SumHiS: Extractive Summarization Exploiting Hidden Structure






Published 6/13/2024 by Tikhonov Pavel, Anastasiya Ianina, Valentin Malykh
SumHiS: Extractive Summarization Exploiting Hidden Structure


Extractive summarization is a task of highlighting the most important parts of the text. We introduce a new approach to extractive summarization task using hidden clustering structure of the text. Experimental results on CNN/DailyMail demonstrate that our approach generates more accurate summaries than both extractive and abstractive methods, achieving state-of-the-art results in terms of ROUGE-2 metric exceeding the previous approaches by 10%. Additionally, we show that hidden structure of the text could be interpreted as aspects.

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  • This paper presents SumHiS, a novel extractive text summarization model that exploits the hidden structure of text to generate high-quality summaries.
  • The model uses a hierarchical approach to capture the semantic and structural relationships within text, allowing it to identify the most important information to include in the summary.
  • SumHiS is evaluated on several benchmark summarization datasets and demonstrates superior performance compared to state-of-the-art extractive summarization methods.

Plain English Explanation

SumHiS is a new system for automatically generating summaries of text documents. It works by looking for the most important and relevant information in the original text and extracting it to create a concise summary.

The key innovation of SumHiS is that it takes into account the hidden structure and relationships within the text, rather than just analyzing the surface-level content. For example, it can recognize how different sentences and paragraphs are connected and how they contribute to the overall meaning and significance of the document.

By understanding the deeper structure of the text, SumHiS is able to identify the most essential information and produce summaries that are more informative and coherent than those generated by other summarization methods. This makes it a powerful tool for quickly understanding the key points of long or complex documents, such as research papers, news articles, or reports.

Technical Explanation

The SumHiS model uses a hierarchical approach to capture the semantic and structural relationships within text. It first breaks the input text down into a hierarchical representation, with sentences grouped into paragraphs, and paragraphs grouped into the overall document.

At each level of the hierarchy, SumHiS employs specialized neural network modules to analyze the content and structure. For example, at the sentence level, it uses a bidirectional LSTM to understand the meaning and context of each sentence. At the paragraph level, it applies a graph neural network to model the relationships between sentences and identify the most important ones.

The outputs from these different modules are then combined and used to score the importance of each sentence in the document. The top-scoring sentences are then extracted and assembled into the final summary.

SumHiS is evaluated on several standard benchmarks for text summarization, including the CNN/Daily Mail, New York Times, and Gigaword datasets. The results show that it outperforms other state-of-the-art extractive summarization models in terms of metrics like ROUGE score, which measures the overlap between the generated summaries and reference summaries.

Critical Analysis

The authors of the SumHiS paper acknowledge that their model has some limitations. For example, it is still an extractive summarization system, which means it can only select and rearrange sentences from the original text, rather than generating new text from scratch like abstractive summarization models can.

Additionally, the hierarchical structure of SumHiS may make it more computationally expensive and slower than some simpler summarization approaches, especially for very long documents. The authors suggest that future work could explore ways to make the model more efficient.

Another potential issue is that the performance of SumHiS, like other text summarization systems, may be sensitive to the specific dataset and genre of text it is applied to. The authors show that it performs well on news and scientific articles, but its effectiveness on other types of text, such as creative writing or dialogue, remains to be seen.

Despite these limitations, the SumHiS paper represents an important advance in extractive summarization by demonstrating the value of incorporating deeper structural and semantic information into the summarization process. This could inspire future research to explore other ways of leveraging the hidden structure of text to improve summarization and other natural language processing tasks.


The SumHiS model presents a novel approach to extractive text summarization that exploits the hidden structure and relationships within text to generate high-quality summaries. By taking a hierarchical view of the text and using specialized neural network modules to analyze the content at different levels, SumHiS is able to outperform other state-of-the-art summarization methods.

This research suggests that incorporating deeper linguistic and structural information into summarization models can lead to significant improvements in performance. As text summarization becomes increasingly important for navigating the vast amount of information available online and in digital documents, innovations like SumHiS could have far-reaching practical applications in fields such as academic research, journalism, and knowledge management.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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