Simulating, Fast and Slow: Learning Policies for Black-Box Optimization






Published 6/7/2024 by Fabio Valerio Massoli, Tim Bakker, Thomas Hehn, Tribhuvanesh Orekondy, Arash Behboodi
Simulating, Fast and Slow: Learning Policies for Black-Box Optimization


In recent years, solving optimization problems involving black-box simulators has become a point of focus for the machine learning community due to their ubiquity in science and engineering. The simulators describe a forward process $f_{mathrm{sim}}: (psi, x) rightarrow y$ from simulation parameters $psi$ and input data $x$ to observations $y$, and the goal of the optimization problem is to find parameters $psi$ that minimize a desired loss function. Sophisticated optimization algorithms typically require gradient information regarding the forward process, $f_{mathrm{sim}}$, with respect to the parameters $psi$. However, obtaining gradients from black-box simulators can often be prohibitively expensive or, in some cases, impossible. Furthermore, in many applications, practitioners aim to solve a set of related problems. Thus, starting the optimization ``ab initio, i.e. from scratch, each time might be inefficient if the forward model is expensive to evaluate. To address those challenges, this paper introduces a novel method for solving classes of similar black-box optimization problems by learning an active learning policy that guides a differentiable surrogate's training and uses the surrogate's gradients to optimize the simulation parameters with gradient descent. After training the policy, downstream optimization of problems involving black-box simulators requires up to $sim$90% fewer expensive simulator calls compared to baselines such as local surrogate-based approaches, numerical optimization, and Bayesian methods.

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  • This paper explores the use of simulation-based learning to optimize black-box systems, where the underlying function is unknown or difficult to model.
  • The authors propose a novel approach that combines fast and slow learning policies to efficiently explore the optimization landscape and find high-performing solutions.
  • The approach is evaluated on a range of black-box optimization tasks, including function-based sim-to-real learning and multi-objective optimization.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers are looking at ways to optimize the performance of complex, "black-box" systems. These are systems where the underlying mathematical functions that govern how the system works are either unknown or very difficult to model accurately.

The researchers propose a new approach that uses a combination of "fast" and "slow" learning policies to explore the optimization landscape and find high-performing solutions. The "fast" policy quickly tries out different options to get a sense of the general shape of the optimization problem, while the "slow" policy takes a more thorough and careful look to refine the solution.

This approach is tested on a range of different optimization problems, including ones related to transferring simulations to the real world and optimizing systems with multiple, competing objectives. The key idea is to leverage the strengths of both fast and slow learning to efficiently explore the optimization space and find the best solutions.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel approach for optimizing the performance of black-box systems, where the underlying mathematical functions are unknown or difficult to model. The authors propose a method that combines "fast" and "slow" learning policies to efficiently explore the optimization landscape.

The fast policy rapidly tries out different options to get a broad sense of the problem structure, while the slow policy takes a more thorough and careful approach to refine the solution. This combination allows the system to quickly identify promising regions of the optimization space, and then focus its efforts on finding high-performing solutions within those regions.

The approach is evaluated on a range of black-box optimization tasks, including efficient learning of accurate surrogates for simulations of complex systems, offline model-based optimization via policy guidance, and learning quadrupedal locomotion via differentiable simulation. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the fast and slow learning approach in navigating the complex optimization landscapes of these black-box problems.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for optimizing the performance of black-box systems, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The authors note that the effectiveness of the fast and slow learning policies may depend on the specific problem and the available computational resources. More work is needed to understand how to best configure these policies for different types of black-box optimization tasks.

  2. The paper focuses on single-objective optimization, but many real-world problems involve multiple, potentially conflicting objectives. While the authors briefly mention extensions to multi-objective optimization, further research is needed to fully understand how the fast and slow learning approach can be applied in these more complex scenarios.

  3. The paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the computational overhead and runtime requirements of the proposed method. As black-box optimization can be computationally intensive, it would be helpful to understand the tradeoffs between the efficiency gains of the fast and slow learning approach and the additional computational burden it may impose.

Despite these caveats, the overall approach presented in the paper represents an interesting and promising direction for advancing the state of the art in black-box optimization. By combining fast and slow learning policies, the method seeks to balance exploration and exploitation in a way that can effectively navigate complex optimization landscapes.


This paper introduces a novel approach for optimizing the performance of black-box systems, where the underlying mathematical functions are unknown or difficult to model. The key idea is to combine "fast" and "slow" learning policies to efficiently explore the optimization landscape and find high-performing solutions.

The proposed method is evaluated on a range of black-box optimization tasks, including sim-to-real learning and multi-objective optimization, demonstrating its effectiveness in navigating complex optimization problems.

While the paper highlights a few potential limitations and areas for further research, the overall approach represents an important step forward in addressing the challenges of black-box optimization. By leveraging the strengths of both fast and slow learning, the method offers a promising path towards more efficient and effective optimization of complex, real-world systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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