STG-MTL: Scalable Task Grouping for Multi-Task Learning Using Data Map






Published 5/28/2024 by Ammar Sherif, Abubakar Abid, Mustafa Elattar, Mohamed ElHelw
STG-MTL: Scalable Task Grouping for Multi-Task Learning Using Data Map


Multi-Task Learning (MTL) is a powerful technique that has gained popularity due to its performance improvement over traditional Single-Task Learning (STL). However, MTL is often challenging because there is an exponential number of possible task groupings, which can make it difficult to choose the best one because some groupings might produce performance degradation due to negative interference between tasks. That is why existing solutions are severely suffering from scalability issues, limiting any practical application. In our paper, we propose a new data-driven method that addresses these challenges and provides a scalable and modular solution for classification task grouping based on a re-proposed data-driven features, Data Maps, which capture the training dynamics for each classification task during the MTL training. Through a theoretical comparison with other techniques, we manage to show that our approach has the superior scalability. Our experiments show a better performance and verify the method's effectiveness, even on an unprecedented number of tasks (up to 100 tasks on CIFAR100). Being the first to work on such number of tasks, our comparisons on the resulting grouping shows similar grouping to the mentioned in the dataset, CIFAR100. Finally, we provide a modular implementation for easier integration and testing, with examples from multiple datasets and tasks.

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  • This paper introduces a novel multi-task learning (MTL) approach called STG-MTL (Scalable Task Grouping for Multi-Task Learning) that uses data maps to group related tasks.
  • The key idea is to leverage the underlying task relationships to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of MTL, rather than treating all tasks equally.
  • The authors propose a scalable algorithm to automatically discover task groups and train models for each group, leading to improved performance compared to traditional MTL methods.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a problem called "multi-task learning" (MTL). In MTL, a model is trained to solve multiple related tasks at the same time, like recognizing different types of objects in images or predicting different attributes of a person. The key insight is that by learning multiple tasks together, the model can leverage the commonalities between the tasks to perform better on each individual task.

However, traditional MTL approaches treat all tasks equally, even if some tasks are more closely related than others. The new method proposed in this paper, called STG-MTL, tries to automatically identify groups of related tasks and train separate models for each group. This allows the model to focus on the most relevant task relationships, leading to better overall performance.

The authors use the analogy of a "data map" to visualize the relationships between the tasks. Just like a geographic map shows the relative locations of different places, the data map shows how the different tasks are related to each other based on the underlying data. By clustering the tasks into groups based on this map, the STG-MTL approach can learn the tasks more efficiently.

The key innovation is the scalable algorithm the authors developed to automatically discover these task groups and train the models. This makes the approach practical for real-world applications with a large number of tasks, unlike previous methods that required manual task grouping.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents the STG-MTL (Scalable Task Grouping for Multi-Task Learning) approach, which aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of multi-task learning (MTL) by exploiting the underlying relationships between tasks.

The core idea is to automatically discover task groups and train separate models for each group, rather than treating all tasks equally. The authors propose a scalable algorithm to achieve this, based on the concept of "data maps" - visual representations of the task relationships derived from the data.

The STG-MTL method consists of three main steps:

  1. Task Relationship Discovery: The authors construct a data map that encodes the pairwise similarities between tasks, using techniques like principal component analysis and spectral clustering.
  2. Task Grouping: A scalable clustering algorithm is applied to the data map to identify groups of related tasks.
  3. Model Training: Separate models are trained for each task group, allowing the model to focus on the most relevant task relationships.

The authors evaluate STG-MTL on several benchmark datasets and show that it outperforms traditional MTL approaches in terms of overall task performance. The key advantages are the ability to automatically discover task groups and the scalability of the algorithm, making it practical for real-world applications with a large number of tasks.

Critical Analysis

The STG-MTL paper presents a compelling approach to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of multi-task learning. The use of data maps to visualize and model the task relationships is a novel and insightful idea, and the scalable algorithm for task grouping is a valuable contribution.

However, the paper does not address several important limitations and potential issues:

  • The performance of the task grouping algorithm may be sensitive to the choice of hyperparameters and the quality of the data map construction.
  • The approach assumes that tasks can be neatly divided into distinct groups, but in some applications, the task relationships may be more complex and overlapping.
  • The paper does not explore the interpretability of the discovered task groups or provide insights into the nature of the learned task relationships.

Additionally, the authors could have challenged their own approach more rigorously. For example, they could have compared STG-MTL to other task grouping methods or explored the impact of different data map construction techniques on the final results.

Overall, the STG-MTL paper represents a valuable contribution to the field of multi-task learning, but future research should address the limitations and explore the broader implications of the task grouping approach.


The STG-MTL paper introduces a scalable and effective approach to multi-task learning that leverages the underlying relationships between tasks. By automatically discovering task groups and training separate models for each group, the method can outperform traditional MTL techniques.

The key innovation is the use of "data maps" to visualize and model the task relationships, coupled with a scalable algorithm for task grouping. This allows the STG-MTL approach to be practical for real-world applications with a large number of tasks, unlike previous methods that required manual task grouping.

While the paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the STG-MTL approach, it also highlights the need for further research to address the limitations and explore the broader implications of task-based modeling in multi-task learning. As the field of MTL continues to evolve, techniques like STG-MTL will play an important role in unlocking the full potential of joint task learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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