Towards Bounding Causal Effects under Markov Equivalence






Published 5/27/2024 by Alexis Bellot



Predicting the effect of unseen interventions is a fundamental research question across the data sciences. It is well established that in general such questions cannot be answered definitively from observational data. This realization has fuelled a growing literature introducing various identifying assumptions, for example in the form of a causal diagram among relevant variables. In practice, this paradigm is still too rigid for many practical applications as it is generally not possible to confidently delineate the true causal diagram. In this paper, we consider the derivation of bounds on causal effects given only observational data. We propose to take as input a less informative structure known as a Partial Ancestral Graph, which represents a Markov equivalence class of causal diagrams and is learnable from data. In this more ``data-driven'' setting, we provide a systematic algorithm to derive bounds on causal effects that exploit the invariant properties of the equivalence class, and that can be computed analytically. We demonstrate our method with synthetic and real data examples.

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  • Predicting the effect of unseen interventions is a fundamental problem in data science
  • Observational data alone is generally not sufficient to definitively answer such questions
  • This paper proposes a method to derive bounds on causal effects using a less restrictive causal structure called a Partial Ancestral Graph

Plain English Explanation

Determining the impact of new actions or events is an important challenge across many data-driven fields. However, it is well established that we can't always definitively answer these types of questions just by looking at past observations. To address this, researchers have developed various assumptions and frameworks, like causal diagrams, to try to infer causal relationships from data.

This paper takes a different approach. Instead of requiring a complete causal diagram, it uses a less restrictive structure called a Partial Ancestral Graph (PAG). A PAG represents a whole class of possible causal diagrams that are statistically indistinguishable. The authors show how to use the properties of this PAG structure to derive bounds on the potential causal effects, without needing to precisely specify the true underlying causal model. This is a more "data-driven" way to reason about causal questions when the true causal relationships are uncertain.

The paper demonstrates this PAG-based bounding technique on both synthetic and real-world datasets, showing how it can provide useful insights even when the true causal structure is unknown. This could be particularly valuable in areas like time series analysis or clustering where causal relationships are difficult to definitively establish.

Technical Explanation

The core of the paper's contribution is a systematic algorithm to derive bounds on causal effects given only observational data and a Partial Ancestral Graph (PAG) - a causal structure that is more flexible than a traditional causal diagram.

A PAG represents an equivalence class of causal diagrams that are statistically indistinguishable based on the observed data. Instead of requiring the full causal diagram to be specified, the authors show how to leverage the invariant properties of the PAG structure to compute analytical bounds on the potential causal effects.

Specifically, the algorithm takes the PAG as input and recursively applies a set of rules to derive the tightest possible upper and lower bounds on the causal effect of interest. These bounds capture the range of possible causal influences, given the uncertainty encoded in the PAG.

The authors demonstrate this PAG-based bounding technique on both synthetic data experiments and real-world datasets, including an application to predicting the causal effect of an intervention. The results show that the method can provide useful insights even when the true causal structure is not known with certainty.

Critical Analysis

A key strength of the proposed approach is its ability to reason about causal effects without requiring a fully specified causal diagram. This is an important advance, as in many real-world scenarios, it is difficult to confidently delineate the true underlying causal structure.

That said, the method does still rely on the assumption that a PAG can be learned from the observational data - a non-trivial task that may be sensitive to modeling choices and data quality. The paper does not delve into the challenges of PAG learning in practice.

Additionally, while the bounds computed by the algorithm are guaranteed to contain the true causal effect, they may end up being quite wide in some cases, limiting their practical utility. The authors acknowledge this as a potential limitation, but do not explore ways to tighten the bounds further.

It would also be valuable to see the method applied to a broader range of real-world problems beyond the few examples provided. Investigating its performance and limitations across diverse domains could help assess its general applicability.

Overall, this paper represents an interesting step towards more flexible, data-driven causal reasoning. However, there are still open questions around the practical deployment and limitations of the PAG-based bounding technique that merit further research and discussion.


This paper presents a novel approach to predicting the effects of interventions using only observational data, without requiring a fully specified causal diagram. By leveraging the more flexible structure of a Partial Ancestral Graph, the authors show how to derive analytical bounds on causal effects that capture the inherent uncertainty when the true causal relationships are unknown.

While the method has some limitations in terms ofbound tightness and the challenges of learning the PAG structure, it represents an important advance in the field of causal discovery and reasoning. The ability to reason about causal impacts without relying on overly restrictive assumptions could prove valuable across many data science applications where causal questions are paramount but causal models are difficult to establish with certainty.

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