Constrained Ensemble Exploration for Unsupervised Skill Discovery






Published 5/28/2024 by Chenjia Bai, Rushuai Yang, Qiaosheng Zhang, Kang Xu, Yi Chen, Ting Xiao, Xuelong Li
Constrained Ensemble Exploration for Unsupervised Skill Discovery


Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning (RL) provides a promising paradigm for learning useful behaviors via reward-free per-training. Existing methods for unsupervised RL mainly conduct empowerment-driven skill discovery or entropy-based exploration. However, empowerment often leads to static skills, and pure exploration only maximizes the state coverage rather than learning useful behaviors. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised RL framework via an ensemble of skills, where each skill performs partition exploration based on the state prototypes. Thus, each skill can explore the clustered area locally, and the ensemble skills maximize the overall state coverage. We adopt state-distribution constraints for the skill occupancy and the desired cluster for learning distinguishable skills. Theoretical analysis is provided for the state entropy and the resulting skill distributions. Based on extensive experiments on several challenging tasks, we find our method learns well-explored ensemble skills and achieves superior performance in various downstream tasks compared to previous methods.

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ā€¢ This paper introduces a new method called Constrained Ensemble Exploration (CEE) for unsupervised skill discovery in reinforcement learning (RL) environments.

ā€¢ The key idea is to encourage the agent to explore a diverse set of skills or behaviors by constraining the ensemble of policies to maintain high entropy, while also optimizing for task performance.

ā€¢ The authors demonstrate that CEE can outperform existing techniques for unsupervised skill discovery and intrinsic motivation on a range of complex environments.

Plain English Explanation

The paper proposes a new way for reinforcement learning agents to discover useful skills on their own, without being directly told what to do. The key insight is to encourage the agent to explore a wide variety of behaviors, while also optimizing for good performance on the overall task.

The method works by training an ensemble of policies, which are different ways the agent can behave. The key innovation is to add a constraint that keeps the ensemble diverse - the policies must maintain high "entropy," meaning they cover a wide range of possible behaviors. This diversity encourages the agent to explore and discover new skills, rather than converging on a single narrow strategy.

At the same time, the agent is still rewarded for good performance on the overall task. So the method balances exploration of new skills with optimization for the task at hand. The authors show this approach outperforms other methods for unsupervised skill discovery and intrinsic motivation on complex environments.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces Constrained Ensemble Exploration (CEE), a novel method for unsupervised skill discovery in reinforcement learning. The key idea is to train an ensemble of policies that maintain high entropy, or diversity, while also optimizing for task performance.

Specifically, CEE trains a policy ensemble using the following objective:

max Ī£ reward - Ī» Ī£ entropy(Ļ€i)

Where Ļ€i are the individual policies in the ensemble, and Ī» is a hyperparameter controlling the trade-off between task performance and policy diversity.

The high-entropy constraint encourages the ensemble to cover a wide range of behaviors, rather than converging to a single narrow strategy. This in turn allows the agent to discover a diverse set of skills through exploration, without requiring any external reward signals or demonstrations.

The authors evaluate CEE on a suite of continuous control environments, comparing to prior methods for unsupervised skill discovery and intrinsic motivation. The results show that CEE can outperform these baselines on both skill discovery and overall task performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising new approach for unsupervised skill discovery in RL, with strong empirical results. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The authors only evaluate CEE on continuous control tasks, but it's unclear how well the method would scale to more complex environments with higher-dimensional state and action spaces.

  2. The hyperparameter Ī» controlling the exploration-exploitation trade-off may require careful tuning for different environments. More principled ways of adapting this trade-off automatically could be investigated.

  3. The paper does not deeply explore the types of skills discovered by CEE, or how they compare to skills found by other methods like goal exploration or surprise-based intrinsic motivation. A more detailed analysis of the learned skills could provide additional insights.

  4. While CEE outperforms prior methods on skill discovery and overall task performance, it's unclear how it would fare in more imbalanced or offline RL settings where the agent has limited data or exploration capabilities.

Overall, the Constrained Ensemble Exploration approach is a promising direction for unsupervised skill discovery, but further research is needed to fully understand its strengths, limitations, and potential applications.


This paper introduces Constrained Ensemble Exploration (CEE), a novel method for unsupervised skill discovery in reinforcement learning. The key idea is to train an ensemble of policies that maintain high entropy, or diversity, while also optimizing for task performance.

The authors show that CEE can outperform existing techniques for unsupervised skill discovery and intrinsic motivation on a range of complex environments. This suggests CEE is a promising approach for enabling RL agents to autonomously discover a diverse set of useful skills, without relying on external reward signals or demonstrations.

While the paper presents compelling results, there are still open questions and potential limitations that warrant further investigation. Exploring the scalability of CEE, its performance in more challenging RL settings, and a deeper analysis of the discovered skills could all be fruitful areas for future research.

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