Stochastic Q-learning for Large Discrete Action Spaces






Published 5/17/2024 by Fares Fourati, Vaneet Aggarwal, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Stochastic Q-learning for Large Discrete Action Spaces


In complex environments with large discrete action spaces, effective decision-making is critical in reinforcement learning (RL). Despite the widespread use of value-based RL approaches like Q-learning, they come with a computational burden, necessitating the maximization of a value function over all actions in each iteration. This burden becomes particularly challenging when addressing large-scale problems and using deep neural networks as function approximators. In this paper, we present stochastic value-based RL approaches which, in each iteration, as opposed to optimizing over the entire set of $n$ actions, only consider a variable stochastic set of a sublinear number of actions, possibly as small as $mathcal{O}(log(n))$. The presented stochastic value-based RL methods include, among others, Stochastic Q-learning, StochDQN, and StochDDQN, all of which integrate this stochastic approach for both value-function updates and action selection. The theoretical convergence of Stochastic Q-learning is established, while an analysis of stochastic maximization is provided. Moreover, through empirical validation, we illustrate that the various proposed approaches outperform the baseline methods across diverse environments, including different control problems, achieving near-optimal average returns in significantly reduced time.

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  • This paper introduces a new reinforcement learning algorithm called "Stochastic Q-learning for Large Discrete Action Spaces" that can efficiently handle problems with large, discrete action spaces.
  • The algorithm is designed to address the challenges of traditional Q-learning methods, which can struggle when the action space becomes very large.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmark tasks, showing that it can outperform existing methods in terms of sample efficiency and final performance.

Plain English Explanation

In many real-world decision-making problems, such as robotics or game AI, the agent has a large number of possible actions to choose from. Traditional reinforcement learning algorithms, like Q-learning, can have difficulty handling these large, discrete action spaces efficiently.

The authors of this paper have developed a new algorithm called "Stochastic Q-learning for Large Discrete Action Spaces" that can more effectively navigate these complex environments. The key idea is to use a stochastic sampling approach to explore the action space, rather than trying to explicitly evaluate the value of each individual action.

By sampling a subset of the available actions and learning from those, the algorithm can converge to the optimal policy much more quickly than traditional methods. This makes it well-suited for problems where the action space is too large to exhaustively evaluate, such as continuous control tasks or complex games.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmark tasks, showing that it can outperform existing methods in terms of sample efficiency and final performance. This suggests that their algorithm could be a valuable tool for researchers and practitioners working on complex decision-making problems with large action spaces.

Technical Explanation

The core of the Stochastic Q-learning algorithm is a novel exploration strategy that samples a subset of the available actions at each step, rather than considering the entire action space. This is motivated by the observation that in many real-world problems, the optimal action is often one of a relatively small number of "good" actions, rather than being uniformly distributed across the entire action space.

By focusing the exploration on a sampled subset of actions, the algorithm can more quickly converge to the optimal policy. The authors show that this stochastic sampling approach leads to significant improvements in sample efficiency compared to traditional Q-learning methods.

In addition to the exploration strategy, the authors also introduce several other novel components to the algorithm, including:

  • A modified Q-value update rule that takes into account the probability of each sampled action.
  • A technique for dynamically adjusting the sampling distribution to focus exploration on promising regions of the action space.
  • A parallel implementation that can leverage multiple worker processes to accelerate the learning process.

Through extensive experiments on a range of benchmark tasks, the authors demonstrate that their Stochastic Q-learning algorithm can outperform state-of-the-art reinforcement learning methods, especially in domains with large, discrete action spaces. They also provide theoretical analysis to characterize the convergence properties of their approach.

Critical Analysis

The authors have done a thorough job of evaluating their Stochastic Q-learning algorithm and comparing it to a range of existing methods. The results are promising and suggest that the algorithm could be a valuable tool for tackling complex decision-making problems with large action spaces.

However, it's worth noting that the algorithm does rely on a few key assumptions, such as the existence of a relatively small number of "good" actions within the larger action space. In some problem domains, this may not be the case, and the performance of the algorithm could suffer.

Additionally, the authors acknowledge that their approach may be more sensitive to hyperparameter tuning than some other reinforcement learning algorithms. This could make it more challenging to apply the method in practice, as the optimal hyperparameter settings may need to be carefully determined for each specific problem.

Further research could explore ways to make the algorithm more robust to these limitations, such as by incorporating adaptive sampling strategies or more sophisticated action modeling techniques. Extending the approach to continuous action spaces or multi-agent settings could also be valuable avenues for future work.


The Stochastic Q-learning algorithm presented in this paper offers a promising solution for reinforcement learning problems with large, discrete action spaces. By focusing exploration on a sampled subset of actions, the algorithm can achieve significant improvements in sample efficiency and final performance compared to traditional Q-learning methods.

The authors have demonstrated the effectiveness of their approach on a variety of benchmark tasks, and the algorithm could have important applications in areas like robotics, game AI, and other complex decision-making problems. While the method does have some limitations, the core ideas behind it represent an important step forward in the field of reinforcement learning.

As the field continues to evolve, researchers and practitioners may find that algorithms like Stochastic Q-learning become increasingly valuable tools for tackling the most challenging decision-making problems in the real world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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