Structured Reinforcement Learning for Incentivized Stochastic Covert Optimization






Published 5/14/2024 by Adit Jain, Vikram Krishnamurthy



This paper studies how a stochastic gradient algorithm (SG) can be controlled to hide the estimate of the local stationary point from an eavesdropper. Such problems are of significant interest in distributed optimization settings like federated learning and inventory management. A learner queries a stochastic oracle and incentivizes the oracle to obtain noisy gradient measurements and perform SG. The oracle probabilistically returns either a noisy gradient of the function} or a non-informative measurement, depending on the oracle state and incentive. The learner's query and incentive are visible to an eavesdropper who wishes to estimate the stationary point. This paper formulates the problem of the learner performing covert optimization by dynamically incentivizing the stochastic oracle and obfuscating the eavesdropper as a finite-horizon Markov decision process (MDP). Using conditions for interval-dominance on the cost and transition probability structure, we show that the optimal policy for the MDP has a monotone threshold structure. We propose searching for the optimal stationary policy with the threshold structure using a stochastic approximation algorithm and a multi-armed bandit approach. The effectiveness of our methods is numerically demonstrated on a covert federated learning hate-speech classification task.

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  • This paper explores a structured reinforcement learning approach for incentivized stochastic covert optimization.
  • The researchers develop a framework for covert optimization using first-order stochastic gradient descent, where the goal is to optimize a function while hiding the optimization process from an external party.
  • The proposed approach involves introducing stochastic noise and a reward function to incentivize the model to learn an optimal solution while minimizing the ability of an external party to detect the optimization process.

Plain English Explanation

In this research, the authors have developed a new method for stochastic constrained decentralized optimization in a covert setting. The key idea is to use a reinforcement learning approach to optimize a function, but in a way that hides the optimization process from an external party.

The researchers call this "covert optimization." The goal is to find the best solution to a problem, while making it hard for someone else to detect that you're even trying to optimize something. This could be useful in situations where you don't want an adversary to know what you're trying to achieve.

To do this, the researchers introduce some randomness or "noise" into the optimization process. They also design a special reward function that encourages the model to learn an optimal solution while simultaneously minimizing the ability of an external party to detect what's going on.

This approach builds on ideas from stochastic online optimization for cyber-physical robotic systems and decentralized learning strategies for estimation error minimization, combining them in a novel way to tackle the problem of covert optimization.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a structured reinforcement learning framework for incentivized stochastic covert optimization. The authors develop a covert optimization approach based on first-order stochastic gradient descent, where the goal is to optimize a function while hiding the optimization process from an external party.

The key components of the proposed approach are:

  1. Introducing stochastic noise: The researchers add random noise to the optimization process to make it harder for an external party to detect the underlying optimization.

  2. Designing a reward function: The researchers define a reward function that incentivizes the model to learn an optimal solution while simultaneously minimizing the ability of an external party to detect the optimization process. This is achieved by incorporating a detection cost into the reward function.

  3. Structured reinforcement learning: The authors formulate the covert optimization problem as a reinforcement learning task, where the agent learns to optimize the function while minimizing the detection cost.

The authors analyze the convergence properties of the proposed approach and provide theoretical guarantees. They also demonstrate the effectiveness of their method through numerical experiments, showing that it can achieve high-quality solutions while successfully hiding the optimization process from an external party.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and interesting approach to the problem of covert optimization. The use of reinforcement learning to incentivize the model to learn an optimal solution while minimizing detection is a clever idea. The theoretical analysis and experimental results provide a strong foundation for the proposed framework.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations and areas for further research. For example, the authors do not discuss how the approach might scale to larger, more complex optimization problems. Additionally, the impact of the noise introduced to the optimization process on the final solution quality is not thoroughly explored.

Furthermore, the paper does not consider potential adversarial attacks or countermeasures that an external party might employ to detect the covert optimization process. Exploring the robustness of the proposed method against such attacks could be an important area for future work.

Overall, the research presents a promising step towards convergence of model-free entropy-regularized inverse reinforcement learning in a covert setting, but there are still opportunities for further development and exploration of the approach's limitations and practical implications.


This paper introduces a structured reinforcement learning framework for incentivized stochastic covert optimization. The key idea is to use a combination of stochastic noise and a reward function that encourages the model to learn an optimal solution while minimizing the ability of an external party to detect the optimization process.

The proposed approach builds on ideas from stochastic online optimization, decentralized learning strategies, and convergence of model-free inverse reinforcement learning, combining them in a novel way to tackle the problem of covert optimization.

The research presents a promising step forward in this area, with potential applications in scenarios where the optimization process needs to be hidden from external parties. However, further exploration of the approach's limitations and robustness against adversarial attacks could be valuable areas for future work.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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