Temporal Planning via Interval Logic Satisfiability for Autonomous Systems






Published 6/17/2024 by Miquel Ramirez, Anubhav Singh, Peter Stuckey, Chris Manzie



Many automated planning methods and formulations rely on suitably designed abstractions or simplifications of the constrained dynamics associated with agents to attain computational scalability. We consider formulations of temporal planning where intervals are associated with both action and fluent atoms, and relations between these are given as sentences in Allen's Interval Logic. We propose a notion of planning graphs that can account for complex concurrency relations between actions and fluents as a Constraint Programming (CP) model. We test an implementation of our algorithm on a state-of-the-art framework for CP and compare it with PDDL 2.1 planners that capture plans requiring complex concurrent interactions between agents. We demonstrate our algorithm outperforms existing PDDL 2.1 planners in the case studies. Still, scalability remains challenging when plans must comply with intricate concurrent interactions and the sequencing of actions.

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  • Introduces the concept of using system models to derive domain theories
  • Discusses the role of state models and causal systems in this process
  • Explores the implications of these models for planning and control applications

Plain English Explanation

<a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/reactive-temporal-logic-based-planning-control-interactive">System models</a> can be used to derive <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/prioritize-team-actions-multi-agent-temporal-logic">domain theories</a>, which are formal representations of the key concepts and relationships within a particular field or application. By starting with a model of the system's state and the causal relationships between its components, researchers can build a more structured and rigorous understanding of the domain.

This approach is particularly useful for planning and control tasks, where having a clear, <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/fast-adaptive-multi-agent-planning-under-collaborative">well-defined domain model</a> can help optimize decision-making and ensure reliable system behavior. For example, in a robotics application, the system model might capture the physical dynamics of the robot's movements, while the domain theory would describe higher-level concepts like navigation, object manipulation, and task planning.

By grounding the domain theory in a formal system model, researchers can ensure that it accurately reflects the underlying reality of the system, rather than relying on more informal or intuitive understandings. This can lead to more robust and <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/metric-temporal-equilibrium-logic-over-timed-traces">predictable system behavior</a>, as well as the ability to reason about and verify the correctness of planning and control algorithms.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the idea of deriving <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/decomposition-based-hierarchical-task-allocation-planning-multi">domain theories</a> from formal system models, which describe the state and causal relationships of a particular application or environment.

The authors discuss two key types of system models:

  1. System State Models: These capture the set of possible states the system can be in, as well as the transitions between those states. For example, a robot's state model might include its position, orientation, and the state of its end effectors.

  2. Strictly Causal Systems: These models describe the causal relationships between different system components, ensuring that the effects of actions are strictly determined by the current state and do not depend on future inputs or states.

By formalizing these system models, the researchers argue that it becomes possible to derive more rigorous and reliable <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/prioritize-team-actions-multi-agent-temporal-logic">domain theories</a>. These theories can then be used to support planning, control, and other decision-making tasks, as they provide a clear and well-defined understanding of the key concepts and dynamics within the domain.

The authors discuss the implications of this approach for a range of applications, including robotics, human-computer interaction, and general AI systems. They also highlight the potential benefits in terms of improving the reliability, predictability, and verifiability of these systems.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to grounding domain theories in formal system models, which can help address some of the limitations of more intuitive or ad-hoc domain modeling approaches. By starting with a rigorous description of the system's state and causal dynamics, researchers can build domain theories that are more firmly rooted in the underlying reality of the application.

One potential limitation of this approach is the challenge of accurately capturing all the relevant aspects of a complex system in a formal model. In practice, simplifying assumptions and abstractions may be necessary, which could lead to domain theories that do not fully reflect the nuances and edge cases of the real-world system.

Additionally, the process of deriving domain theories from system models may be computationally intensive and require significant domain expertise. Developing efficient algorithms and toolsets to automate this process could be an important area for future research.

Despite these potential challenges, the general approach of using formal system models to inform domain theories is a promising direction for improving the reliability and predictability of planning, control, and decision-making systems. By grounding these systems in a clearer understanding of the underlying domain, researchers can work towards more robust and trustworthy AI applications.


This paper introduces the idea of using formal system models to derive domain theories, which can then be leveraged to support planning, control, and other decision-making tasks. By starting with a rigorous description of the system's state and causal dynamics, researchers can build domain theories that are more firmly rooted in the underlying reality of the application.

This approach has the potential to improve the reliability, predictability, and verifiability of a wide range of AI systems, from robotics and human-computer interaction to general intelligence applications. While there are some challenges in accurately capturing complex systems in formal models, the benefits of this approach in terms of improved domain understanding and decision-making make it a promising direction for future research and development.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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