Sentiment Analysis Across Languages: Evaluation Before and After Machine Translation to English






Published 5/7/2024 by Aekansh Kathunia, Mohammad Kaif, Nalin Arora, N Narotam



People communicate in more than 7,000 languages around the world, with around 780 languages spoken in India alone. Despite this linguistic diversity, research on Sentiment Analysis has predominantly focused on English text data, resulting in a disproportionate availability of sentiment resources for English. This paper examines the performance of transformer models in Sentiment Analysis tasks across multilingual datasets and text that has undergone machine translation. By comparing the effectiveness of these models in different linguistic contexts, we gain insights into their performance variations and potential implications for sentiment analysis across diverse languages. We also discuss the shortcomings and potential for future work towards the end.

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  • The paper examines the performance of transformer models in Sentiment Analysis tasks across multilingual datasets and machine-translated text.
  • It aims to gain insights into the performance variations and potential implications of these models for sentiment analysis across diverse languages.
  • The paper also discusses the shortcomings and potential for future work in this area.

Plain English Explanation

Around the world, people communicate in more than 7,000 languages, with 780 languages spoken in India alone. However, most research on Sentiment Analysis has focused primarily on English text data, leading to a disproportionate availability of sentiment resources for English.

This paper takes a closer look at how well transformer models perform in Sentiment Analysis tasks when working with datasets in multiple languages and text that has been machine-translated. By comparing the effectiveness of these models in different linguistic contexts, the researchers hope to better understand their performance variations and what that might mean for analyzing sentiment across a wide range of languages.

The paper also discusses the shortcomings of the current approaches and the potential for future research to address these challenges.

Technical Explanation

The researchers used transformer models, a type of deep learning architecture, to perform Sentiment Analysis tasks on multilingual datasets and machine-translated text. They compared the performance of these models across different language contexts to gain insights into their capabilities and limitations.

The experiments involved evaluating the sentiment analysis accuracy of the transformer models on datasets in various languages, as well as on text that had been translated from one language to another using machine translation. By analyzing the model performance in these different scenarios, the researchers were able to identify patterns and variations in how the models handled sentiment in diverse linguistic environments.

The findings from this study provide valuable information about the strengths and weaknesses of current sentiment analysis approaches when dealing with the vast linguistic diversity found around the world. This knowledge can inform future research and development efforts aimed at improving the capabilities of sentiment analysis systems to work effectively across a broader range of languages.

Critical Analysis

The paper acknowledges the limitations of its approach, such as the reliance on machine translation and the potential for biases in the multilingual datasets used. The authors also note that the performance of the transformer models may be influenced by factors beyond just language, such as the quality and size of the training data.

One area that could be explored further is the impact of cultural and contextual differences on sentiment expression across languages. The paper does not delve deeply into how these factors might influence the models' ability to accurately capture sentiment in diverse linguistic contexts.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a comprehensive review of the existing research in this field. Including a more thorough analysis of related work could help readers better understand the contributions and novelty of this study.

Despite these limitations, the study provides valuable insights into the performance of transformer models in multilingual sentiment analysis, which can inform future research and development efforts in this important area.


This paper investigates the performance of transformer models in Sentiment Analysis tasks across multilingual datasets and machine-translated text. By comparing the effectiveness of these models in different linguistic contexts, the researchers gained insights into their performance variations and the potential implications for sentiment analysis across diverse languages.

The findings from this study highlight the need for continued research and development to improve the capabilities of sentiment analysis systems to work effectively across a broader range of languages. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the ability to accurately analyze sentiment in multiple languages will become increasingly crucial for a wide range of applications, from social media monitoring to customer service.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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