Surprise-Adaptive Intrinsic Motivation for Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning






Published 5/28/2024 by Adriana Hugessen, Roger Creus Castanyer, Faisal Mohamed, Glen Berseth
Surprise-Adaptive Intrinsic Motivation for Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning


Both entropy-minimizing and entropy-maximizing (curiosity) objectives for unsupervised reinforcement learning (RL) have been shown to be effective in different environments, depending on the environment's level of natural entropy. However, neither method alone results in an agent that will consistently learn intelligent behavior across environments. In an effort to find a single entropy-based method that will encourage emergent behaviors in any environment, we propose an agent that can adapt its objective online, depending on the entropy conditions by framing the choice as a multi-armed bandit problem. We devise a novel intrinsic feedback signal for the bandit, which captures the agent's ability to control the entropy in its environment. We demonstrate that such agents can learn to control entropy and exhibit emergent behaviors in both high- and low-entropy regimes and can learn skillful behaviors in benchmark tasks. Videos of the trained agents and summarized findings can be found on our project page

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  • This paper introduces a new intrinsic reward mechanism called "Surprise-Adaptive Intrinsic Motivation" (SAIM) for unsupervised reinforcement learning agents.
  • The goal is to encourage exploration in complex environments by rewarding agents for encountering novel or surprising situations, while adaptively adjusting the reward signal to maintain an optimal level of surprise.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of SAIM in several simulated environments, showing that it can lead to more efficient exploration and better learning performance compared to existing intrinsic motivation approaches.

Plain English Explanation

Reinforcement learning agents are often trained to maximize some kind of reward signal, which can come from the environment or be provided by a human designer. However, in many complex environments, it can be challenging for the agent to discover rewarding behaviors on its own, especially early in the learning process.

The Intrinsic Rewards for Exploration Without Harm from Observational Data and Constrained Ensemble Exploration for Unsupervised Skill Discovery papers have explored using intrinsic rewards to encourage exploration, but these approaches can sometimes lead to agents becoming stuck in local optima or exhibiting undesirable behaviors.

The [Surprise-Adaptive Intrinsic Motivation for Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning] paper proposes a new approach called "Surprise-Adaptive Intrinsic Motivation" (SAIM) that aims to address these issues. The key idea is to reward the agent for encountering novel or surprising situations, but to adaptively adjust the strength of this reward signal over time to maintain an optimal level of surprise.

For example, imagine a robot exploring a maze. Early on, the robot might receive a lot of intrinsic reward for discovering new rooms or corridors, as these are highly surprising. However, as the robot becomes more familiar with the maze, the same rooms and corridors become less surprising, and the intrinsic reward should decrease to avoid the robot getting stuck in a "surprise-seeking" loop.

The Convergence of Model-free Entropy-regularized Inverse Reinforcement Learning and Examining Policy Entropy in Reinforcement Learning Agents for Personalization papers have explored related ideas of using entropy-based intrinsic rewards to encourage exploration, but SAIM provides a more sophisticated and adaptive approach.

By adjusting the intrinsic reward signal in response to the agent's learning progress, SAIM helps the agent strike a balance between exploration and exploitation, ultimately leading to more efficient and effective learning in complex environments.

Technical Explanation

The key components of the SAIM approach are:

  1. Surprise Estimation: The agent maintains a model of the environment dynamics, which it uses to estimate the "surprise" of each observed state or transition. Surprise is quantified as the negative log-probability of the observed state or transition under the agent's current model.

  2. Intrinsic Reward Calculation: The intrinsic reward is calculated as a function of the current surprise estimate, with the goal of maintaining an optimal level of surprise. This is achieved by applying an adaptive scaling factor to the surprise signal, which is updated based on a moving average of the agent's recent surprise experience.

  3. Joint Optimization: The agent's policy is learned by optimizing a combination of the extrinsic (environment-provided) reward and the intrinsic reward from SAIM, using a reinforcement learning algorithm such as PPO or SAC.

The authors evaluate SAIM in several simulated environments, including a maze navigation task, a block stacking task, and a multi-room exploration task. They compare SAIM to several baseline intrinsic motivation approaches, as well as an agent trained solely on extrinsic rewards.

The results show that SAIM consistently outperforms the baselines, demonstrating more efficient exploration and higher overall learning performance. The authors also provide ablation studies and analyses to understand the importance of the various SAIM components and design choices.

Critical Analysis

The SAIM approach is a promising step forward in the field of intrinsic motivation for reinforcement learning, as it addresses some of the limitations of existing approaches. However, there are a few potential areas for improvement or further research:

  1. Scalability to more complex environments: While the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of SAIM in several simulated tasks, it remains to be seen how well the approach would scale to truly complex, high-dimensional environments. The computational and sample efficiency of the surprise estimation and reward calculation mechanisms may become a challenge in these settings.

  2. Robustness to model misspecification: The SAIM approach relies on the agent maintaining an accurate model of the environment dynamics, which may be difficult to achieve in practice, especially in complex or partially observable environments. It would be valuable to explore the sensitivity of SAIM to model errors or uncertainty.

  3. Potential for unintended behaviors: As with any intrinsic motivation approach, there is a risk that the agent may optimize for the intrinsic reward signal in ways that lead to undesirable or even harmful behaviors. The authors mention this issue and suggest using constrained optimization techniques, but more research is needed to ensure the safety and alignment of SAIM-driven agents.

  4. Comparison to other exploration methods: While the authors compare SAIM to several baseline intrinsic motivation approaches, it would be informative to also compare it to other exploration techniques, such as Innate Motivation for Robot Swarms by Minimizing Surprise, which use different principles to encourage exploration.

Overall, the SAIM approach represents an important contribution to the field of unsupervised reinforcement learning, and the authors have demonstrated its potential through rigorous experimentation. Further research to address the identified challenges and explore the broader implications of this work could lead to even more robust and effective exploration strategies for reinforcement learning agents.


The [Surprise-Adaptive Intrinsic Motivation for Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning] paper introduces a novel intrinsic reward mechanism called "Surprise-Adaptive Intrinsic Motivation" (SAIM) that aims to encourage efficient exploration in complex environments. By adaptively adjusting the intrinsic reward signal to maintain an optimal level of surprise, SAIM helps agents strike a balance between exploration and exploitation, leading to improved learning performance compared to existing intrinsic motivation approaches.

The key ideas and insights from this work have the potential to advance the field of unsupervised reinforcement learning, enabling agents to more effectively navigate and learn in challenging environments. While the authors have demonstrated the effectiveness of SAIM in several simulated tasks, further research is needed to address potential scalability and robustness issues, as well as to explore the broader implications and safety considerations of this approach.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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