SymbolicAI: A framework for logic-based approaches combining generative models and solvers






Published 5/28/2024 by Marius-Constantin Dinu, Claudiu Leoveanu-Condrei, Markus Holzleitner, Werner Zellinger, Sepp Hochreiter
SymbolicAI: A framework for logic-based approaches combining generative models and solvers


We introduce SymbolicAI, a versatile and modular framework employing a logic-based approach to concept learning and flow management in generative processes. SymbolicAI enables the seamless integration of generative models with a diverse range of solvers by treating large language models (LLMs) as semantic parsers that execute tasks based on both natural and formal language instructions, thus bridging the gap between symbolic reasoning and generative AI. We leverage probabilistic programming principles to tackle complex tasks, and utilize differentiable and classical programming paradigms with their respective strengths. The framework introduces a set of polymorphic, compositional, and self-referential operations for multi-modal data that connects multi-step generative processes and aligns their outputs with user objectives in complex workflows. As a result, we can transition between the capabilities of various foundation models with in-context learning capabilities and specialized, fine-tuned models or solvers proficient in addressing specific problems. Through these operations based on in-context learning our framework enables the creation and evaluation of explainable computational graphs. Finally, we introduce a quality measure and its empirical score for evaluating these computational graphs, and propose a benchmark that compares various state-of-the-art LLMs across a set of complex workflows. We refer to the empirical score as the Vector Embedding for Relational Trajectory Evaluation through Cross-similarity, or VERTEX score for short. The framework codebase and benchmark are linked below.

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ā€¢ This paper introduces SymbolicAI, a framework for combining generative models and solvers to enable logic-based approaches in artificial intelligence. ā€¢ The framework aims to leverage the strengths of both symbolic and neural methods to tackle complex problems that require reasoning, knowledge representation, and decision-making. ā€¢ By integrating generative models and solvers, SymbolicAI seeks to bridge the gap between the expressive power of symbolic systems and the flexibility and learning capabilities of neural networks.

Plain English Explanation

ā€¢ SymbolicAI is a new approach that tries to combine the best of two different AI techniques: symbolic methods and neural networks. ā€¢ Symbolic methods are good at reasoning, representing knowledge, and making decisions, but can be inflexible. Neural networks are flexible and can learn from data, but can struggle with complex reasoning tasks. ā€¢ The SymbolicAI framework aims to bring these two approaches together, using generative models (a type of neural network) to generate candidate solutions, and then using solvers (symbolic systems) to evaluate and refine those solutions. ā€¢ By combining these techniques, the researchers hope to create AI systems that can handle complex problems that require both flexible learning and robust reasoning abilities.

Technical Explanation

ā€¢ The SymbolicAI framework integrates generative models, which can learn patterns from data and generate new solutions, with symbolic solvers, which can reason about and validate those solutions using formal logic. ā€¢ The generative model is used to generate candidate solutions to a problem, which are then passed to the solver for evaluation and refinement. ā€¢ The solver can provide feedback to the generative model, guiding it to produce more promising solutions in an iterative process. ā€¢ This combination of neural and symbolic methods aims to leverage the strengths of both approaches, allowing the system to learn from data while also reasoning about complex problems in a more principled, logic-based way.

Critical Analysis

ā€¢ While the SymbolicAI framework presents a promising approach to combining neural and symbolic methods, the paper does not provide detailed experimental results or evaluation of the framework's performance on real-world tasks. ā€¢ The authors acknowledge that further research is needed to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of the framework, as well as to explore how it can be applied to specific problem domains. ā€¢ [Link to "investigating-symbolic-capabilities-large-language-models"]: One potential area for further exploration is the use of large language models, which have shown some [link] symbolic reasoning capabilities, as part of the SymbolicAI framework. ā€¢ [Link to "semantic-objective-functions-distribution-aware-method-adding"]: Additionally, the authors may want to consider incorporating techniques for [link] distribution-aware objective functions, which could help the generative model better align with the solver's requirements.


ā€¢ The SymbolicAI framework represents a promising approach to integrating neural and symbolic methods in AI, with the potential to tackle complex problems that require both flexible learning and robust reasoning. ā€¢ By leveraging the strengths of both neural and symbolic techniques, the framework aims to create AI systems that can more effectively represent, reason about, and solve real-world problems. ā€¢ While further research is needed to fully evaluate the framework's capabilities, this work contributes to the ongoing [link to "neurosymbolic-ai-reasoning-over-knowledge-graphs-survey"] [link to "exploring-knowledge-graph-based-neural-symbolic-system"] developments in the field of neuro-symbolic AI.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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