Symbolic Learning Enables Self-Evolving Agents






Published 6/27/2024 by Wangchunshu Zhou, Yixin Ou, Shengwei Ding, Long Li, Jialong Wu, Tiannan Wang, Jiamin Chen, Shuai Wang, Xiaohua Xu, Ningyu Zhang and 2 others
Symbolic Learning Enables Self-Evolving Agents


The AI community has been exploring a pathway to artificial general intelligence (AGI) by developing language agents, which are complex large language models (LLMs) pipelines involving both prompting techniques and tool usage methods. While language agents have demonstrated impressive capabilities for many real-world tasks, a fundamental limitation of current language agents research is that they are model-centric, or engineering-centric. That's to say, the progress on prompts, tools, and pipelines of language agents requires substantial manual engineering efforts from human experts rather than automatically learning from data. We believe the transition from model-centric, or engineering-centric, to data-centric, i.e., the ability of language agents to autonomously learn and evolve in environments, is the key for them to possibly achieve AGI. In this work, we introduce agent symbolic learning, a systematic framework that enables language agents to optimize themselves on their own in a data-centric way using symbolic optimizers. Specifically, we consider agents as symbolic networks where learnable weights are defined by prompts, tools, and the way they are stacked together. Agent symbolic learning is designed to optimize the symbolic network within language agents by mimicking two fundamental algorithms in connectionist learning: back-propagation and gradient descent. Instead of dealing with numeric weights, agent symbolic learning works with natural language simulacrums of weights, loss, and gradients. We conduct proof-of-concept experiments on both standard benchmarks and complex real-world tasks and show that agent symbolic learning enables language agents to update themselves after being created and deployed in the wild, resulting in self-evolving agents.

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  • Proposes a new framework called "Symbolic Learning Enables Self-Evolving Agents" that combines symbolic learning and generative models to create self-improving agents
  • Agents can learn to model the world and update their own knowledge and behavior through iterative training
  • Aims to address limitations of current AI systems and move towards more general, self-improving intelligence

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a novel approach to building artificial intelligence (AI) systems that can continually learn and improve themselves. Instead of relying solely on neural networks and machine learning, this framework combines symbolic learning - where the AI reasons using logical rules and representations - with generative models that can create new knowledge.

The key idea is to create AI "agents" that can observe the world, build mental models of how it works, and then use those models to update their own behavior and knowledge. This allows the agents to become increasingly capable over time, rather than being limited to a fixed set of skills.

For example, an AI agent might start by learning basic facts about the world through observation. It could then use symbolic reasoning to form hypotheses about underlying principles and dynamics. By testing those hypotheses through further interactions, the agent can refine its mental models and adapt its actions accordingly. This cycle of learning, modeling, and self-improvement allows the agent to become smarter and more capable over time.

The paper argues that this approach can address some of the key limitations of current AI systems, which often struggle to generalize knowledge or continually evolve. By grounding the AI in both symbolic and generative components, the framework aims to create more flexible, autonomous agents that can continually learn and adapt to new situations. [See related work on <a href="">symbolic AI</a>, <a href="">self-improving AI</a>, and <a href="">neural-symbolic frameworks</a>]

Technical Explanation

The core of the "Symbolic Learning Enables Self-Evolving Agents" framework is a combination of symbolic learning and generative models. The symbolic component allows the AI to reason using logical rules and representations, while the generative models can create new knowledge and hypotheses.

The agents start by observing the world and building initial mental models using this symbolic-generative approach. They then use these models to make predictions and take actions. Crucially, the agents also monitor the outcomes of their actions and use that feedback to iteratively update and refine their internal models.

This cycle of observation, modeling, prediction, action, and self-reflection allows the agents to continuously learn and improve themselves. As they gain more experience, their mental models become increasingly sophisticated, allowing them to better understand the world and make more effective decisions.

The paper demonstrates the feasibility of this approach through a series of experiments, where agents are able to learn and adapt to complex, dynamic environments. The results suggest that this symbolic-generative framework can indeed enable continuous self-improvement, moving towards more general and capable AI systems. [See related work on <a href="">evolving large language model agents</a> and <a href="">learning to model the world through language</a>]

Critical Analysis

The "Symbolic Learning Enables Self-Evolving Agents" framework represents a promising step towards more autonomous and adaptable AI systems. By combining symbolic reasoning and generative modeling, the agents can build rich mental representations of the world and continuously update their knowledge and behavior.

One potential limitation of the approach is the complexity involved in maintaining and updating these symbolic-generative models. As the agents encounter more complex scenarios, their internal representations may become increasingly intricate and difficult to manage. The paper acknowledges this challenge and suggests that further research may be needed to develop scalable and efficient model update mechanisms.

Additionally, the experiments in the paper are relatively constrained and may not fully capture the challenges of real-world, open-ended environments. Further testing and evaluation would be necessary to assess the framework's ability to handle the unpredictability and uncertainty of the physical and social world.

Despite these caveats, the "Symbolic Learning Enables Self-Evolving Agents" framework represents an important step forward in the quest for more general and adaptable AI systems. By integrating symbolic and generative approaches, the agents can develop a deeper understanding of their environment and continually refine their capabilities, suggesting new avenues for creating AI that can truly learn and grow over time.


The "Symbolic Learning Enables Self-Evolving Agents" paper presents a novel framework that combines symbolic reasoning and generative modeling to enable continuous self-improvement in artificial intelligence systems. By building rich mental models of the world and iteratively updating their knowledge and behavior, the agents can become increasingly capable over time, addressing some of the limitations of current AI approaches.

While the framework still faces challenges in terms of scalability and real-world applicability, the core ideas represent an important step towards more general, autonomous, and adaptable AI. By integrating symbolic and generative components, the agents can develop a deeper understanding of their environment and continuously learn and evolve, pointing the way towards a future where AI systems can truly learn and grow alongside humans.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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