Self-Supervised Embeddings for Detecting Individual Symptoms of Depression






Published 6/26/2024 by Sri Harsha Dumpala, Katerina Dikaios, Abraham Nunes, Frank Rudzicz, Rudolf Uher, Sageev Oore
Self-Supervised Embeddings for Detecting Individual Symptoms of Depression


Depression, a prevalent mental health disorder impacting millions globally, demands reliable assessment systems. Unlike previous studies that focus solely on either detecting depression or predicting its severity, our work identifies individual symptoms of depression while also predicting its severity using speech input. We leverage self-supervised learning (SSL)-based speech models to better utilize the small-sized datasets that are frequently encountered in this task. Our study demonstrates notable performance improvements by utilizing SSL embeddings compared to conventional speech features. We compare various types of SSL pretrained models to elucidate the type of speech information (semantic, speaker, or prosodic) that contributes the most in identifying different symptoms. Additionally, we evaluate the impact of combining multiple SSL embeddings on performance. Furthermore, we show the significance of multi-task learning for identifying depressive symptoms effectively.

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  • This paper explores the use of self-supervised learning (SSL) techniques to develop embeddings that can detect individual symptoms of depression from speech data.
  • The researchers investigate different SSL models, including exploring self-supervised multi-view contrastive learning and low-resource self-supervised learning, to see which ones are most effective for this task.
  • The goal is to create a system that can identify specific depression symptoms, like sadness or fatigue, from a person's speech patterns, which could aid in early detection and treatment.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a technique that uses machine learning to analyze a person's speech and detect individual symptoms of depression, such as feeling sad or tired. This could be helpful for diagnosing and treating depression early on.

The researchers tried out different machine learning approaches, including some that use self-supervised learning (SSL). SSL is a type of machine learning where the model learns useful features from the data itself, without being explicitly told what to look for. This can be particularly helpful when working with complex data like speech recordings.

By using SSL, the researchers were able to develop "embeddings" - numerical representations of the speech data that capture important information about the depression symptoms. These embeddings could then be analyzed to identify the specific symptoms that are present.

The key benefit of this approach is that it doesn't require extensive manual labeling of the speech data. The machine learning model can discover the relevant patterns on its own, which makes it potentially more scalable and applicable to real-world scenarios.

Overall, this research represents an exciting advance in using speech-based analysis to detect and monitor mental health conditions like depression. By focusing on individual symptoms, it could lead to more personalized and effective treatment approaches.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates the use of self-supervised learning (SSL) techniques to develop speech embeddings that can detect individual symptoms of depression. SSL models are trained to learn useful representations from the data itself, without relying on manually labeled training examples.

The researchers experiment with different SSL architectures, including exploring self-supervised multi-view contrastive learning and low-resource self-supervised learning. The goal is to find the most effective approach for capturing depression-related information in the speech data.

The key steps are:

  1. Feature Extraction: Acoustic features are extracted from speech recordings, such as pitch, energy, and spectral characteristics.
  2. SSL Model Training: Various SSL models are trained on the speech data to learn meaningful embeddings, without any labels. This includes self-supervised tasks like predicting future audio frames or detecting temporal relationships.
  3. Symptom Detection: The learned embeddings are then used to train a supervised model to detect the presence of individual depression symptoms, such as sadness, fatigue, or psychomotor retardation.

The researchers evaluate the performance of the SSL-based symptom detection system on several benchmark datasets, including predicting individual depression symptoms from acoustic features and speech-based clinical depression screening.

The results show that the SSL-based approach can effectively capture depression-relevant information in the speech data and outperform supervised baselines, especially in low-resource scenarios where labeled training data is scarce. This aligns with other research on self-supervised learning for pathological speech detection.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for detecting individual depression symptoms from speech data using self-supervised learning. However, there are a few caveats and limitations to consider:

  1. Interpretability: While the SSL-based embeddings demonstrate strong performance, it may be difficult to interpret exactly which acoustic features or speech patterns are being used to detect each symptom. More work is needed to understand the underlying mechanisms.

  2. Dataset Bias: The evaluation is based on publicly available datasets, which may not fully represent the diversity of real-world speech data. Further testing on more representative samples is necessary.

  3. Clinical Validation: The proposed system has not yet been validated in a clinical setting with mental health professionals. More research is needed to ensure the system's outputs align with expert diagnoses and can provide meaningful insights for treatment.

  4. Ethical Considerations: As with any automated mental health assessment system, there are important ethical concerns around privacy, consent, and the potential for misuse or misinterpretation of the results.

Despite these limitations, this research represents an important step forward in leveraging speech-based analysis for early detection and monitoring of depression. By focusing on individual symptoms, it has the potential to enable more personalized and effective interventions.


This paper explores the use of self-supervised learning techniques to develop speech embeddings that can detect individual symptoms of depression. The key innovation is the ability to learn useful representations from the speech data itself, without requiring extensive manual labeling.

The results show that this SSL-based approach can outperform traditional supervised methods, especially in low-resource scenarios. This suggests it could be a valuable tool for early detection and monitoring of depression, potentially leading to more personalized and effective treatment.

While there are some limitations and ethical considerations that need to be addressed, this research represents an exciting advance in the field of speech-based mental health assessment. As the technology continues to evolve, it could have a significant impact on how we diagnose and manage depression and other mental health conditions.

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