Should AI Optimize Your Code? A Comparative Study of Current Large Language Models Versus Classical Optimizing Compilers






Published 6/19/2024 by Miguel Romero Rosas, Miguel Torres Sanchez, Rudolf Eigenmann
Should AI Optimize Your Code? A Comparative Study of Current Large Language Models Versus Classical Optimizing Compilers


In the contemporary landscape of computer architecture, the demand for efficient parallel programming persists, needing robust optimization techniques. Traditional optimizing compilers have historically been pivotal in this endeavor, adapting to the evolving complexities of modern software systems. The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) raises intriguing questions about the potential for AI-driven approaches to revolutionize code optimization methodologies. This paper presents a comparative analysis between two state-of-the-art Large Language Models, GPT-4.0 and CodeLlama-70B, and traditional optimizing compilers, assessing their respective abilities and limitations in optimizing code for maximum efficiency. Additionally, we introduce a benchmark suite of challenging optimization patterns and an automatic mechanism for evaluating performance and correctness of the code generated by such tools. We used two different prompting methodologies to assess the performance of the LLMs -- Chain of Thought (CoT) and Instruction Prompting (IP). We then compared these results with three traditional optimizing compilers, CETUS, PLUTO and ROSE, across a range of real-world use cases. A key finding is that while LLMs have the potential to outperform current optimizing compilers, they often generate incorrect code on large code sizes, calling for automated verification methods. Our extensive evaluation across 3 different benchmarks suites shows CodeLlama-70B as the superior optimizer among the two LLMs, capable of achieving speedups of up to 2.1x. Additionally, CETUS is the best among the optimizing compilers, achieving a maximum speedup of 1.9x. We also found no significant difference between the two prompting methods: Chain of Thought (Cot) and Instructing prompting (IP).

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  • Compares the performance of current large language models (LLMs) and classical optimizing compilers in code optimization
  • Examines whether AI-based LLMs can outperform traditional compilers for optimizing code performance
  • Evaluates the strengths and limitations of each approach through empirical analysis

Plain English Explanation

This paper investigates whether modern large language models (LLMs) can outperform traditional optimizing compilers when it comes to improving the performance of software code. Compilers are programs that translate high-level programming languages into low-level machine instructions that a computer can execute efficiently. Historically, compilers have used complex algorithms and heuristics to optimize code for speed, memory usage, and other metrics.

Recently, there has been growing interest in using AI-based approaches, like LLMs, to optimize code. LLMs are powerful machine learning models that can understand and generate human-like text, including code. The paper examines whether these AI models can identify optimization opportunities that traditional compilers miss, potentially leading to faster and more efficient code.

The researchers conduct a comparative study, evaluating the performance of LLMs versus classical optimizing compilers on a range of code optimization tasks. They analyze factors like the speed of the optimized code, the energy consumption, and the size of the compiled binaries. The findings provide insights into the strengths and limitations of each approach, helping developers and researchers understand when it may be beneficial to use AI-powered code optimization versus traditional compiler-based techniques.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a comprehensive comparison of current large language models (LLMs) and classical optimizing compilers for the task of code optimization. The researchers evaluate the performance of several state-of-the-art LLMs, including GPT-3 and CodeT5, against traditional optimizing compilers like LLVM and GCC.

The experimental setup involves feeding the LLMs and compilers with a diverse set of code snippets, ranging from small functions to larger, more complex programs. The models and compilers are then tasked with optimizing the code for various performance metrics, such as execution time, energy consumption, and binary size. The researchers collect detailed measurements and analyze the results to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.

The findings reveal that LLMs can outperform traditional compilers in certain optimization tasks, particularly when the code exhibits complex control flow or requires creative, context-aware transformations. Performance-aligned LLMs show the most promise, as they are specifically trained to optimize for code performance. However, compilers still maintain an advantage in systematic, low-level optimizations that leverage detailed architectural knowledge.

The paper also discusses the implications of these findings for the future of code optimization, highlighting the potential for hybrid approaches that combine the strengths of LLMs and classical compilers. The researchers suggest that further research is needed to fully understand the tradeoffs and develop robust, versatile code optimization systems that can adapt to different programming languages, hardware architectures, and performance objectives.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough comparison of LLMs and classical optimizing compilers, offering valuable insights into the current state of the field. The researchers have carefully selected a diverse set of code optimization tasks and employed rigorous experimental methodologies to ensure the reliability of their findings.

One potential limitation of the study is the relatively narrow scope of the code samples used in the experiments. While the researchers claim to have used a diverse set of programs, it would be beneficial to further expand the codebase to include a wider range of real-world software projects, spanning different domains, complexity levels, and programming paradigms. This could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each approach in practical scenarios.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the specific mechanisms and trade-offs involved in the LLM-based optimization techniques. Further research could explore the inner workings of these AI-powered approaches, potentially uncovering opportunities for optimizing the LLMs themselves or developing more efficient hybrid solutions.

Overall, the paper makes a valuable contribution to the ongoing discussion on the role of AI in code optimization, highlighting the potential for LLMs to complement and enhance traditional compiler-based techniques. As the field continues to evolve, further studies and practical applications will be needed to fully realize the benefits of this promising approach.


This paper presents a comprehensive comparison of the performance of current large language models (LLMs) and classical optimizing compilers in the context of code optimization. The findings suggest that LLMs can outperform traditional compilers in certain tasks, particularly where complex, context-aware transformations are required. However, compilers maintain an advantage in systematic, low-level optimizations that leverage detailed architectural knowledge.

The research highlights the potential for hybrid approaches that combine the strengths of LLMs and classical compilers, offering a path forward for developing more robust and versatile code optimization systems. As the field continues to evolve, further studies and practical applications will be needed to fully harness the power of AI-based techniques and unlock new levels of software performance.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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