A Survey on the Real Power of ChatGPT






Published 5/13/2024 by Ming Liu, Ran Liu, Ye Zhu, Hua Wang, Youyang Qu, Rongsheng Li, Yongpan Sheng, Wray Buntine



ChatGPT has changed the AI community and an active research line is the performance evaluation of ChatGPT. A key challenge for the evaluation is that ChatGPT is still closed-source and traditional benchmark datasets may have been used by ChatGPT as the training data. In this paper, (i) we survey recent studies which uncover the real performance levels of ChatGPT in seven categories of NLP tasks, (ii) review the social implications and safety issues of ChatGPT, and (iii) emphasize key challenges and opportunities for its evaluation. We hope our survey can shed some light on its blackbox manner, so that researchers are not misleaded by its surface generation.

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  • The paper surveys recent studies that have uncovered the real performance levels of ChatGPT, a widely-discussed AI language model, across seven categories of natural language processing (NLP) tasks.
  • It also reviews the social implications and safety issues of ChatGPT and emphasizes key challenges and opportunities for its evaluation.
  • The authors hope to shed light on the "blackbox" nature of ChatGPT, so that researchers are not misled by its surface-level generation capabilities.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on evaluating the performance of ChatGPT, a highly capable AI language model that has generated significant interest in the AI community. Since ChatGPT is still a closed-source system, the authors note that traditional benchmark datasets may have been used in its training, which can make it challenging to accurately assess its true capabilities.

To address this, the paper surveys recent studies that have delved deeper into ChatGPT's performance across a range of NLP tasks, including code generation, algorithmic reasoning, invention tasks, and providing advice. The paper also examines the social implications and safety concerns surrounding ChatGPT.

The authors aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of ChatGPT research, highlighting both its strengths and limitations, in order to help researchers better understand its capabilities and limitations.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a thorough review of recent studies that have evaluated the performance of ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI. Since ChatGPT is a closed-source system, the researchers note that traditional benchmark datasets may have been used in its training, which can introduce bias and make it challenging to accurately assess its true capabilities.

To address this, the paper surveys a range of recent studies that have conducted in-depth evaluations of ChatGPT's performance across seven different categories of NLP tasks. These include code generation, algorithmic reasoning, invention tasks, and providing advice, among others. The researchers also review the social implications and safety concerns associated with the widespread adoption of ChatGPT.

The key insights from this survey include a more nuanced understanding of ChatGPT's strengths and limitations, as well as the identification of critical challenges and opportunities for its ongoing evaluation and development.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable and comprehensive overview of the current state of ChatGPT research, highlighting both the impressive capabilities of the model as well as the significant challenges in accurately evaluating its performance.

One of the key limitations noted in the paper is the closed-source nature of ChatGPT, which makes it difficult to fully understand the model's training data and architecture. This can introduce biases and make it challenging to compare ChatGPT's performance to other language models or benchmark datasets.

The paper also raises important concerns about the social implications and safety issues associated with the widespread adoption of a powerful AI system like ChatGPT. These include the potential for misinformation, the impact on various industries and professions, and the ethical considerations around the use of such technology.

While the paper does an excellent job of summarizing the current research, it would be helpful to see the authors offer their own insights or criticisms of the existing studies. Additionally, the paper could benefit from a more in-depth discussion of the potential avenues for further research and evaluation of ChatGPT and other large language models.


The paper provides a comprehensive survey of recent research on the performance and implications of ChatGPT, a highly capable AI language model that has generated significant interest and discussion in the AI community.

The key takeaways from the paper include a more nuanced understanding of ChatGPT's strengths and limitations across a range of NLP tasks, as well as the identification of critical challenges and opportunities for its ongoing evaluation and development.

The authors' emphasis on the "blackbox" nature of ChatGPT and the potential for researchers to be misled by its surface-level generation capabilities is particularly insightful. By shedding light on these issues, the paper aims to help the research community develop more robust and reliable methods for evaluating the performance of large language models like ChatGPT.

Overall, this paper provides a valuable resource for anyone interested in the current state of ChatGPT research and the broader implications of this transformative technology.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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