Intrinsic Rewards for Exploration without Harm from Observational Noise: A Simulation Study Based on the Free Energy Principle






Published 5/14/2024 by Theodore Jerome Tinker, Kenji Doya, Jun Tani



In Reinforcement Learning (RL), artificial agents are trained to maximize numerical rewards by performing tasks. Exploration is essential in RL because agents must discover information before exploiting it. Two rewards encouraging efficient exploration are the entropy of action policy and curiosity for information gain. Entropy is well-established in literature, promoting randomized action selection. Curiosity is defined in a broad variety of ways in literature, promoting discovery of novel experiences. One example, prediction error curiosity, rewards agents for discovering observations they cannot accurately predict. However, such agents may be distracted by unpredictable observational noises known as curiosity traps. Based on the Free Energy Principle (FEP), this paper proposes hidden state curiosity, which rewards agents by the KL divergence between the predictive prior and posterior probabilities of latent variables. We trained six types of agents to navigate mazes: baseline agents without rewards for entropy or curiosity, and agents rewarded for entropy and/or either prediction error curiosity or hidden state curiosity. We find entropy and curiosity result in efficient exploration, especially both employed together. Notably, agents with hidden state curiosity demonstrate resilience against curiosity traps, which hinder agents with prediction error curiosity. This suggests implementing the FEP may enhance the robustness and generalization of RL models, potentially aligning the learning processes of artificial and biological agents.

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  • The paper explores the role of entropy and curiosity in encouraging efficient exploration in reinforcement learning (RL) agents.
  • Two types of curiosity are examined: prediction error curiosity and hidden state curiosity based on the Free Energy Principle (FEP).
  • Agents are trained to navigate mazes, with different reward schemes including entropy, prediction error curiosity, and hidden state curiosity.
  • The authors find that entropy and curiosity, especially when used together, lead to efficient exploration, and that hidden state curiosity helps agents avoid "curiosity traps".

Plain English Explanation

In reinforcement learning, artificial agents are trained to perform tasks in order to maximize numerical rewards. Exploration is crucial in this process, as agents need to discover new information before they can exploit it. Two ways to encourage efficient exploration are rewarding agents for the entropy of their action policy (promoting randomized action selection) and curiosity for information gain.

Curiosity can be defined in various ways, such as prediction error curiosity, which rewards agents for discovering observations they cannot accurately predict. However, this approach can lead to agents being distracted by unpredictable "noise" in their observations, known as "curiosity traps".

Based on the Free Energy Principle (FEP), this paper proposes hidden state curiosity, which rewards agents based on the difference between their predicted and actual understanding of the underlying, hidden states of the environment.

The researchers trained several types of agents to navigate mazes, including baseline agents without entropy or curiosity rewards, and agents with entropy, prediction error curiosity, or hidden state curiosity rewards. They found that entropy and curiosity, especially when used together, led to efficient exploration. Importantly, agents with hidden state curiosity were more resilient to curiosity traps than those with prediction error curiosity.

This suggests that incorporating the FEP principles into reinforcement learning models could enhance their robustness and ability to generalize, potentially aligning artificial agents' learning processes with those of biological agents.

Technical Explanation

The paper examines the role of entropy and curiosity in encouraging efficient exploration in reinforcement learning (RL) agents. Two types of curiosity are investigated: prediction error curiosity and hidden state curiosity based on the Free Energy Principle (FEP).

The authors trained six types of agents to navigate mazes:

  1. Baseline agents without rewards for entropy or curiosity.
  2. Agents rewarded for entropy of their action policy.
  3. Agents rewarded for prediction error curiosity.
  4. Agents rewarded for hidden state curiosity.
  5. Agents rewarded for both entropy and prediction error curiosity.
  6. Agents rewarded for both entropy and hidden state curiosity.

They found that entropy and curiosity, especially when used together, led to efficient exploration. Notably, agents with hidden state curiosity demonstrated resilience against "curiosity traps" - distractions caused by unpredictable observational noise - which hindered agents with prediction error curiosity.

The authors suggest that implementing the FEP principles in RL models may enhance their robustness and generalization, potentially aligning the learning processes of artificial and biological agents.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a novel approach to encouraging exploration in RL agents by incorporating the principles of the Free Energy Principle (FEP). The authors' comparison of prediction error curiosity and hidden state curiosity is a valuable contribution, as it highlights the potential issues with the former and the benefits of the latter in avoiding "curiosity traps".

However, the paper does not delve into the specific mechanisms by which hidden state curiosity outperforms prediction error curiosity. A more detailed explanation of the underlying FEP-based formulation and its advantages would strengthen the technical understanding of the proposed approach.

Additionally, the experiments are limited to navigating mazes, which may not fully capture the complexities of real-world environments. Further research is needed to assess the performance of the FEP-based curiosity reward in more diverse and challenging RL tasks, such as open-ended exploration or multi-agent scenarios.

Overall, the paper presents a promising direction for enhancing exploration in RL by grounding the curiosity reward in the principles of the Free Energy Principle. Further research to address the limitations and elucidate the underlying mechanisms could solidify the potential of this approach.


This paper explores the use of entropy and curiosity to encourage efficient exploration in reinforcement learning agents. The authors propose a novel approach based on the Free Energy Principle, called "hidden state curiosity," which outperforms the more commonly used "prediction error curiosity" in avoiding "curiosity traps."

The findings suggest that incorporating principles from the Free Energy Principle into reinforcement learning models could enhance their robustness and generalization, potentially aligning the learning processes of artificial and biological agents. While further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms and expand the evaluation to more complex scenarios, this work represents an important step towards developing more efficient and adaptive reinforcement learning systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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