Efficient Learning of Accurate Surrogates for Simulations of Complex Systems






Published 5/20/2024 by A. Diaw, M. McKerns, I. Sagert, L. G. Stanton, M. S. Murillo



Machine learning methods are increasingly used to build computationally inexpensive surrogates for complex physical models. The predictive capability of these surrogates suffers when data are noisy, sparse, or time-dependent. As we are interested in finding a surrogate that provides valid predictions of any potential future model evaluations, we introduce an online learning method empowered by optimizer-driven sampling. The method has two advantages over current approaches. First, it ensures that all turning points on the model response surface are included in the training data. Second, after any new model evaluations, surrogates are tested and retrained (updated) if the score drops below a validity threshold. Tests on benchmark functions reveal that optimizer-directed sampling generally outperforms traditional sampling methods in terms of accuracy around local extrema, even when the scoring metric favors overall accuracy. We apply our method to simulations of nuclear matter to demonstrate that highly accurate surrogates for the nuclear equation of state can be reliably auto-generated from expensive calculations using a few model evaluations.

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  • Machine learning is being used to create simplified models that can predict the outputs of complex physical simulations
  • These simplified models, called "surrogates", can make predictions much faster than the original simulations
  • However, the accuracy of these surrogates suffers when the data used to train them is noisy, sparse, or changes over time
  • This paper introduces a new method to train surrogates that addresses these issues by using optimization techniques to intelligently sample the input space and continuously update the surrogate model

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new technique for building machine learning models that can accurately predict the outputs of complex physical simulations. These predictive models, called "surrogates," are computationally much cheaper to run than the original simulations, which is useful when the simulations are slow or expensive.

However, surrogate models can struggle to make accurate predictions if the data used to train them is noisy, sparse, or changes over time. To address these issues, the researchers developed a method that uses optimization algorithms to intelligently choose which inputs to simulate and test, ensuring that the training data captures all the important features of the model's behavior, even around local extrema.

After each new simulation, the surrogate model is tested to make sure its predictions are still valid. If the accuracy drops below a certain threshold, the model is automatically updated and retrained. This continuous monitoring and updating helps the surrogate stay accurate even as the underlying simulation changes over time.

The researchers tested this method on some standard benchmark problems as well as a real-world simulation of nuclear matter. They found that the optimizer-guided sampling approach outperformed traditional sampling methods, producing highly accurate surrogates that could reliably predict the original simulations using just a few data points.

Technical Explanation

This paper introduces an "online learning" method for building surrogate models that can accurately predict the outputs of complex physical simulations. The key innovations are:

  1. Optimizer-Driven Sampling: The method uses optimization algorithms to intelligently choose which input conditions to simulate and use for training the surrogate model. This ensures that the training data captures all the important features of the model's behavior, including local extrema.

  2. Continuous Model Validation and Updating: After each new simulation is added to the training data, the surrogate model is tested to ensure its predictions are still valid. If the accuracy drops below a specified threshold, the model is automatically updated and retrained. This helps the surrogate stay accurate even as the underlying simulation changes over time.

The researchers tested this approach on both benchmark functions and a real-world simulation of the nuclear equation of state. They found that the optimizer-guided sampling generally outperformed traditional sampling methods, producing surrogates that were more accurate around local extrema, even when the evaluation metric favored overall accuracy.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for building reliable surrogate models, particularly when dealing with complex, time-dependent physical simulations. The use of optimization-driven sampling to ensure coverage of important model features is a clever idea, and the continuous model validation and updating is an effective way to maintain accuracy.

That said, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the method. For example, the optimization process used to select training points could become computationally expensive for very high-dimensional input spaces. Additionally, the paper does not explore how the method might perform when dealing with discontinuities or other challenging features in the model response surface.

Further research could investigate strategies for scaling the optimization-based sampling to higher dimensions, as well as techniques for handling more complex model behaviors. Exploring ways to incorporate multi-fidelity information could also be a fruitful avenue for improving the surrogate modeling approach.

Overall, this paper represents an interesting and valuable contribution to the field of surrogate modeling, offering a novel approach that can produce highly accurate predictive models from limited data. The continuous validation and updating mechanism is a particularly compelling feature that could have wide-ranging applications.


This paper presents a new method for building accurate surrogate models of complex physical simulations. The key innovations are the use of optimization-driven sampling to ensure the training data captures important model features, and the continuous validation and updating of the surrogate to maintain accuracy over time.

Tests on benchmark problems and a nuclear matter simulation show that this approach can produce highly reliable surrogates using just a few model evaluations. This is a significant advance over traditional sampling methods, which can struggle to capture local extrema and other important details.

The ability to automatically generate accurate predictive models from expensive simulations has wide-ranging implications. It could enable faster design exploration, sensitivity analysis, and optimization in fields like engineering, materials science, and energy research. Further development and application of this technique could lead to substantial gains in computational efficiency and scientific insights.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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