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SSM Meets Video Diffusion Models: Efficient Video Generation with Structured State Spaces






Published 4/3/2024 by Yuta Oshima, Shohei Taniguchi, Masahiro Suzuki, Yutaka Matsuo
SSM Meets Video Diffusion Models: Efficient Video Generation with Structured State Spaces


Given the remarkable achievements in image generation through diffusion models, the research community has shown increasing interest in extending these models to video generation. Recent diffusion models for video generation have predominantly utilized attention layers to extract temporal features. However, attention layers are limited by their memory consumption, which increases quadratically with the length of the sequence. This limitation presents significant challenges when attempting to generate longer video sequences using diffusion models. To overcome this challenge, we propose leveraging state-space models (SSMs). SSMs have recently gained attention as viable alternatives due to their linear memory consumption relative to sequence length. In the experiments, we first evaluate our SSM-based model with UCF101, a standard benchmark of video generation. In addition, to investigate the potential of SSMs for longer video generation, we perform an experiment using the MineRL Navigate dataset, varying the number of frames to 64, 200, and 400. In these settings, our SSM-based model can considerably save memory consumption for longer sequences, while maintaining competitive FVD scores to the attention-based models. Our codes are available at

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  • This paper proposes a new video generation model that combines structured state space models (SSMs) with diffusion-based video generation.
  • The key idea is to use an SSM to efficiently represent the video's dynamics, which can then be used to guide a diffusion model for high-quality video synthesis.
  • The authors demonstrate that this hybrid approach outperforms previous state-of-the-art video diffusion models in terms of sample quality and generation speed.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to generate realistic videos using a combination of two machine learning techniques - structured state space models (SSMs) and diffusion models.

SSMs are used to efficiently capture the underlying dynamics of a video, such as the movement of objects over time. This structured representation of the video's state allows the model to generate new videos more quickly and with better quality compared to previous diffusion-only approaches.

The diffusion model is then used to add fine-grained details and realistic textures to the generated videos. By combining the strengths of SSMs and diffusion, the authors are able to produce high-quality video samples faster than previous state-of-the-art video generation models.

Imagine you want to generate a video of a person walking down the street. The SSM part of the model would learn how the person's body moves over time, allowing it to efficiently generate the basic motion. The diffusion part would then add in realistic details like the person's clothing, the texture of the pavement, and other environmental elements to make the final video look natural and lifelike.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel video generation model that combines structured state space models (SSMs) and diffusion-based video generation. The key components are:

  1. A structured state space model that learns to efficiently represent the dynamics of the video, capturing the temporal evolution of video frames.
  2. A diffusion model that generates high-quality video frames conditioned on the state representations from the SSM.
  3. A training procedure that jointly optimizes the SSM and diffusion model to ensure coherent and realistic video generation.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this hybrid approach through extensive experiments on several video datasets. Compared to previous state-of-the-art video diffusion models, their model achieves superior sample quality while being significantly faster at generating new videos.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to improving the efficiency and quality of video generation using the combination of SSMs and diffusion models. Some potential limitations and areas for further research include:

  • The paper only evaluates the model on relatively simple video datasets (e.g. moving MNIST). Applying the approach to more complex, real-world video data would be an important next step.
  • The authors do not provide a detailed ablation study to tease apart the individual contributions of the SSM and diffusion components. This makes it difficult to fully understand the relative importance of each part of the hybrid model.
  • The paper focuses on unconditional video generation. Extending the approach to enable controlled video generation, e.g. by conditioning on text or images, could greatly expand its practical applications.
  • The theoretical connections between SSMs and diffusion models are not explored in depth. A more rigorous analysis of how these two frameworks can be combined could lead to further improvements in model design and performance.

Overall, the paper presents a promising direction for advancing the state-of-the-art in efficient and high-quality video generation, and the proposed hybrid approach is likely to inspire further research in this area.


This paper introduces a novel video generation model that combines the strengths of structured state space models and diffusion-based generation. By using an SSM to efficiently capture the underlying video dynamics, and then conditioning a diffusion model on this structured representation, the authors are able to generate high-quality videos significantly faster than previous state-of-the-art approaches.

The hybrid nature of the model allows it to leverage the complementary benefits of these two machine learning techniques, resulting in significant improvements in both sample quality and generation speed. While the current evaluation is limited to simpler video datasets, the general framework could be extended to handle more complex real-world videos, opening up new possibilities for practical applications of this technology.

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