SHIRE: Enhancing Sample Efficiency using Human Intuition in REinforcement Learning

Read original: arXiv:2409.09990 - Published 9/17/2024 by Amogh Joshi, Adarsh Kumar Kosta, Kaushik Roy
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SHIRE: Enhancing Sample Efficiency using Human Intuition in REinforcement Learning

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  • The paper presents SHIRE, a method for enhancing sample efficiency in reinforcement learning using human intuition.
  • SHIRE aims to accelerate reinforcement learning by incorporating human knowledge and preferences into the learning process.
  • The approach involves learning a reward function from human feedback and using it to guide the agent's exploration and policy learning.

Plain English Explanation

What is reinforcement learning? Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning where an agent interacts with an environment, taking actions and receiving rewards or penalties. The agent's goal is to learn the best actions to maximize its cumulative reward.

Why is sample efficiency important? Reinforcement learning often requires a large number of training samples or interactions with the environment to achieve good performance. This can be costly, time-consuming, and impractical for many real-world applications. Enhancing sample efficiency is crucial to make reinforcement learning more practical and widely applicable.

How does SHIRE work? SHIRE aims to leverage human intuition and feedback to guide the reinforcement learning process and make it more sample-efficient. The key idea is to learn a reward function from human preferences and use it to shape the agent's exploration and policy learning. This allows the agent to focus on discovering high-reward actions and strategies more quickly, without having to blindly explore the entire environment.

What are the benefits of SHIRE? By incorporating human intuition, SHIRE can help reinforcement learning agents learn more efficiently and achieve better performance with fewer training samples. This can make reinforcement learning more practical and widely applicable, especially in domains where data collection is costly or time-consuming.

Technical Explanation

SHIRE consists of two main components:

  1. Reward Learning from Human Feedback: The method learns a reward function from human feedback on the agent's actions or trajectories. This allows the human to express their preferences and guide the agent towards desirable behaviors.

  2. Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning: The learned reward function is then used to shape the agent's exploration and policy learning, enabling it to focus on discovering high-reward actions and strategies more quickly.

The key elements of the SHIRE approach are:

  • Human Feedback Collection: Humans provide feedback on the agent's actions or trajectories, indicating their preferences and evaluation of the agent's behavior.
  • Reward Function Learning: A neural network-based model is trained to learn a reward function that best matches the human feedback.
  • Guided Exploration: The learned reward function is used to guide the agent's exploration, biasing it towards actions and states that are more likely to be rewarding according to the human's preferences.
  • Policy Learning: The agent's policy is then learned using the guided exploration and the learned reward function, allowing it to discover high-performing strategies more efficiently.

The paper presents experiments in several reinforcement learning domains, including simulated robotics tasks and Atari games, demonstrating the effectiveness of SHIRE in improving sample efficiency and performance compared to standard reinforcement learning approaches.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough evaluation of the SHIRE method and acknowledges several limitations and areas for future research:

  • Generalization to Novel Tasks: While SHIRE demonstrates improvements in the evaluated tasks, the authors note that the method's ability to generalize to completely novel tasks or environments is an open question that requires further investigation.
  • Scalability and Robustness: The performance of SHIRE may be sensitive to the quality and quantity of human feedback, and the authors suggest exploring ways to make the method more robust and scalable to handle diverse human inputs.
  • Interpretability and Transparency: The paper does not extensively discuss the interpretability of the learned reward function or the agent's decision-making process, which could be an important consideration for real-world applications.

Overall, the SHIRE approach represents a promising step towards enhancing the sample efficiency of reinforcement learning by leveraging human intuition and preferences. However, further research is needed to address the identified limitations and explore the broader applicability and implications of this technique.


The SHIRE method presented in this paper offers a novel approach to improving the sample efficiency of reinforcement learning by incorporating human intuition and feedback. By learning a reward function from human preferences and using it to guide the agent's exploration and policy learning, SHIRE can help reinforcement learning agents discover high-performing strategies more quickly, without requiring as many training samples.

The results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in various reinforcement learning domains, but also highlight the need for further research to address the limitations, such as generalization to novel tasks, scalability, and interpretability. As reinforcement learning continues to advance, techniques like SHIRE that can leverage human knowledge and intuition could play an important role in making these powerful AI systems more practical and widely applicable.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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