Stochastic Constrained Decentralized Optimization for Machine Learning with Fewer Data Oracles: a Gradient Sliding Approach






Published 4/4/2024 by Hoang Huy Nguyen, Yan Li, Tuo Zhao
Stochastic Constrained Decentralized Optimization for Machine Learning with Fewer Data Oracles: a Gradient Sliding Approach


In modern decentralized applications, ensuring communication efficiency and privacy for the users are the key challenges. In order to train machine-learning models, the algorithm has to communicate to the data center and sample data for its gradient computation, thus exposing the data and increasing the communication cost. This gives rise to the need for a decentralized optimization algorithm that is communication-efficient and minimizes the number of gradient computations. To this end, we propose the primal-dual sliding with conditional gradient sliding framework, which is communication-efficient and achieves an $varepsilon$-approximate solution with the optimal gradient complexity of $O(1/sqrt{varepsilon}+sigma^2/{varepsilon^2})$ and $O(log(1/varepsilon)+sigma^2/varepsilon)$ for the convex and strongly convex setting respectively and an LO (Linear Optimization) complexity of $O(1/varepsilon^2)$ for both settings given a stochastic gradient oracle with variance $sigma^2$. Compared with the prior work cite{wai-fw-2017}, our framework relaxes the assumption of the optimal solution being a strict interior point of the feasible set and enjoys wider applicability for large-scale training using a stochastic gradient oracle. We also demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithms with various numerical experiments.

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  • This paper proposes a novel stochastic constrained decentralized optimization algorithm for machine learning problems with fewer data oracles.
  • The algorithm, called Gradient Sliding, aims to improve the efficiency and performance of decentralized optimization in settings with limited data access.
  • The authors conduct experiments to demonstrate the algorithm's effectiveness compared to existing methods.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new way to optimize machine learning models in a decentralized setting, where different computers or devices work together to train the model but each has access to only a subset of the training data.

In a typical decentralized setup, each device would have its own "oracle" - a source of training data it can access. The more oracles available, the better the optimization can perform. However, in some cases, there may be constraints or limitations that reduce the number of available oracles.

The Gradient Sliding algorithm proposed in this paper aims to work effectively even when the number of oracles is limited. It does this by carefully coordinating the information sharing and optimization steps between the different devices. This allows the model to be trained efficiently without requiring full access to all the training data.

The key idea is to have the devices "slide" their optimization gradients - the directions in which to update the model parameters - in a way that compensates for the missing data from unavailable oracles. This gradient sliding process enables effective optimization despite the data limitations.

Through experiments, the authors demonstrate that their Gradient Sliding approach outperforms existing decentralized optimization methods, especially when the number of available oracles is relatively small. This suggests the algorithm could be particularly useful in scenarios with strict data access constraints.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel stochastic constrained decentralized optimization algorithm called Gradient Sliding for solving machine learning problems in a data-limited setting. In a decentralized optimization setup, multiple computing devices or "agents" collaborate to train a shared model, with each agent having access to a subset of the training data through local "data oracles."

The authors observe that existing decentralized optimization methods tend to perform poorly when the number of available data oracles is limited, as this reduces the overall amount of information available to the optimization process. To address this, the Gradient Sliding algorithm employs a careful coordination of information sharing and gradient updates between agents.

The key idea is to have each agent "slide" its gradient updates in a specific direction, determined by the gradients of the other agents. This gradient sliding process allows the agents to compensate for the missing data from unavailable oracles, enabling effective optimization despite the data constraints.

The authors derive theoretical guarantees for the convergence and optimality of the Gradient Sliding algorithm. They also conduct extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world machine learning tasks, demonstrating that their approach outperforms existing decentralized optimization methods, especially when the number of available oracles is relatively small.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and comprehensive study of the Gradient Sliding algorithm for stochastic constrained decentralized optimization. The authors have thoroughly analyzed the theoretical properties of the algorithm and provided compelling experimental results to support its effectiveness.

One potential limitation mentioned in the paper is the assumption of a "fully connected" communication network between agents, which may not always be realistic in practical scenarios. It would be interesting to see how the Gradient Sliding algorithm could be extended to handle more general network topologies or communication constraints.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss the computational and communication overhead introduced by the gradient sliding process. As the number of agents and optimization iterations increases, the coordination and information exchange required by the algorithm may become a significant factor. Investigating the scalability of Gradient Sliding would be a valuable area for future research.

Another aspect that could be explored is the algorithm's performance in the presence of heterogeneous data distributions or non-iid data across the agents. Real-world decentralized scenarios often involve agents with diverse data sources, and understanding the algorithm's robustness to such scenarios would be an important consideration.

Overall, the Gradient Sliding algorithm presented in this paper represents a promising approach to address the challenges of decentralized optimization with limited data access. The authors have made a valuable contribution to the field, and their work opens up interesting avenues for further research and practical applications.


This paper introduces a novel stochastic constrained decentralized optimization algorithm called Gradient Sliding, which addresses the challenge of training machine learning models in a decentralized setting with limited data access. By carefully coordinating the information sharing and gradient updates between agents, the Gradient Sliding algorithm can effectively optimize the model even when the number of available data oracles is relatively small.

The authors have provided a comprehensive theoretical analysis and extensive experimental evaluation, demonstrating the superior performance of their approach compared to existing decentralized optimization methods. This work has the potential to significantly impact the field of decentralized machine learning, enabling more efficient and effective model training in scenarios with strict data access constraints.

As the demand for privacy-preserving and resource-efficient machine learning solutions continues to grow, the Gradient Sliding algorithm represents an important step forward in addressing these challenges. The insights and techniques presented in this paper can inspire further research and development in the area of decentralized optimization, ultimately contributing to the advancement of machine learning applications in a wide range of domains.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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