Supervised Contrastive Learning with Hard Negative Samples

Read original: arXiv:2209.00078 - Published 5/13/2024 by Ruijie Jiang, Thuan Nguyen, Prakash Ishwar, Shuchin Aeron
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  • Contrastive learning (CL) is a technique that learns useful representations by pulling positive samples close together and pushing negative samples far apart in the embedding space.
  • In unsupervised contrastive learning (UCL), negative samples are chosen randomly, which can lead to "class collisions" where samples from different classes are close together.
  • Supervised contrastive learning (SCL) avoids this issue by conditioning the negative sampling distribution on samples with different labels.
  • Hard-UCL (H-UCL) further enhances UCL by tilting the negative sampling distribution towards samples closer to the anchor.
  • This paper proposes Hard-SCL (H-SCL), which combines the benefits of SCL and H-UCL by tilting the class-conditional negative sampling distribution.

Plain English Explanation

Contrastive learning is a technique used to learn useful representations of data, like images or text. It works by pulling together samples that are similar (called "positive" samples) and pushing apart samples that are different (called "negative" samples). This helps the model learn to distinguish between different types of data.

In unsupervised contrastive learning (UCL), the negative samples are chosen randomly, which can sometimes lead to "class collisions" - where samples from different classes (e.g., different types of objects in an image) end up being close together in the representation space. This can make it harder for the model to learn effective representations.

To address this, supervised contrastive learning (SCL) conditions the negative sampling on samples with different labels. This helps the model learn representations that better separate the different classes.

The paper introduces a new method called Hard-SCL (H-SCL), which builds on SCL by further "tilting" the negative sampling distribution towards samples that are closer to the anchor (the sample being trained on). This helps the model focus on learning to separate the most similar-looking negative samples, which can lead to better representations.

Technical Explanation

Contrastive learning learns a useful representation function by minimizing a loss function like the InfoNCE loss, which pulls positive samples (created using label-preserving transformations) close together and pushes negative samples far apart in the embedding space.

In unsupervised contrastive learning (UCL), where class labels are not available, negative samples are typically chosen randomly from the dataset. This can lead to "class collisions" where negative samples from different classes are close together in the embedding space.

Supervised contrastive learning (SCL) avoids this issue by conditioning the negative sampling distribution on samples with different labels than the anchor (the sample being trained on). This helps the model learn representations that better separate the different classes.

The paper introduces Hard-SCL (H-SCL), which builds on SCL by further "tilting" the class-conditional negative sampling distribution towards samples that are closer to the anchor. This is inspired by the success of Hard-UCL (H-UCL), which has been shown to enhance UCL by tilting the negative sampling distribution in this way.

The authors provide a theoretical analysis showing that, under certain assumptions, the H-SCL loss is upper bounded by the H-UCL loss. This suggests that H-UCL can be used to control the H-SCL loss even when label information is not available. Experiments on several datasets verify this assumption and the claimed inequality between H-UCL and H-SCL losses.

The paper also discusses a plausible scenario where the H-SCL loss is lower bounded by the UCL loss, indicating the limited utility of UCL in controlling the H-SCL loss.

Critical Analysis

The paper introduces a novel contrastive learning method, H-SCL, that builds on the strengths of both unsupervised and supervised contrastive learning. The theoretical analysis and experimental results provide a strong justification for the proposed approach.

One potential limitation is the assumption of infinite negative samples per anchor required for the analytical results. In practice, the number of negative samples is often limited by computational constraints. It would be interesting to explore the performance of H-SCL under more realistic negative sampling scenarios.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the potential trade-offs or downsides of the H-SCL approach. For example, the increased focus on hard negative samples may make the model more susceptible to overfitting or adversarial examples. Further investigation into the robustness and generalization properties of H-SCL would be valuable.

Finally, the paper focuses on the performance gains in downstream classification tasks, but other potential applications of contrastive learning, such as unsupervised or semi-supervised learning, are not explored. Exploring the broader utility of H-SCL across different machine learning problems would help further demonstrate its significance.


This paper introduces a novel contrastive learning method called Hard-SCL (H-SCL) that combines the benefits of supervised contrastive learning and hard negative mining. By tilting the class-conditional negative sampling distribution towards harder negative samples, H-SCL is shown to outperform standard supervised contrastive learning in downstream classification tasks.

The theoretical analysis and experimental results provide a solid foundation for the H-SCL approach, suggesting it can effectively learn representations that better separate different classes of data. While the paper focuses on classification, the implications of this work could extend to other areas of machine learning that rely on learning useful data representations, such as medical image analysis or natural language processing.

Overall, the H-SCL method represents an important advancement in contrastive learning, providing a novel approach to enhance the separation of different classes of data in the learned representation space.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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