Social-MAE: Social Masked Autoencoder for Multi-person Motion Representation Learning






Published 4/9/2024 by Mahsa Ehsanpour, Ian Reid, Hamid Rezatofighi
Social-MAE: Social Masked Autoencoder for Multi-person Motion Representation Learning


For a complete comprehension of multi-person scenes, it is essential to go beyond basic tasks like detection and tracking. Higher-level tasks, such as understanding the interactions and social activities among individuals, are also crucial. Progress towards models that can fully understand scenes involving multiple people is hindered by a lack of sufficient annotated data for such high-level tasks. To address this challenge, we introduce Social-MAE, a simple yet effective transformer-based masked autoencoder framework for multi-person human motion data. The framework uses masked modeling to pre-train the encoder to reconstruct masked human joint trajectories, enabling it to learn generalizable and data efficient representations of motion in human crowded scenes. Social-MAE comprises a transformer as the MAE encoder and a lighter-weight transformer as the MAE decoder which operates on multi-person joints' trajectory in the frequency domain. After the reconstruction task, the MAE decoder is replaced with a task-specific decoder and the model is fine-tuned end-to-end for a variety of high-level social tasks. Our proposed model combined with our pre-training approach achieves the state-of-the-art results on various high-level social tasks, including multi-person pose forecasting, social grouping, and social action understanding. These improvements are demonstrated across four popular multi-person datasets encompassing both human 2D and 3D body pose.

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  • Introduces a new approach called "Social-MAE" for learning multi-person motion representations in an unsupervised manner
  • Leverages a masked autoencoder architecture to capture the social interactions and dynamics between people
  • Aims to improve the quality of motion synthesis and transfer for various applications like robotics and animation

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new technique called "Social-MAE" (Social Masked Autoencoder) for learning how people move and interact with each other in an unsupervised way. The key idea is to take motion data of multiple people moving together, mask out parts of the motion data, and then train an autoencoder model to try to predict the missing parts.

This encourages the model to learn meaningful representations of how people's movements are related and influenced by the movements of others around them. The authors show that this approach leads to better performance on tasks like motion synthesis and transfer compared to models trained without this social awareness.

The motivation is to develop AI systems that can better understand and generate natural human-like motion, which could be useful for applications like robotics, animation, and interactions between humans and AI agents.

Technical Explanation

The core of the Social-MAE approach is a masked autoencoder architecture that takes in multi-person motion data as input. The model randomly masks out portions of the input motion sequences, and then tries to predict the missing parts based on the surrounding context.

This encourages the autoencoder to learn a rich latent representation that captures the social dynamics and interdependencies between the people in the scene. The authors experiment with different masking strategies and show that a "social-aware" masking scheme, which accounts for the relative spatial positions of the people, leads to better performance.

The trained Social-MAE model can then be used as a feature extractor, with the learned latent representations serving as a robust and informative encoding of the multi-person motion. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on a variety of downstream tasks, including motion synthesis, transfer, and human-robot interaction.

Critical Analysis

The Social-MAE paper makes a compelling case for the importance of modeling social interactions when learning representations of human motion. The authors provide thorough experiments and ablation studies to validate their approach, and the results show clear improvements over prior methods.

However, one potential limitation is that the paper focuses primarily on short-term, relatively simple motion sequences. It remains to be seen how well the Social-MAE approach would scale to more complex, long-term motion patterns involving larger groups of people.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the interpretability or explainability of the learned representations. It would be interesting to understand how the model is capturing the social dynamics and what specific relational cues it is learning to identify.

Despite these minor caveats, the Social-MAE paper represents a significant contribution to the field of human motion modeling and has the potential to enable more natural and socially aware AI systems across a variety of applications.


The Social-MAE paper introduces a novel approach for learning multi-person motion representations in an unsupervised manner. By leveraging a masked autoencoder architecture to capture the social dynamics between people, the model is able to learn more robust and informative encodings of human motion.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on several downstream tasks, showcasing its potential to enhance the realism and social awareness of AI systems in areas like robotics, animation, and human-machine interaction. While the paper has some limitations, it represents an important step forward in the field of human motion modeling and highlights the importance of considering social context when learning representations of human behavior.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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