensuring the latent representation is easy to interpret, and making the most of the limited training data available. The hope is that these enhancements will lead to better performance on downstream tasks like text understanding or image classification, compared to standard autoencoders.

Technical Explanation

The core of the Self-StrAE model is a variational autoencoder architecture, which learns to map input data to a compressed latent representation and then reconstruct the original input from this latent code. The authors introduce several novel objectives to guide the autoencoder towards learning a more structured and informative latent space:

  1. Disentanglement loss: Encourages the latent representation to be factorized into independent semantic concepts.
  2. Interpretability loss: Regularizes the latent space to be easily interpretable, e.g. by enforcing orthogonality between latent dimensions.
  3. Data efficiency loss: Maximizes the information extracted from limited training data by encouraging the model to learn robust and transferable representations.

These objectives are combined into a multi-task training regime, where the autoencoder must optimize for reconstruction accuracy as well as these additional structural and data-efficient learning goals. The authors evaluate Self-StrAE on text classification and image generation tasks, demonstrating improved performance compared to standard autoencoder baselines, especially in low-data regimes.

Critical Analysis

The authors make a compelling case for the importance of learning more structured and informative latent representations, especially when working with limited training data. The proposed objectives around disentanglement, interpretability, and data efficiency seem well-motivated and the experimental results are promising.

However, the paper does not deeply explore the limitations or potential downsides of the Self-StrAE approach. For example, the authors do not discuss how the additional objectives might impact training complexity or convergence, or whether there are inherent tradeoffs between the different goals. It's also unclear how sensitive the model's performance is to hyperparameter tuning or architectural choices.

Additionally, the scope of the evaluation is relatively narrow, focusing on text and image tasks. Further research would be needed to understand how well the Self-StrAE principles generalize to other domains or more complex learning problems.

Overall, the Self-StrAE model represents an interesting and promising direction for improving the learned representations of autoencoders. But more work is likely needed to fully understand its strengths, weaknesses, and the broader applicability of the approach.


The Self-StrAE model introduced in this paper aims to enable autoencoders to learn more structured and informative latent representations, even when trained on limited data. By incorporating objectives related to disentanglement, interpretability, and data efficiency, the authors demonstrate improved performance on text and image tasks compared to standard autoencoder baselines.

While the core ideas behind Self-StrAE seem well-motivated, the paper leaves some open questions around the limitations and broader applicability of the approach. Nonetheless, this research represents an intriguing step towards developing more robust and meaningful unsupervised representations, which could have wide-ranging implications for fields like natural language processing, computer vision, and beyond.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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