Optimizing Large Language Models for OpenAPI Code Completion






Published 6/12/2024 by Bohdan Petryshyn, Mantas Lukov{s}eviv{c}ius
Optimizing Large Language Models for OpenAPI Code Completion


Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and their utilization in code generation tasks have significantly reshaped the field of software development. Despite the remarkable efficacy of code completion solutions in mainstream programming languages, their performance lags when applied to less ubiquitous formats such as OpenAPI definitions. This study evaluates the OpenAPI completion performance of GitHub Copilot, a prevalent commercial code completion tool, and proposes a set of task-specific optimizations leveraging Meta's open-source model Code Llama. A semantics-aware OpenAPI completion benchmark proposed in this research is used to perform a series of experiments through which the impact of various prompt-engineering and fine-tuning techniques on the Code Llama model's performance is analyzed. The fine-tuned Code Llama model reaches a peak correctness improvement of 55.2% over GitHub Copilot despite utilizing 25 times fewer parameters than the commercial solution's underlying Codex model. Additionally, this research proposes an enhancement to a widely used code infilling training technique, addressing the issue of underperformance when the model is prompted with context sizes smaller than those used during training. The dataset, the benchmark, and the model fine-tuning code are made publicly available.

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This paper explores techniques for optimizing large language models (LLMs) like Code Llama and GitHub Copilot for the task of OpenAPI code completion. OpenAPI is a popular standard for defining and describing RESTful APIs, and LLMs have shown promise in assisting developers with code generation and completion tasks. The researchers investigate fine-tuning and prompt engineering approaches to improve the performance of LLMs on this specific use case.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on making large language models, which are powerful AI systems trained on vast amounts of data, better at helping developers write code for OpenAPI, a standard way of describing web-based APIs. OpenAPI is an important tool for building software that interacts with online services, and the researchers wanted to see if they could improve how well language models perform this specific task.

They tested different techniques, like fine-tuning the models (further training them on OpenAPI-related data) and carefully crafting the prompts (instructions) given to the models, to see if that would make the models better at generating accurate and useful OpenAPI code. The goal was to make the language models more effective at assisting developers with this important programming task.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by outlining the state of the art in large language models for code generation and completion, citing relevant research such as CodeEditorBench and Learning Performance Improving Code Edits. It then describes the specific challenges of OpenAPI code completion, noting that existing models may struggle with the domain-specific terminology and syntax.

The researchers experiment with two main approaches to address this:

  1. Fine-tuning: Further training the base language models on a dataset of OpenAPI specifications and related code to adapt them to this domain.
  2. Prompt engineering: Carefully designing the input prompts given to the models to elicit more relevant and accurate OpenAPI code completions.

The paper details the datasets, model architectures, and evaluation metrics used in their experiments. Key findings include the effectiveness of fine-tuning for improving performance on OpenAPI-specific benchmarks, as well as the importance of prompt engineering to guide the models towards generating high-quality OpenAPI code.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and well-designed study of optimizing LLMs for OpenAPI code completion. However, the researchers acknowledge that their work is limited to a specific set of models and datasets, and that further research is needed to generalize the findings.

One potential limitation is the reliance on automated metrics for evaluating the generated code, as these may not fully capture the nuances of real-world usability. Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential biases or safety considerations that could arise from deploying such AI-powered code completion tools in production environments.

Nonetheless, the researchers have made a valuable contribution to the field of LLM-based code generation and completion. Their work highlights the importance of domain-specific optimization and the role of prompt engineering, which could inform future efforts to make these powerful AI systems more useful and reliable for software development tasks.


This paper presents a promising approach to optimizing large language models for the task of OpenAPI code completion. By fine-tuning the models on relevant data and carefully crafting the input prompts, the researchers were able to significantly improve the quality and accuracy of the generated code.

The findings have important implications for the broader field of AI-assisted software development, where language models are increasingly being leveraged to enhance programmer productivity and reduce development time. As these technologies continue to evolve, it will be crucial to ensure they are tailored to the specific needs and best practices of different programming domains, as demonstrated in this work on OpenAPI.

Overall, the research highlights the value of domain-specific optimization and the potential for language models to become valuable tools in the software engineer's toolkit, as long as they are developed and deployed with care and consideration for the unique challenges of each application area.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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