Smoke and Mirrors in Causal Downstream Tasks






Published 5/28/2024 by Riccardo Cadei, Lukas Lindorfer, Sylvia Cremer, Cordelia Schmid, Francesco Locatello
Smoke and Mirrors in Causal Downstream Tasks


Machine Learning and AI have the potential to transform data-driven scientific discovery, enabling accurate predictions for several scientific phenomena. As many scientific questions are inherently causal, this paper looks at the causal inference task of treatment effect estimation, where we assume binary effects that are recorded as high-dimensional images in a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). Despite being the simplest possible setting and a perfect fit for deep learning, we theoretically find that many common choices in the literature may lead to biased estimates. To test the practical impact of these considerations, we recorded the first real-world benchmark for causal inference downstream tasks on high-dimensional observations as an RCT studying how garden ants (Lasius neglectus) respond to microparticles applied onto their colony members by hygienic grooming. Comparing 6 480 models fine-tuned from state-of-the-art visual backbones, we find that the sampling and modeling choices significantly affect the accuracy of the causal estimate, and that classification accuracy is not a proxy thereof. We further validated the analysis, repeating it on a synthetically generated visual data set controlling the causal model. Our results suggest that future benchmarks should carefully consider real downstream scientific questions, especially causal ones. Further, we highlight guidelines for representation learning methods to help answer causal questions in the sciences. All code and data will be released.

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  • Examines biases that can arise in downstream tasks from using machine learning (ML) pipelines to estimate average treatment effects (ATEs) in causal inference
  • Highlights how spurious correlations can lead to incorrect ATE estimates, even when the underlying causal model is known
  • Proposes a framework to quantify and mitigate these biases, with a focus on high-dimensional settings

Plain English Explanation

The paper explores a crucial issue in the field of causal inference - the potential for biases to creep into downstream tasks, even when the underlying causal model is well-understood.

Imagine you're trying to understand the causal effect of a new medical treatment on patient outcomes. You might use machine learning techniques to build a model that estimates the average treatment effect (ATE) - the difference in outcomes between the treatment and control groups.

However, the paper shows that even if your causal model is correct, there can be hidden biases in the data or the way the model is applied that lead to incorrect ATE estimates. These biases can arise from spurious correlations, where variables that aren't directly related to the treatment and outcome are mistakenly included in the model.

To address this, the paper proposes a framework to quantify and mitigate these biases, particularly in high-dimensional settings where there are many potential variables to consider. This allows researchers to better understand the limitations of their causal models and take steps to improve the reliability of their findings.

Technical Explanation

The paper examines the problem of biases that can arise when using machine learning (ML) pipelines to estimate average treatment effects (ATEs) in causal inference tasks. Even when the underlying causal model is known, the authors demonstrate how spurious correlations can lead to incorrect ATE estimates.

The authors propose a framework to quantify and mitigate these biases, with a focus on high-dimensional settings. They show that these biases can arise from the inclusion of variables that are not directly related to the treatment and outcome, but are nonetheless correlated with them.

The authors analyze the bias-variance tradeoff in these settings and provide theoretical guarantees on the tightness of their bias bounds. They also introduce an algorithm to identify the most influential variables driving the biases, allowing practitioners to better understand the limitations of their causal models.

The paper builds on existing work in causal inference, such as sample-estimate-aggregate-recipe-causal-discovery-foundation, neural-networks-causal-graph-constraints-new-approach, and deep-learning-causal-inference-comparison-architectures-heterogeneous, which have explored the challenges of causal inference in machine learning settings.

Critical Analysis

The paper does a commendable job of highlighting a crucial issue in the field of causal inference - the potential for biases to arise even when the underlying causal model is well-understood. However, there are a few caveats and limitations to consider:

  1. The analysis is primarily theoretical, and more empirical validation may be needed to fully understand the practical implications of the proposed framework. It would be valuable to see the framework applied to real-world datasets and use cases.

  2. The paper focuses on the high-dimensional setting, but many real-world causal inference problems may have a more limited set of covariates. The generalizability of the findings to lower-dimensional settings could be further explored.

  3. The paper does not address the potential for feedback loops or other complex causal structures, which can further complicate the estimation of ATEs. cause-effect-can-large-language-models-truly and towards-bounding-causal-effects-under-markov-equivalence discuss some of these more advanced causal modeling challenges.

Overall, the paper provides a valuable contribution to the field of causal inference, highlighting an important issue and proposing a framework to address it. However, further research and validation may be needed to fully understand the practical implications and limitations of the approach.


This paper sheds light on a critical issue in the field of causal inference - the potential for biases to arise in downstream tasks, even when the underlying causal model is well-understood. By proposing a framework to quantify and mitigate these biases, particularly in high-dimensional settings, the authors offer a valuable tool for researchers and practitioners working on causal inference problems.

The findings emphasize the importance of carefully evaluating the assumptions and limitations of causal models, and taking steps to ensure the reliability of their estimates. As machine learning continues to be applied to increasingly complex causal inference problems, this work serves as an important reminder that we must be vigilant in identifying and addressing potential sources of bias.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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