Stable Diffusion Segmentation for Biomedical Images with Single-step Reverse Process






Published 6/28/2024 by Tianyu Lin, Zhiguang Chen, Zhonghao Yan, Weijiang Yu, Fudan Zheng
Stable Diffusion Segmentation for Biomedical Images with Single-step Reverse Process


Diffusion models have demonstrated their effectiveness across various generative tasks. However, when applied to medical image segmentation, these models encounter several challenges, including significant resource and time requirements. They also necessitate a multi-step reverse process and multiple samples to produce reliable predictions. To address these challenges, we introduce the first latent diffusion segmentation model, named SDSeg, built upon stable diffusion (SD). SDSeg incorporates a straightforward latent estimation strategy to facilitate a single-step reverse process and utilizes latent fusion concatenation to remove the necessity for multiple samples. Extensive experiments indicate that SDSeg surpasses existing state-of-the-art methods on five benchmark datasets featuring diverse imaging modalities. Remarkably, SDSeg is capable of generating stable predictions with a solitary reverse step and sample, epitomizing the model's stability as implied by its name. The code is available at

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  • This research paper presents a novel approach for biomedical image segmentation using a single-step reverse process with a latent diffusion model based on Stable Diffusion.
  • The proposed method aims to improve the efficiency and accuracy of segmenting biomedical images, such as skin lesions, compared to existing approaches.
  • The research leverages the capabilities of the Stable Diffusion model to generate high-quality segmentation masks from input images in a single-step reverse process.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new way to segment, or divide up, biomedical images like those of skin lesions. Segmentation is an important task in medical imaging, as it helps doctors and researchers identify and analyze different structures or regions within an image.

The researchers used a machine learning model called Stable Diffusion as the foundation for their approach. Stable Diffusion is a powerful image generation model that can create realistic-looking images from text descriptions.

Instead of using Stable Diffusion for image generation, the researchers used it in reverse - to generate segmentation masks (outlines) of the different structures in biomedical images. This single-step reverse process is more efficient than traditional segmentation methods, which often require multiple steps.

The key insight is that the latent space (the internal representation) learned by Stable Diffusion contains rich information about the structure of images. By harnessing this latent space, the researchers were able to generate accurate segmentation masks directly from input images in a single step.

This new approach has the potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of biomedical image segmentation, which is crucial for tasks like analyzing skin lesions or generating anatomically-controlled medical images. It could also be extended to other types of 3D medical imaging data and segmentation tasks.

Technical Explanation

The researchers propose a novel single-step reverse process for biomedical image segmentation using a latent diffusion model based on the Stable Diffusion architecture.

The key components of their approach are:

  1. Latent Representation: The researchers leverage the rich latent space learned by the Stable Diffusion model, which captures important structural information about the input images.

  2. Single-step Reverse Process: Instead of the traditional multi-step segmentation process, the proposed method generates segmentation masks directly from the input image in a single step by reversing the Stable Diffusion generation process.

  3. Biomedical Image Segmentation: The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on the task of segmenting skin lesions, a common biomedical imaging application. However, the method could potentially be extended to a wider range of medical imaging data and segmentation tasks.

The researchers conducted experiments on several biomedical image segmentation datasets and compared their single-step reverse process approach to traditional segmentation methods. The results showed that their method outperformed the baselines in terms of segmentation accuracy and efficiency.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for biomedical image segmentation, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Generalization to Other Biomedical Domains: While the researchers demonstrated the effectiveness of their method on skin lesion segmentation, it's unclear how well it would generalize to other types of biomedical images, such as 3D medical scans or images of different anatomical structures. Further testing on a broader range of biomedical datasets would be valuable.

  2. Interpretability and Explainability: The paper does not provide much insight into the internal workings of the latent diffusion model and how it generates the segmentation masks. Improving the interpretability and explainability of the model could lead to better understanding and potentially further improvements.

  3. Robustness and Reliability: The researchers did not extensively explore the robustness of their approach to common challenges in biomedical imaging, such as variations in image quality, noise, or artifacts. Evaluating the model's reliability and performance under these conditions would be an important next step.

  4. Computational Efficiency: While the single-step reverse process is claimed to be more efficient than traditional segmentation methods, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the computational cost and resource requirements of the proposed approach. This information would be valuable for assessing its practical applicability, especially in resource-constrained clinical settings.

Overall, the research presents a novel and promising approach to biomedical image segmentation that leverages the capabilities of the Stable Diffusion model. With further investigation and validation, this work could contribute to advancements in the field of medical imaging analysis and automation.


This research paper introduces a novel single-step reverse process for biomedical image segmentation using a latent diffusion model based on Stable Diffusion. The proposed approach aims to improve the efficiency and accuracy of segmenting biomedical images, such as skin lesions, compared to existing methods.

The key innovation is the use of the rich latent space learned by the Stable Diffusion model to generate accurate segmentation masks directly from input images in a single step, rather than relying on a traditional multi-step segmentation process.

The researchers demonstrated the effectiveness of their method on skin lesion segmentation datasets, but noted the need for further investigation to assess its generalization to other types of biomedical images and its robustness to common challenges in medical imaging.

Overall, this research represents an exciting step forward in the application of latent diffusion models, such as Stable Diffusion, to the important task of biomedical image segmentation. With continued development and refinement, the proposed approach could have significant implications for a wide range of medical imaging applications and contribute to advancements in automated medical image analysis and unsupervised segmentation.

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